After leaving Li Henian's villa, Han Yunuo's face immediately showed a cold expression.

"These old things are very shrewd, and only consider the interests of their own hands!"

Playing the emotional card is obviously a failure.

They may still have brotherhood with Old Zheng, but they really don't have much affection for his young and beautiful wife. Even if there is, she covets her beauty and wants to have a one-night stand with her.

But she also saw it through.

The only way to win in the shareholders meeting is to redeem the business of Rongxin Catering.

There was only one road before her.


Hemingway Manor.

Zhang Yi is at home, leisurely watching the live broadcast on a huge screen of 100 square meters.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from my ear!

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for increasing his personal wealth by 5 billion and rewarding system points with 50 points!"

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for getting a random skill reward: Piano Mastery"

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for getting a random skill reward: Knife Mastery"

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for getting a random skill reward: Equestrian Mastery"

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for getting a random skill reward: Grandmaster-level teasing technique"

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for getting a random skill reward: Detective Mastery"

Zhang Yi has long been familiar with this kind of notification sound. After the establishment of Jumei, his wealth value quickly achieved a breakthrough! In less than three months, it has already brought about a 5 billion asset increase.

Of course, this is only the initial stage of the establishment of Jumei, which has just covered Tianhai City and part of Jiangnan Province.

After the business scope becomes wider and wider, his wealth value will be higher and higher. At that time, at least hundreds of millions of dollars will be received every day.

"This time the skill points are allocated, the force value is enough. As for the charm value... hey!"

Zhang Yi sighed for a long time.

With his current appearance, it is comparable to the top-notch popular fried chicken. Going out and walking on the street now, the return rate is 300%!

If she were to be known as a billionaire, the woman would have to rush on him!

If he increases his charm value again, he is afraid that he will be attacked by women who covet his beauty.

But there is no way, the requirements of the system can only be met.

As a result, all 50 attribute points were used up in one breath, and they were all placed on the charm value!

The current panel properties are:

Name: Zhang Yi

Luck value: 200

Force value: 170

Charm value: 150

Wisdom value: 200

Current wealth: 117,000, 010, 035

Ability: 1. Master-level Bajiquan; 2. God-level computer technology; 3. Lotus tongue; 4. King's power; 5. Proficiency in calligraphy; 6. Proficient in music; 7. Proficient in dance; 8. Proficient in art; 9 Proficient in firearms; 10. Proficient in car skills; 11. Proficient in beauty makeup; 12. Proficient in medical skills; 13. Master of wine tasting; 14. Master of hypnosis; Not bad magic; 18. Proficiency in tea art; 19. Proficiency in turning the flower rope; 20. Proficiency in piano; 21. Proficiency in flying knives; 22. Proficiency in equestrianism; 23. Master-level teasing technique; 24. Detective proficient.

He yawned and briefly looked at his newly acquired skills.

The skills of the system are randomly assigned, and many of them are not used in his daily life. But they are all good things. In the future, if there is a chance, they can be brought out to show the saints at any time!

Good things, the more the better!

"Counting the time, there should be some movement on the Rongxin Group! My old business has been rushed by me. If you don't believe it, they can still sit still!"

Zhang Yi lay on the huge sofa, looking at the onee-san female anchor Xuan Ertu, the most popular one on the entire network, and then brushed her twenty spaceships over.

Soon, the female anchor was surprised and screamed crazy on the TV!

"Ah~~~~~ Thank you, boss Jang Keun Suk for his spacecraft, Xuan Zi will always love you, yeah!"

Twenty spaceships are directly worth 40,000 yuan.

In places where there are most of the hanging silk on the live broadcast platform, such a big hand is absolutely extremely rare!

The barrage in the live broadcast room is crazy!

"Fuck, you deserve to be one of the top leaders! The roots are huge!"

"The boss is confused! How good is it to be a prostitute like us? What kind of gift!" Some people were sour.

"Hehehe, the boss must have fun that we can't experience!" Some people said connotatively.

"I really don't know how sacred Gen Shuo is. After only one month in the live broadcast room, he paid more than one million gifts! It's amazing!"

Lian Xuan Ertu also had a look of Qiubo, covering his mouth with an expression of requisition, "Daddy Gen Shuo is so grateful! Bing Bing! Thank you for your continued support to Xuanzi. Would you like to wait for a letter to be added? Xuanzi has special benefits!"

This is still live broadcast, Xuanzi directly began to suggestive words. Although it is very cryptic, the long-time Diaosi people on the mixed-track live broadcast platform all understand what this means.

"Wow~ It's great to have money! The father of the money owner is Niubi!"

"Nonsense, people have spent more than one million dollars! If this is in my hands, tusk tusk, it will be able to pack all the technicians in the bath center for a whole year!"

Zhang Yi just smiled disapprovingly at the female anchor's shy appearance, and turned off the live broadcast.

He watched the live broadcast just to have fun, and it was also to spend money, which was different from those brain-dead people who were fascinated by female anchors. It all depends on his own mood!

After all, he would also reward him when he watched a monkey on the road!

A few million is not a small sum for an ordinary rich man, but for him, it means going to a slightly better restaurant for a meal!

After all, at home, he would drink at least one million bottles of wine from the collection!

When the fans in the live broadcast room were jealous of the mysterious Jang Keun Suk, they suddenly heard a reminder that "Supreme Jang Keun Suk has withdrawn from the live broadcast room!"

The entire live broadcast room instantly became even more sensational!

"Fuck, I rewarded 20 spaceships casually, and just left without even adding Weixin? Too arrogant, right!"

"The top few of the previous VIP list, which is not for pretending to be forced to do other things with adding WeChat. But this big guy has been many times, and the anchor took the initiative to indicate not to add WeChat. I don't understand!"

"Others and anchor Weixin want to do that, but they just watch the live broadcast. This realm is definitely a top boss!"

Zhang Yi's actions like this made many people completely silly!

Are there really millions of people in this world who are rewarded purely for watching live broadcasts?

This kind of person does not exist in the eyes of ordinary people.

However, in reality, Zhang Yi is such a rich and boring man.

Happy daughter is hard to buy! Spending money can make me happy, whatever you want.

The anchor Xuan Ertu is also full of confusion and regret.

At the beginning, when she added Jang Keun Suk to the letter, the other party did not accept it, and she thought it was trying to catch it.

But now Jang Keun Suk is already the first father in her list, so he still doesn't add a letter. When you are happy, come and take a stroll, and you can reward dozens of spaceships.

She later realized that this is not only a rich boss, but also a super rich boss!

"It would be great if I could catch this big guy! Even if he just let him take care of me!"

Xuanzi thought very much looking forward to it.

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