

The outside of the fish fillet is fried to a very crispy texture. When you take a bite, you can hear the crisp clicking sound when your teeth bite through the crispy skin.

The fish fillet has a soft texture and exudes a rich seafood and cheese flavor, with obvious cheese stringing.


What followed was a burst of rich juice from the fish steak. Qin Hao was caught off guard and almost got the sauce sprayed all over his face.

"Good guy, it's still hot."

Qin Hao sucked the juice into his mouth with a fierce breath, then calmly wiped the remaining meat juice from the corner of his mouth, and carefully looked at the fracture of the fish steak.

"It turns out that there is a layer of filling inside the fish fillet."

Then Qin Hao ate the remaining part of the fish steak in one bite and tasted it carefully.

"Hmm~ The fish fillet under the crispy skin has the taste of eel meat combined with the texture of beef. This fish fillet should be made from Neptune meat or a weird-looking fish like elephant tuna."

"The reason why the inside of the fish fillet explodes is probably because you use a knife to cut a slit on the side of the fish fillet, turning the fillet into a pocket-like shape. Then stuff the fish fillet with cheese, sauce and minced shrimp filling. The opening of the fish fillet pocket is sealed by deep frying at high temperature. Create a sealed space inside the fish fillet"

"The gravy produced during the heating process of the fish steak flows to the inside of the 'pocket'.

At the same time, the shrimp meat also produces a lot of juice during the heating process.

With the sauce and cheese, the internal juice fills the entire 'pocket'.

Therefore, when you bite it, the juice inside quickly spurts out from the breach, forming a bursting pulp.

After tasting it carefully, Qin Hao suddenly discovered that the sauce in the fish steak was actually made of fish roe, and exclaimed:"Huh?" The sauce in this fish steak is actually made from fish roe.

This boss’s idea is really good.

It's a pity that the fish roe is crushed, otherwise it would taste better.

However, this fish steak tastes really good.

I will buy it next time I come over.


After saying that, Qin Hao picked up another fish steak and stuffed it into his mouth.


Back on Shark Tiger's back, Qin Hao took out the fried fish steaks and distributed them to Gardevoir and Yuumi.

As for the water shark tiger, it didn't get smaller and swallowed dozens of fried fish fillets in one bite.

Seeing the way Shark Tiger eats, Qin Hao is helpless.

He could only take out hundreds of previously stunned fish from the system space to give the shark tiger a full meal.

Maybe it's because this fish steak is too fragrant and suits Yuumi's taste. She actually stuffed a whole piece of fish steak into her mouth in one bite.

Not being able to see what he wanted to see made Qin Hao feel somewhat regretful.

After Gardevoir took the fried fish steak handed to her by Qin Hao, she looked much more elegant when eating.

Watching Gardevoir take a small bite of the fried fish steak, Qin Hao showed a malicious smile.

As expected by Qin Hao, Gardevoir was caught off guard and was sprayed in the face by the fried fish steak. sauce.

Seeing Gardevoir's confused expression, Qin Hao couldn't help laughing.

Even Yumi, who was frantically grabbing fish steaks, couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Qin Hao laughing, Gardevoir instantly understood that he had been tricked by Qin Hao.

So Gardevoir quickly used his super power to clean the sauce off his face, and angrily said to Qin Hao:"I hate it, Master, did you do it on purpose?""

"Pfft~ How could that happen? Hahaha."

Looking at Gardevoir's swollen cheeks, the smile on Qin Hao's face became even stronger.

Seeing that Qin Hao was still smiling, Gardevoir quit, picked up the fried fish steak in his hand, and squeezed Qin Hao hard.


Qin Hao, who was not in a hurry to dodge, was also sprayed with sauce by Gardevoir.


In Qin Hao's conscious space, watching Qin Hao and Gardevoir fighting, a flash of mmp flashed in the system's heart. Sure enough, every pet has its own owner, two Pipi shrimps


The fight ended with Qin Hao being drowned by the sea water controlled by Gardevoir.

After cleaning up, everyone set off again.

This time, there was no problem with the compass pointing, and they successfully arrived at an uninhabited island covered with trees.

When he came to the island and looked at the lush forest on the island, Qin Hao said to the water shark tiger:"Water shark tiger, use the water tail. Be careful, just cut the tree, don't break it."


The huge shark tail surrounded the high-speed rotating water, and when the tail was whipped, the three trees in front of Qin Hao were instantly blown into powder.

Qin Hao's left hand snapped to cover his forehead.

Alas, I knew this would happen. Forget it, just do it yourself.

Qin Hao stopped the shark tiger's attack, and then waved his hand.

Hundreds of shadow ninjas instantly appeared next to Qin Hao.

Subsequently, Qin Hao took out hundreds of swords from the king's treasure that he had captured when he destroyed the auction house based on the number of summoned shadow ninjas.

Qin Hao attached a layer of decomposition power to all these swords.

These weapons with the power of decomposition were distributed to the black shadow ninjas.

After distributing the weapons, Qin Hao ordered these shadow ninjas:"Your task is to chop down trees. This island must be chopped down."

Following Qin Hao's order, these shadow ninjas quickly took action.

With these swords attached with the power of decomposition, the shadow ninjas can chop down a tree that can be hugged by one person with one blow.

After a tree fell down, someone sent it to the Shadow Kingdom, then carried it out and stacked it neatly in front of Qin Hao.

These shadow ninjas have a clear division of labor and are extremely efficient in cutting down trees.

It only took five minutes to cut down nearly 30,000 trees for Qin Hao.

Qin Hao, who felt that the wood was enough, stopped the shadow ninjas, took back their weapons and dismissed them.

Afterwards, Qin Hao put the cut trees into the synthesis column and started the two-in-one infinite matryoshka doll.

In the end, Qin Hao obtained a huge piece of wood that was completely golden, forty meters in diameter and three hundred meters high.

Qin Hao was afraid that the wood was not hard enough, so he added a set of MC version obsidian and a set of crying obsidian and giant wood for further synthesis. (A set of 64 pieces)

After the synthesis is completed, the original golden color of the wood has turned into a dark golden color, dotted with some small purple lines.

The size and shape of the wood have also undergone great changes. The original cylindrical wood has become a cuboid. Although the height has not changed, the length and width have reached a terrifying sixty meters, turning into a huge rectangular wood of 60m×60m×300m.

This huge piece of wood, just placed there, looks like a city wall.

The sudden appearance of the giant wooden city wall shocked Youmi and she subconsciously hugged Qin Hao's arm tightly.

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