After Guo Xing left his cold words, he turned and left the chairman's office.

Han Yunuo sat on the huge office chair alone, frowning deeply.


She exhaled a long breath, and she felt a deep sense of powerlessness at this time.

After the death of her husband, he alone supported the huge Rongxin Group. A woman who is only thirty years old has endured the pressure that she should not bear at this age.

But she has nothing to do, because if she doesn't stand up, the world created by her husband may fall into the hands of other people.

Moreover, her mother and younger brother need to be taken care of in her family. Neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp and spends a lot of money. I have to support them myself!

She opened the drawer at hand, took out a long lady's cigarette from it, and lit it for herself.

After she finished smoking, she mustered up the courage, picked up the phone and found the name in the address book that made her gritted her teeth.

Color embryo.

"What have I done in my life to meet such a difficult guy like you!"

She gritted her teeth and cursed, but she still had to dial the phone.

At this moment, she needs this Damn it's masturbation to help herself.

The phone rang for a long time before being connected by Zhang Yi.


The lazy voice came, still with the arrogance that made people grit their teeth.

Han Yunuo took a deep breath, the fatigue and anxiety on her face disappeared, and she became the first beautiful woman in the business world, the romantic widow Han Yunuo.

"Hehe, it's been a long time! Zhang Yi. You are necrotic and people want to cooperate with you, so why didn't they refuse!"

"Oh? How do you say that! I am the person who pays the most attention to making money. I can't live with anyone, but I won't live with money!"

"Then, our Rongxin Group's restaurant is on the shelves of Gathering Food..."

"Hehe, now and then! You declared war first, so you can't blame me!"

Zhang Yi's tone was unceremonious, even with an aggressive attitude.

Han Yunuo, this woman has provoke him twice and three times, and Zhang Yi has already thought about it. Must teach her a lesson, let her know what fear is!

Han Yunuo also felt his confidence in Zhang Yi's tone.

She took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Don't be so angry! All said, we are just making money. It is inevitable to use some means in the business war!"

"Let's do it, as long as you agree to let Rongxin Catering be on the shelves of Jumei. Then the European sources...I promise to give you 30%!"

At this time, Zhang Yi, who was accompanying Bobo in his outer house, was lying on the sofa with the 18-year-old cute girl in his arms.

Hearing Han Yunuo's condition, his face was full of disdain.

"I don't know if you have heard this sentence."

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

"After this village, there is no such shop!"

"You missed the kindness I gave, but didn't think it was the last chance, right?"

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "Why don't I wait for your Rongxin Group to completely collapse and then swallow you? Isn't it better?"

Han Yunuo was sitting in the warm office, but at this moment he felt a chill in his back!

"You...your ambition is too big! Rongxin Group is not a small company, so where is it that you just swallow it?"

Zhang Yi said indifferently: "Now and then. After your pillar industry is over, it won't be difficult!"

"Moreover," his eyes flashed a cold light, "I would rather not make a penny now, as long as it can make you die, that's enough!"

Such harsh words made Han Yunuo feel like living in an ice cave in the twelfth lunar month!

"Are you crazy?"

She finally couldn't stretch herself anymore, and shouted angrily!

"Don't think that the history of Rongxin Group for so many years is empty! If you want to break us down, you won't be better! Don't end up with a deadlock, then are you satisfied?"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Zhang Yi laughed when he heard Han Yunuo's angry shout.

"Han Yunuo, Han Yunuo! You can't help but value yourself too much!"

"The fish die and the net is broken, do you have the qualifications?"

"Shengshi Group is mine, I can do what I want! So as long as I want, it is a matter of one sentence to directly cut off the Shengshi Wine Industry!"

"But how long can you sit as the chairman of the board? This is the biggest problem!"

"Come on! I'm waiting to see your good show."

After speaking, Zhang Yi directly hung up the phone, not planning to continue talking with Han Yunuo.


What else to talk about.

Han Yunuo's plan was to directly destroy the Shengshi Liquor Industry, thus greatly hurting the vitality of the Shengshi Group!

Zhang Yi is nothing more than an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, let this conceited woman understand how naive her behavior is!

Han Yunuo listened to the busy tone of "beep beep" in the phone, couldn't help but clenched his silver teeth, and firmly grasped the phone.

"I want you to die!"

When Zhang Yi said these words, her heart was cold.

This man is crazy, definitely not joking with her.

"Is he really going to fight me desperately?"

Han Yunuo held his head, his pupils opened wide.

Until this moment, she felt the fear of insecurity!

She provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked! This Zhang Yi's ability is countless times more terrifying than she imagined!

Once Rongxin Catering collapses, she will definitely be pushed down by dissatisfied shareholders!

"No, I have to keep the position of chairman of Rongxin Group! This is the only thing I can't give to others!"

"You have to find a way to solve the current dilemma!"

She turned on the computer like crazy and checked the business plans in the computer. I searched my phone address book again, wanting to see who could help her save her defeat.

"Chen Zihang, he is the leader in Jiangnan's catering industry! There must be a way...what? He has also settled in to gather food?"

"Brother Lu, he is a capital giant! If you cooperate with him, maybe even the Rongxin Group will be swallowed!"

Han Yunuo was rummaging around on his workbench, trying to find a quick way to counter Zhang Yi's methods!

Zhang Yi is right.

Rongxin Group has a big business, and may be able to withstand this heavy blow and survive!

But her Han Yunuo must be finished!

After losing the position of chairman, she will completely lose control of the group. Even if a female streamer holds shares in their hands, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be manipulated by others.

Lost her rights, she will be nothing!

"I won't compromise like this, there must be a way to bring Rongxin Catering back to life!"

Han Yunuo was unwilling to give up his last hope, and began to frantically think of a solution.

But here comes the problem. She has worked in the traditional catering industry for decades and knows this very well.

If there is a more profitable method, hasn't she used it long ago?

Want to break Zhang Yi's cross-border attack now, it is not so fast to get it done.

But, does she still have time?

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