Within ten minutes, Vice Chairman Li Chunming came to the chairman's office.

"Chunming is here, come and sit down! I just made a pot of Hupaoquan tea!"

Han Yunuo was sitting on the sofa with two slender and tight thighs together, and the black stockings exuded a seductive light.

Li Chunming's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he walked over with a smile.

"How lucky I am, Li Chunming, to drink tea made by my sister-in-law!"

When he said that, he walked over and sat down beside Han Yunuo.

Han Yunuo's brows suddenly wrinkled. This fat man used to be cautious in front of him, even if he occasionally glanced at him with wretched eyes, he was not so bold!

Apparently, he knew his current situation was unfavorable, so he got bolder!

Han Yunuo moved to the side without changing his expression.

Although she is coquettish and charming, she is known as the most beautiful young woman in business, but it does not mean that she is a licentious woman.

Her principle is, I can harass, you can not harass.

"Sister-in-law, what's your order for calling me over today?"

While drinking tea, Li Chunming looked at Han Yunuo with a smile.

The short fat man sat down half a head shorter than Han Yunuo. But it did not prevent him from squinting his small eyes, staring straight at Han Yunuo's plump, white and huge Mount Fuji.

Han Yunuo endured the discomfort in his heart and said with a smile: "Chunming, the group has encountered some difficulties recently. I am worried in my heart!"

"Old Zheng treated you as his own brother when he was alive! Now I have a problem, you have to help!"

Li Chunming had a simple expression on his face, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"That's that, we are a family after all! After Brother Zheng passed away, he entrusted you and the group to me and let me take good care of you! Of course I will take good care of you."

Han Yunuo's face suddenly changed.

There is something wrong with Li Chunming's words! But she held back her anger, after all, she still needs the shares in Li Chunming's hands.

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth! Now I am trying to solve the problem of the group, but I am worried that other shareholders may have opinions during this period."

"In case they quarrel for power, you must be on my side!"

Li Chunming drank all the tea in the cup with a "suck", and then gave a beautiful "ha~".

"This tea is really good! It smells good."

"But it's not like the smell of tea, ah! I guessed it, it must be the smell of my sister-in-law?"

As he said, he licked his face and leaned forward to smell Han Yunuo's hair.

"Li Chunming!"

Han Yunuo was immediately angry, and blocked his pig face with his hand.

"What do you want to do?"

Li Chunming's thoughts were not realized, and he suddenly became a little unhappy.

"What do I want to do? Doesn't it mean that my sister-in-law is not clear?"

"You are now asking me to help. There has never been a free lunch in this world! You have to pay enough for what you want!"

Han Yunuo stood up and looked at Li Chunming, a stupid stupid pig with a look of disgust.

"You... how dare you talk to me like this! Don't forget, I have always been doing things with you!"

Li Chunming has always been Han Yunuo's loyal dog licking. He unconditionally agreed with Han Yunuo's words!

So at this time, seeing Li Chunming's sudden daring offer, Han Yunuo was immediately angry!

Li Chunming looked gloomy and snorted angrily: "This sentence is wrong! Sister-in-law!"

"It has always been because of my support that you have been able to secure your position as chairman! But what have you given me over the years? I just want to kiss Fangze, and it's not an excessive condition!"

There was a mocking look at the corners of his mouth.

"Originally, you approached Brother Zheng only by beauty, and got his property and shares! What kind of chaste women are you pretending now?"

"As long as you promise to be my woman, I can guarantee that you will still sit firmly in your current position! This condition is not excessive, is it?"

Han Yunuo's body was shaking.

This stupid pig is still making terms at this time!

But with his lust, this kind of thing is indeed done! Han Yunuo just didn't expect him to have such courage!

"Enough, get out of here!"

Han Yunuo reached out his hand and pointed at the door, and scolded Li Chunming!

"You are also worthy of getting involved with my old lady?"

After hearing what Han Yunuo said, Li Chunming was also angry.

He had taken a fancy to this woman a long time ago. When the old chairman was in office, he had no chance. But the old Zheng is dead, and this charming widow becomes the new chairman!

He has been doing a licking dog, in fact secretly planning to subdue her under the crotch!

Now that the group has been killed by her and fell into such a Jedi, it is an excellent opportunity for Li Chunming!

"Ha ha ha! Who do you think you are talking to?"

"Tell you the truth! Because of your stupid decision, the group has fallen into a huge crisis! Now shareholders are dissatisfied for a long time, and they are already preparing to convene a shareholders meeting to impeach you!"

"It's because I haven't expressed my opinion. I originally wanted to give you another chance! As long as you are my woman, you will be obedient and obedient in the future. The chairman's seat can be reserved for you!"

"But if you do it yourself now, you will soon lose everything!"

Li Chunming pointed to Han Yunuo arrogantly and said.


This news was like a bolt from the blue, exploding in Han Yunuo's head!

She didn't expect these people to start so quickly! She is already thinking about impeaching her!

Seeing Han Yunuo stunned in place, a sneer appeared at the corner of Li Chunming's mouth.

This big beauty who makes her lingering dreams is in the most helpless moment at this time, wouldn't it be a waste not to start?

He took advantage of Han Yunuo's lost gap and rushed towards her!

"Be my woman obediently! As long as you are my woman, and we join hands, no one can take your seat!"

Han Yunuo came back to his senses at this time, seeing the fat pig leaping towards him with a look of disgust!


The slender legs were lifted up directly, a beautiful whip leg, and high heels kicked Li Chunming's face high!

"Ahhh!!! My nose, my teeth!"

Li Chunming's fat face was directly kicked, blood splattered, and several teeth were kicked off!

He didn't expect that Han Yunuo still had a good job!

"Get out of here!!"

Han Yunuo gritted his teeth and cursed.

Li Chunming screamed in pain, but he still got up, staring at Han Yunuo with resentment.

"Don't be smug too early! I'm waiting for you to come and beg you, watch!"


It was another kick, directly on his stomach, kicking him to the door.

Li Chunming was frightened, and quickly opened the door and ran out.

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