Looking at the slowly sinking pirate ship, Qin Hao gathered his strength again and blew up the last pirate ship.

Afterwards, Qin Hao quickly rushed towards the place where the pirate ship sank. After finishing off the surviving pirates one by one, he went into the sea and fished out all their treasures into his own pocket.

At this moment, a suspicious ship in the distance without flying any flag quickly turned around and tried to escape from the sea.

Qin Hao's intuition told him that there was definitely something wrong with the ship. So Qin Hao quickly notified Bai Hailong and chased him together.


Seeing Qin Hao chasing after him, the ship began to bombard Qin Hao, trying to prevent Qin Hao from getting closer.

Such behavior made Qin Hao even more suspicious that there was something wrong with the ship.

So, Qin Hao asked Bai Hailong to stop and hide in the sky to wait. He pretended not to chase anymore. Then he secretly became invisible and quietly went to the boat to hide.

"Phew~ You can be considered as running away, this time I encountered a tough problem. Third brother, it’s all your fault. If you hadn’t insisted on catching that dragon, we wouldn’t have lost three people.���A cooperative pirate group."

A gangster with a scar on his face shouted dissatisfied to a one-eyed gangster.

Seeing that the responsibility was all put on himself, the gangster called Lao San quit and started to argue:"Blame me? Didn't you agree with me when I asked for bombardment? If something goes wrong now, just blame it on me? Scarface, can you please have some face?"


Before Scarface could retort, a shoehorn-faced man in glasses and a suit, who looked like their boss, yelled at them:"Why are you making such a fuss? I've just lost three pirates, right? Stay calm for this trip." We found a Devil Fruit, and also captured two rare mermaids and a female fur tribe catwoman. As long as we can transport them to Shampoo Island and auction them off, the auction fee alone will be enough for us to hire at least a hundred people. Pirates"

"Yes, boss. Alas, it's a pity that I didn't get the white dragon. It would be great if I could catch it. I heard that the Tianlong people will also go to the auction the day after tomorrow. The white dragon will definitely sell for a good price."

The one-eyed old man is still a little unwilling. After all, the White Sea Dragon is too rare. Such a rare creature will definitely attract the attention of the Celestial Dragons. When the time comes, it can easily fetch billions of Baileys.


Shoes The face-faced boss slapped the one-eyed lad three hard on the face, then grabbed him by the collar and yelled at him:"Idiot, remember to stop when you're good, because being too greedy will lead to death. Just look at what happened to those three pirate groups.……"

Hearing this, Qin Hao, who was hiding aside, understood that this was a group of slave traders. Because they were eyeing Bai Hailong, they sent people to attack them.

Qin Hao, who knew the cause and effect, was not ready to let them go.

Qin Hao planned to kill them and then free all the slaves on the ship.

Just as he said, Qin Hao scanned the whole ship with his knowledge and knowledge, and clearly observed the location of everyone.

There were seventeen slavers in total, fifty human slaves, as well as two merfolk and a fur tribe.

Five of them were responsible for running the boat and doing the chores on the boat.

The mermaid and Catwoman were locked in an iron cage on the middle level of the cabin, guarded by five guards.

The human slaves were imprisoned at the bottom of the cabin, but there were very few guards there, only two guards guarding them.

Scarface and One-eyed Lao San should belong to the cadres. The two of them entered the captain's cabin with the shoehorn-faced boss. There were two bodyguards standing at the door of the captain's cabin.

So, Qin Hao first quietly killed the five people responsible for driving the ship and the bodyguards at the door of the captain's cabin.

When Shoehorn Face noticed that the ship's speed was slowing down, he came out to check the situation. Qin Hao struck out with his sword, splitting him in half.

Then Qin Hao's arm quickly deformed, from a sharp blade to a long whip, and killed the two people inside with a headshot before they could make a sound.

Afterwards, Qin Hao quickly walked into the captain's room to search for treasures.

However, there were only some useless decorations in the captain's cabin, and only a small box on the table looked good.

It seems that what this box contains is a devil fruit.

Qin Hao opened the box and took out a banana-shaped devil fruit.

"Well, judging from the appearance, it should be an animal-type devil fruit. What exactly is it? System, come and see what kind of fruit this is?"

【Ancient species of animals, the form of ancient worm fruit] (There is a worm fruit in One Piece. In the Tokushima chapter, there are two small humans who are worm fruits, one is Hufeng and the other is the rhinoceros.)

"Ancient Malu……"Qin Hao imagined the Ancient Malus in Ark Survival Evolved and shook his head subconsciously. This thing is so disgusting. (For those who don’t know the ancient millipede, it can be understood as a giant centipede.)

Sure enough, I’d better keep this fruit to trick people in the future. If it doesn’t work, I can just use it to synthesize it.

After all, the venom of ancient millipedes is quite strong. In Ark Survival Evolved, the venom of ancient millipedes can corrode equipment, which is equivalent to having armor-breaking properties.

Quickly putting away the devil fruit, Qin Hao turned on his invisibility and came to the middle of the cabin.

The five guards here are quite relaxed and actually get together to play cards.

In order not to alert the enemy, they detonate the explosive collar around the slave's neck. Qin Hao hid in the dark and shot them all in the head with ten-finger bullets.

But the sound of them falling to the ground still attracted the attention of the two guards at the bottom.

"Hey, what's going on above?"With that said, when the two guards walked up to the upper floor to check the situation, Qin Hao used a dead corner of the stairs to shoot them with ten-finger bullets.

Until they fell, these two unlucky children didn't know how they died..

And in the cage behind Qin Hao, the two mermaids who witnessed all this were trembling with fear.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person. Wait, I'll let you out right now."

Qin Hao easily opened the iron cage and used the power of decomposition to decompose the explosive collars on the necks of the mermaids and the fur tribe catwomen.

"Well, now you are free."Qin Hao smiled and rubbed Catwoman's head. Before they could react, Qin Hao left the compartment and headed to the bottom of the cabin.


The door to the bottom of the cabin was kicked open by Qin Hao.

Looking at the scene inside , Qin Hao's anger was ignited again.

It seemed that he had acted too lightly and let those damn scumbags die too happily.

All the so-called slaves in the cage looked young. Children under the age of ten.

These damn slave traders didn't even let children go.

Qin Hao clenched his fists, then pulled open the iron door of the cage and forced a smile on his face to face the children huddled inside. They whispered:"Don't be afraid, I have killed all the slave traders who captured you. Now, you are safe."

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