Perhaps it was Qin Hao's smile that made the children no longer afraid.

Among them, a little girl with messy golden hair asked Qin Hao:"You, are you telling the truth? Are all those bad guys really dead?"

Qin Hao squatted down and touched her gently. He touched her head and said,"Of course it's true. The corpses of those scumbags are still lying on it. I'll dispose of the corpses before you go up."

After saying that, Qin Hao took out the corpse from the system space. I bought a lot of delicious food and gave it to the children.

"Come, have something to eat. See how thin you are, eat more, I still have a lot here."

Maybe it's because they have been hungry for too long. After getting the food, these children began to eat in big mouths.

Looking at the children, they seemed to have been hungry for a long time, swallowing the food in big mouthfuls, Qin Hao's fists I tightened my grip unconsciously.

"I'll take a trip. You guys wait here for a moment. I will notify the navy to take you home later."

After saying that, Qin Hao turned his head, took a deep breath, and planned to go out and completely destroy the corpses of the slave traders.

Just when Qin Hao was about to walk out of the bottom cabin, the little girl with golden hair suddenly shouted loudly Asked Qin Hao:"Please wait a moment, benefactor, we don't know who you are yet, please at least tell us your name."

Qin Hao paused for a moment, turned around and said to her with a smile:"My name is Qin Hao, I'm just a passing traveler."

"My name is Stella, and I will remember your kindness."

The other children also agreed and thanked Qin Hao loudly. Seeing this, Qin Hao smiled at the children, then turned his back to them and waved his hands, and left the bottom cabin.

Qin Hao left the bottom cabin. Hao's face quickly turned cold. After all the corpses on the ground in the middle cabin were decomposed, Qin Hao took out the phone bug.

"Can the system connect the signal of this phone bug to the phone bug of the Warring States Period?"

【Don't worry, host, this little thing won't trouble me.】


Blue ~ Blue ~ Blue ~

"Hey, this is the Warring States period, who are you?

Qin Hao suppressed his anger and said to the phone bug in a calm tone:"It's true that noble people forget things, General of the Warring States Period." We obviously met not long ago, but you forgot about me so quickly"

"Qin Hao? It's you? How do you have a phone bug that can contact me?"

"It's not important, I have other business with you. I just killed a group of blind slave traders. Fifty trafficked children were found on their boat. I don’t have that much time to slowly search for their hometown. Therefore, I can only leave this matter to your navy. I'll send them to Marineland in a moment. Find someone to take them home. That's it, dead."

After saying that, Qin Hao hung up the phone and continued to clean up the corpses on the ship. At the same time, he contacted Bai Hailong through the pet space to approach here.

In fact, Qin Hao also wanted to personally send these children back to their hometown. However, when he thought of those who were still there, The scholars in Xihai are not out of danger yet, so Qin Hao can only give up and take a step back to let the navy escort the children home.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the phone bug. After listening to Qin Hao's request for the navy to escort these children home, Warring States fell silent.

It is indeed a dereliction of duty on the part of the Navy to allow these slave traders to transport civilians wantonly around Marinevando and capture civilians to serve as slaves.

However, this cannot be entirely blamed on the Navy for not discovering these slave traders in time. Although the world government explicitly prohibits the slave trade.

However, on the Shampoo Island at the feet of Mary Joa, the slave trade is still prosperous there, and the main people buying slaves are the masters of the World Government, the Celestial Dragons.

Therefore, behind these slave traders who were not eliminated by the navy, there are often some shadows of the world government.

I'm afraid it will be the same this time, if the Navy blatantly sends these children home.

I'm afraid that the navy ship will be attacked as soon as it leaves Marinevando.

Sengoku, who had just left the West Sea and arrived at Marineland via Mariejoia, frowned before he had time to rest, thinking to himself. If you want to send these children home safely, you need at least a lieutenant general-level combatant to escort them, and this person needs to disobey orders for justice when necessary.

However, the problem now is that because of Roger, too many pirates have gone to sea in the past two years. As a result, the navy is now seriously short of manpower, and there are very few people who can be sent out.

It would be nice if Sauro was still here. Alas, I was a bit too strong at that time.

At this time, Garp, who was sitting nearby eating senbei, saw Seng Guo's sad face and asked,"What's wrong, Seng Guo? Why do you put on such a bad face again."

Seng Guo glanced at the leisurely man beside him. Garp suddenly had an idea in his mind, and said to Garp:"Garp, there is an important task for you now. Don't refuse in a hurry, I will give you two months. During this period, if you can Complete the task in advance, and the remaining time will be considered a holiday for you."

Hearing what Seng Guo said, Garp laughed and said to Seng Guo,"Hahaha, Seng Guo, if you want to give me a holiday, just say so. I took it, tell me what the mission is."

Seeing Garp taking the bait, Warring States smiled slightly and said,"Wait a while, Qin Hao, who we just fought with this morning, will send over some children who were kidnapped by slave traders. Go and be responsible for sending those children home."

When he heard that the target of the escort was a group of children kidnapped by slave traders, Garp's face sank at first, and then he pretended to be nonchalant and said with a smile,"Hahaha, okay. Isn't it just a gift for a few people? Don't forget you���It's my holiday."

After that, Garp put down his favorite senbei and left Sengoku's office with a big smile. However, from the action of kicking the door, it can be seen that he was not as happy in his heart as he appeared on the surface.

Looking at Garp Smiling and leaving his office, Warring States sighed at first, but then he started to chuckle in his heart. It seemed like Garp was getting serious. But hey, hey, vacation doesn't exist, two months? If you can complete the task within the time, you are considered awesome.


After cleaning up the slave ship, Qin Hao led the children, mermaid and catwoman to the deck.

After arriving on the deck, Qin Hao shouted to everyone:"Everyone, I'm sorry, because of some things, I can't take you home in person. However, I just contacted Admiral Warring States, and he will send someone to take you home."

Then, Qin Hao looked at the mermaid sisters, cleared his throat and said to them:"Ahem, when we pass by the Shampoo Islands later, can you go back to the mermaid island by yourself? , I will send you off after I sail the boat to Marineland."

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