Looking at everyone who was getting high, Qin Hao calmly gathered a spoon, dug out a spoonful of shrimp paste that no one dared to touch, and put it into the pot.

At the same time, he also introduced:"The minced meat in this basin is shrimp paste, which is made of shrimp meat. Don't worry, it can be eaten, and the taste is definitely not bad."

After saying that, Qin Hao took out the cooked shrimp slippery and ate it in one bite.

In an instant, Qin Hao seemed to feel an electric shock-like sensation spreading throughout his body from the tip of his tongue.

When the shrimp slides into your mouth, the first feeling is that it is chewy and chewy. Then comes the freshness and sweetness. A mouthful of shrimp meat, the QQ bomb is still bursting with juice. The shrimp meat has an endless aftertaste after eating it. In addition to a lingering sweetness, there is also a hint of milky flavor.

After Qin Hao took a few more mouthfuls of shrimp sliders, others finally started to try the novel food of shrimp sliders.

"Wow, this is delicious too"

"Oh my god, is this heaven? Everything is so delicious"

"So tender and smooth, with a chewy texture and a sweet aftertaste."


Because the hot pot pot was too high, little Robin couldn't reach it. So Qin Hao cooked a bunch of ingredients.

Then he put the cooked ingredients in a bowl, dipped them in the dipping sauce, and handed them to little Robin.

"Ah~Thank you, thank you."Little Robin blushed and took the bowl handed over by Qin Hao and thanked him repeatedly.

Qin Hao smiled and touched Robin's head and said:"Little Robin, are you willing to be my partner? How about going on adventures together in the future?"

Qin Hao's sudden invitation made Robin stunned, and he was speechless for a moment.

Seeing that Robin didn't respond, Qin Hao thought she refused, so he said,"Well, if you don't want to, just be me. Didn't say……"

"I do." Qin Hao was interrupted by Robin before he finished speaking."I, I am willing to go on an adventure with you."

After saying that, Robin blushed and turned his head.

"Hahaha~ Yes, that's fine. Robin, do you want to become stronger?"Qin Hao took out a tube of gourmet cells and said to little Robin like a strange man who abducted little Lolita.


As everyone became more and more excited, a scholar suddenly suggested that the banquet should be celebrated with singing to cheer up the fun.

Everyone agreed to the proposal on the spot, quickly formed a circle and started singing while holding their glasses.

Led by the drunken Dr. Cloba, everyone began to sing Binx's Wine. As they sang, everyone started to dance along with the singing. Yoohohohohoh

Yoohohohohohohyoohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh Hong Kongの呗

せThe tide is heading towards the evening and the sun is rising呗The boat is released , the boat is released, the boat is released, and the boat is released.り海の呗


————((Dividing Line)

After dinner, Qin Hao introduced some basic mainstream professions in the captive world of gourmet food to the scholars.

Gourmet hunter, chef and regenerator. At the same time, Qin Hao also copied a copy of Mo Yang's shy rebirth notes for scholars to study. And told them that after becoming a regenerator, they might be able to regenerate the omniscient tree on this island.

This immediately aroused the enthusiasm of scholars. For them, the Tree of Omniscient is not just a library, but also a historical witness. The meaning of its existence is far greater than its apparent usefulness.

After introducing these, Qin Hao announced that he would leave tomorrow to do some errands and would be back in a month at most. He also explained that in order to solve the problem as soon as possible, he would only take Bai Hailong and Gardevoir with him on this trip.

Then he made an agreement with little Robin that as long as Robin could become a regenerator by studying the contents of the notes within a month, Qin Hao would take her on an adventure with him no matter what the next time he came back.


At night, in the villa Qin Hao built specifically for himself.

After learning that Qin Hao was going to leave tomorrow, Youmi reluctantly hugged Qin Hao and asked,"My dear, why can't you take me with you? Do you think I will hold you back?"

Qin Hao, who was stared at by Youmi's resentful eyes, quickly explained:"How could it be? I just have some things that I have to deal with. It's not convenient to take people with me for this kind of thing."

Youmi also understood that Qin Hao He must have a reason for saying this, so he won't dwell on it.

Then he thought of something, and said with a blushing face:"Since you are leaving tomorrow, how about you tonight?"……"

"Hehe~ What do you think? Little beauty, here I come"


Early the next morning.

After a busy night, Qin Hao said goodbye to everyone and returned to the world of One Piece with Gardevoir riding the White Sea Dragon.

"system, sign in"

【The host obtains the monkey charm】

"It's a charm again, what number is this? System, does the spell have any tasks?"

【Yes, it's just a mission that won't be available until you collect all the charms. And it is not a mandatory task. It's just a task that gives you complete control over the power of the spell.】

"Total control? Am I not in complete control of the spell now?"

【Host, you are still far behind. Take the Chicken Talisman as an example. If the host is completely in control, it can fly with other people or items. But you, the host, can only let yourself fly】


After the small talk, Qin Hao took out his wayfinder and entered his destination, Puji, the city of gourmet food.

Seeing that Qin Hao's first destination after returning to the world of One Piece was Puki, Gardevoir asked Qin Hao with some confusion:"Master, if you just want to eat delicious food, wouldn't it be better to go directly to the captive world of delicious food? I Remember you said that there are delicious foods that can make you stronger. Wouldn't it be better to go there directly? And why didn't you bring anyone else with you this time? Ask her to follow."

Qin Hao smiled, stared ahead and replied:"I went to Puke just by the way. There are three main purposes for returning to the world of One Piece this time."

"First, collect the Masks of the Black Shadow Legion, and collect some Devil Fruits and historical texts by the way.

Second, challenge Whitebeard.

This is the hole you dug for me.

Third, Momonosuke must die.

In two years, he will be a scourge in the future.

While Wano Country is still in chaos, we can find an opportunity to kill him.

Don’t ask me why Momonosuke had to die, he had no reason to live anyway.

What's more, our boat hasn't been retrieved yet.

I don’t know how Tom’s progress is.

"(There should be no problem in two years.

I think I calculated the time correctly.


"The reason for not bringing anyone else is also very simple. The world of One Piece is quite dark at this time. Robin is still young and shouldn't let those damn scum pollute her eyes. As for not bringing Yuumi, Momonosuke is from the Kozuki family. Yumi is from the fur tribe, and the two tribes are related. Now the leader of the fur tribe is still a subordinate of the head of the Guangyue family. So it’s hard to start by bringing Yuumi with you."


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