Then, she realized that Qin Hao had made the huge piece of wood in front of her.

Feeling embarrassed, Yuumi gently hit Qin Hao's chest with her fist.

After seeing Youmi's reaction, Qin Hao smiled, gently picked up Youmi, and kissed her hard on the face.

After putting down Youmi, Qin Hao opened the panel of the giant wood to check.

Name: Black gold purple grain wood.

Defense: 3000

Passive: Hard (any damage received is reduced by 25%), Dark Glory (10% chance of ignoring one damage),

Looking at the properties of wood, Qin Hao fell into deep thought.

Good guy, the defense of this piece of wood is probably stronger than mine. If I just give this thing to Tom, I'm afraid just cutting it will tire him to death.

Therefore, in order to prevent the ship's construction period from extending indefinitely, Qin Hao decided to create a set of tools that could attach the power of decomposition for a long time.

This should greatly speed up the ship's construction period, well, probably.

Looking at such a huge piece of wood, Qin Hao could only silently cheer for Tom in his heart.


After collecting the wood into the King's Treasure, it was already afternoon.

Qin Hao thought. If we rush back to the Seven Waters Capital now, it will probably be dark.

No matter what, Tom needs to rest. He doesn't know how to build a boat if we go tonight, so why not go there tomorrow morning. What's more, I have to meet Youmi tonight...hehehe~

So, Qin Hao once again summoned a group of shadow ninjas and ordered them to build a beautiful wooden villa on the open space by the sea.

Qin Hao was afraid of these shadow ninjas and built the villa into a dark-style castle. He also carefully requested several structural drawings of three-story villas from the system for their reference.

In order to prevent Yumi and Gardevoir from getting bored, Qin Hao also thoughtfully took out all the items they bought in the Capital of Seven Waters and let them sort them by themselves.

Afterwards, Qin Hao opened the system space and decided to deal with the ingredients for dinner today.

In the system space, Qin Hao began to deal with the fish caught during the previous mission bug.

Although I fed the water mackerel tiger hundreds of fish at noon.

However, Qin Hao had caught tens of thousands of fish before. Even if the food in the system space has the property of never spoiling, unprocessed fish will still be stale if left for a long time.

Therefore, Qin Hao decided to eat fish tonight, and the remaining fish that could not be eaten were made into seafood sauce and dried salted fish that could be stored for a long time.

With advanced sword skills and more than a thousand flexible attributes, Qin Hao can complete the entire processing of several fish in just one second.

However, the workload is too great. There are tens of thousands of fish, and Qin Hao alone may have to deal with them until night.

So, Qin Hao moved all the fish outside the system space, and then summoned hundreds of shadow ninjas to help him deal with it.


After processing all the fish, Qin Hao first took out five thousand fish to make smoked salted fish.

Rub the fish generously with salt and spices and skewer them with a wooden skewer.

Following Qin Hao's order, the shadow ninjas quickly set up hundreds of shelves.

Later, Qin Hao ordered the shadow ninjas to hang the five thousand fish on the rack.

Then light pine branches and fruitwood branches under the shelf and use the smoke to smoke the fish.

After doing all this. Qin Hao took out hundreds more fish and smeared a thick layer of barbecue sauce on the fish.

Then let the shadow ninjas smear all the fish with barbecue sauce and bake them next to the fire.

Afterwards, Qin Hao fried the processed fish bones until golden brown and made soup with the fish heads.

Chop two-thirds of the remaining fish into puree and cut one-third into small dices.

As for the fish roe, Qin Hao marinated it with a few bottles of unknown high-end wine that he had bought from the auction house.


Take half of the fish paste, add a little salt, onion, ginger water and various spices to marinate it.

Pour butter into the wok, add onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant.

Then add the diced fish and stir-fry until the surface of the diced fish is slightly charred, then add the unmarinated half of the fish paste and roasted whole pork sauce and stir-fry together.

Stir well, add spice powder and part of the fish stock and cook until the sauce thickens slightly. Add some of the wine-pickled fish roe and continue cooking. Cook until the sauce is thickened and then remove from the pan.

In this way, a simple fish sauce is completed.

Later, Qin Hao rolled the marinated fish paste with fish skin to make fish skin rolls. Dip the fish skin and meat rolls in egg liquid, wrap in bread crumbs, fry over low heat until set, and remove.

In order to ensure that the skin of the fried fish roll is crispy, it is re-fried over high heat. Fry until golden brown on both sides and remove to control oil.

After everything was ready, Qin Hao put the spaghetti grass into the boiling fish soup, heated it and took it out, then poured the freshly cooked fish sauce on top of the spaghetti grass.

In order to increase the richness of the dinner, Qin Hao also braised a Hank La bird wing.

Finally, we started preparing the finishing cake for dinner.

Qin Hao first melted the chocolate on Dozikusao Koala's back under water. Then cut a trumpet lion's mane sponge cake into two equal-sized heart-shaped pieces.

Spread a layer of cream on a piece of sponge cake and add a layer of fresh fruit and marshmallow mushrooms.

Then spread another layer of cream and cover with another piece of sponge cake.

Then pour the chocolate over it and cut off the excess after the chocolate has set.

Finally, the surface of the cake is filled with roses made of chocolate and cream.

At this point, today’s dinner is complete


At this time, the shadow ninjas responsible for building the villa finally completed it.

After putting dinner into the system space, Qin Hao personally checked the quality of the villa.

I have to say that the shadow ninjas are indeed all-round helpers in housekeeping. This house was built quickly and well.

Although the villa is finished, it is not good for these shadow ninjas to rest like this.

Qin Hao put everything to good use and asked these shadow ninjas to help the shadow ninjas responsible for smoking the fish, adding firewood to the smoked fish and turning it over.

Qin Hao himself arranged the room decoration and bedding in the villa himself. (The sheets and quilt are covered, and he consciously faces the wall while thinking crookedly)

Although he only stayed here for one night, Qin Hao planned to sleep with Youmi tonight.

Therefore, Qin Hao, who was still a virgin before time travel, decided to arrange a warm scene to commemorate his and Yumi's first time.

After Qin Hao finished decorating the room, he came to the restaurant.

The restaurant was decorated with the atmosphere of a candlelight dinner. After Qin Hao lit the candles in the restaurant, it was almost dusk.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Hao went to call Youmi and Gardevoir, who were still sorting out today's shopping, to come over for dinner.

As for the water shark tiger, because its eating style was too wild, in order to prevent it from ruining the atmosphere of the candlelight dinner, Qin Hao prepared a large dinner for it alone and let it shrink to the living room to eat.

After Yumi and Gardevoir prepared dinner at the dining table, Qin Hao conjured up dinner one by one like magic.

Appetizer, fried fish skin rolls.

Soup, stewed fish head and fish bone soup.

Fish, grilled fish fillet.

Meaty, braised hamburger bird wings.

Main course, spaghetti with fish sauce.

Salad, marinated fish roe.

Dessert, fruit sponge cake with chocolate filling.

Drinks, unknown wines with extremely gorgeous packaging


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