After driving away Li Chunming, Han Yunuo breathed desperately, which stabilized his mood a little.

However, everything that Li Chunming had just experienced made her feel weak. Completely collapsed!

She lay on the sofa, thinking about the person who could help herself several times weakly.

It turns out that no one in the entire Rongxin Group can help me at this time!

For the first time, there was a deep regret in her heart.

If it weren't because you had to fight against Zhang Yi, how could you end up like this?

However, this is all because Zhang Yi hit his brother!

Thinking about Han Chunlei again, her brows frowned again.

Taking a closer look, what was wrong with Zhang Yi in the first place? If Han Chunlei hadn't been in the dark and wanted to beat Zhang Yi, how could he be taught by Zhang Yi?

Good now, his proud sister is likely to be killed because of his affairs!

At this moment, the phone rang.

Han Yunuo took a look at the phone weakly, and it was his mother who opened it.

"Hey, mom!"

"Yunuo! Your brother is going to die and live all day, and he won't even eat food! What the hell is going on? Have you cleaned up the person who bullied him?"

"Aren't you the chairman of Rongxin Group? You must know a lot of leaders and get him in! Give your brother a good breath!"

As soon as my mother called, it was for the younger brother's business.

The father of Han Yunuo's family died early, and only his mother took them with them. The mother also loves her younger brother very much, and can even be said to be doting.

The reason why Han Yunuo couldn't control Han Chunlei over the years was because his mother always protected him.

As long as she criticized Han Chunlei, the mother would stand up and protect him, saying, "He is still a child! What's wrong with making a mistake? You are his sister and you have to face him!"

Han Yunuo was upset at this time, rubbing his forehead and said to his mother: "Mom, give me some time to solve this matter! That person is not an ordinary person, his identity and background are higher than me!"

"No matter what his status is, he will have to go to jail for assault! This is justified!"

"It was Chunlei who found someone to do it first. If he really cares about it, he will go to the court. Nothing will happen to him. I guess Chunlei is still in luck!"

Han Yunuo explained to her mother strenuously.

"What are you talking about? Your brother was hurt so badly, that person is nothing wrong, and if you want to catch him, he will be arrested! And I heard Chun Lei say, that guy is an H society, and there are hundreds of rascals under his hands. You know so many leaders, report him!"

"Mom, I'll hang up first!"

Han Yunuo really didn't know what to say, so he could only hang up the phone and let himself be quiet.

Not long after the break, the mobile phone reminded me that I had received an important email.

She turned on the phone and took a look, and her heart sank.

The email was sent by the secretary of the board of directors. More than a dozen shareholders have jointly initiated a general meeting of shareholders, requesting the impeachment of Han Yunuo's chairmanship!

She bit her lips tightly, using the painful sensation to wake herself up a bit.

"These people have planned it a long time ago, just waiting to push me down today, right? Haha, good means!"

The matter has reached its point, and she has no retreat to go.

Li Chunming and her have already broken up, and with the dozen or so shareholders, the voting rights have exceeded 50%. As long as a general meeting of shareholders is held, she will be impeached for sure!

"I won't give up like this!"

Han Yunuo stood up, changed a new set of clothes, then turned on the phone, and started to contact those shareholders one by one.

Everyone has worked together for many years and is familiar with each other.

Do business for money!

Who can provide them with the greatest benefits, they will stand on whose side.

So before the last moment, it's not good to say who the shareholders are on.

She will use her best efforts to win these shareholders back!


Xishan, Tianhai City, in a very elegant villa.

Han Yunuo was sitting on the sofa next to an elderly man in his sixties wearing a brown sweater.

This is Li Henian, one of the veterans of the Rongxin Group.

Han Yunuo made a special trip here to win the support of this big brother.

"Brother, you and Old Zheng Hao were like brothers back then! Now that Li Chunming wants to seize power, I hope you can see the face of my dead husband and come out to support me!"

Han Yunuo said sincerely.

After listening to these words, Li Henian "haha" laughed.

"It turned out to be this! In the afternoon, Chunming greeted me."

Han Yunuo's heart tightened, "Big brother, you can't stand on Li Chunming's side! He...he is a scum!"

Han Yunuo said, tears fluttered in his eyes.

"He not only wanted to take away the position of chairman, but he was also plotting against me. If it weren't for the fact that I had practiced self-defense for several years, he would have almost done that kind of beast to me in the office today!"

Li Henian's expression became serious when he heard this, "Is there such a thing?"

"Well, really!"

Han Yunuo said with red eyes, wiping tears with a handkerchief.

She came here today specially wearing a black suit, her dress is also very simple, with a surviving style.

It is nothing more than trying to sell miserably, arousing the sympathy of Li Henian.

"Brother, if you don't come forward to help me again, I really don't know what to do!"

Han Yunuo cried and said.

Li Henian sat on the sofa and was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and shook his head.

"This thing! What Chunming did was wrong. This kid, he used to be particularly lustful!"

But he quickly changed the subject: "But Xiao Han, you haven't figured out one thing!"

Han Yunuo hurriedly asked, "Big brother, what are you talking about?"

Li Henian reminded meaningfully: "Businessmen value profits over parting! What we shareholders want is very simple, whoever can bring us the greatest benefit, we will follow whoever!"

"Why couldn't Li Chunming touch you before? It's not because the group's business is good and the business is stable! Even if he wants to move you, other shareholders may not agree."

"But it's different now. You messed up the business! He had the opportunity to take advantage of it."

"So if you want to win, you have to solve the problems that the group is facing right now! There is still a week away from the shareholders meeting. If you can solve the problem in this week. I believe that the shareholders are not Fool!"

Han Yunuo frowned.

"But, I have thought of many ways. None of them can be restored so quickly, you see..."

Li Henian smiled and waved his hands.

"I can't help you with this! After all, I have been retired for many years. You are the chairman, so you have to think about it!"

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