Zhang Yi dropped the phone in his hand and continued to watch TV with his arms around Bobo.

He would come over occasionally when he was bored.

The villa is very big, and Bobo set up a big music room next door with various musical instruments. Even Zhang Yi spent tens of millions to build her a very advanced recording studio!

So every time he comes, Bobo will play and sing his own songs for him. Will also give him a new dance.

However, because her dances are sexy and hot, every time she dances halfway through, she is hugged by Zhang Yi and contributes to the great cause of raising the motherland's fertility rate.

In Zhang Yi's arms, Bobo was a little curious about that Han Yunuo.

After all, that is the legendary strong woman, and...there are generally peachy comments about her.

There is no way, she is so beautiful, and she has the attributes of a young woman and a wife. So it was once very popular among men in Jiangnan Province!

Even on the Internet, many netizens secretly wrote a lot of books about her in order to vent their inner desires.

"Zhang Yi, you are so to Han Yunuo. Do you have any thoughts about her?" Popo asked with a smile.

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows, thinking of Han Yunuo's hot figure and charming face, and he felt immediately.

"Occasionally I want to try the fun of Prime Minister Cao!"

Bobo pursed his mouth and drew circles on his chest with his fingers, "Why, don't you like being young?"

"That's not true! Each of you has its own merits, and each has its own charm."

Zhang Yi smiled and put his hands into her clothes.

Bobo's face quickly turned red, and his breathing was a little short.

"But, I'm not doing all this to get her right now! After all, I'm not that idle either."

"I wanted to do it in the food delivery industry a long time ago! No matter if Han Yunuo can't come to be a demon, the plan will go ahead! It's just a matter of tidying up her by the way!"

Bobo blinked curiously, then smiled disbelief.

"Don't lie! You look excited when you chat with her. Pretend!"

"Ahem, that's delightful excitement!"

Zhang Yi said with a serious face.

"This woman is arrogant and domineering! She thinks she's a long body and doesn't put me in the eyes! Of course I have to teach her a lesson!"

As Zhang Yi spoke, an evil smile appeared on his face.

"This kind of woman who always has a superior attitude on weekdays makes people want to slam her under the feet, and then look at her with a shy and angry look, and I have to surrender under the jeans I'm in!"

Bobo's eyes were full of smiles.

"Hehehe, you are so bad! I like it so much!"

If you change to another woman and hear Zhang Yi's evil inner thoughts, you may accuse him of abnormal thinking.

But Bobo is different, no matter what Zhang Yi is, she is so outstanding in her eyes!

Coupled with the innocence of her eighteen-year-old girl, Zhang Yi can always do whatever she wants when she is in front of her.

Small, there are small benefits!

I was tight when I was young.


The takeaways are hot, and Zhang Yi is still waiting for a good show.

From the moment when Ju Food went online, he knew Han Yunuo must be finished!

Because judging from the current commercial development speed of China, there is simply no ability to stop him from reducing dimensionality and attacking general operation methods!

Among the Rongxin Group, the problems in the pillar industry of the catering department are rapidly expanding.

First of all, the high-level dissatisfaction with Han Yunuo's impulsive retaliation broke out at this time!

The billions of vain flowers do not make a profit, so they have to die with others. The result is good now, let yourself be played!

The contradictions between the upper echelons cannot be concealed at all, and there are few secrets in the group.

Any complaint from a leader will spread to the outside through layers of channels, and eventually become a carnival for all employees.

But for the employees of Rongxin Catering, this sad mood was also accompanied by a substantial reduction in bonuses, and finally evolved into dissatisfaction with the group's high-level inaction!

"I'm so annoying! I just gave birth to two children, and now I don't have money to support, I don't want it anymore."

"Huh? Not right. I remember the house you just bought in Donghuan!"

"I really don't know what the above is thinking. People are making crazy money when they do takeout! We don't believe in evil. Now even the neighboring mom-and-pop shop is better than our business! Gan!"

"What do you know, I've heard it all. The reason for everything is that our chairman wants to break with other Shengshi Group. At the beginning, people wanted to give more than one billion yuan to our group, asking for a way to survive, but the director was Long refused! Now, ha ha ha, isn't it just that the present world is coming soon?"

"Ah? No? Hey, it really disappointed me. The chairman was originally the goddess in my mind! But now it seems that women are still women after all. It's okay to be a husband and a child, you can't be alone!"

"Hey, I dare to taunt women! Believe it or not, I punched you in the mouth! Su Mingyu from Shengshi Group did a great job!"

"Cut, Su Mingyu is also because there is a mysterious man standing behind him, otherwise I can have today?"

This sentiment spread among the group.

If the group cannot make money, the employees will naturally suffer as well. After all, everyone has to eat!

Han Yunuo has not been idle during this period, contacting his friends everywhere, hoping to restore the current situation.

However, no one has seen the new integrated takeaway website of Jumeiku before, and naturally it is impossible to think of how to contend with it in the short term.

Join if you can't beat it!

Anyway, those big-name catering groups have come over to cooperate with Jumei.

In addition to being more demanding on Rongxin Group, Jumei Food welcomes the joining of other catering groups with both hands!

For a time, the industry is a scene of great harmony!

"What the hell should I do? If this continues, those old guys will definitely be dissatisfied!"

Han Yunuo thought worried.

However, the only thing left is to make her more at ease.

That is Li Chunming, vice chairman of Rongxin Group, has always been on her side!

He is the brother of the former chairman who worked hard together, and the two of them had a fateful friendship. Later, Chairman Zheng passed away and Han Yunuo took the post. He has always been loyal to Han Yunuo.

"I have 30% of the shares in my hand, and 15% in his hand. In addition to the shares of our two minority shareholders, at least an absolute holding of more than 50% can be guaranteed! Even if other people have ideas, they will be shaken. Can't stop us."

This is the last bit of comfort in Han Yunuo's heart.

"Xiao Wang, call Vice Dong Li over! I have something to talk to him."

She asked the secretary.

Having said this, she went to the lounge next to her, put on a more sexy dress, and put on lipstick.

She didn't know that Li Chunming was interested in her. It's just that she doesn't like that little old man at all!

But now in order to win him over, he still has to give him something to kill.

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