Signing Into Immortal Martial World

Chapter 163: Gang up, don't talk

Time is like flowing water, flowing over smooth stones, gurgling away.

Zhao Mu comprehends the past, present, and future three volumes of supreme scriptures every day, striving to grow his savings.

Occasionally, when he has spare time, he will thoroughly study all martial arts and turn it into his own use.

The seven limits of swallowing the heavens and the earth have now penetrated the six forms.

Only the last big move of destroying the world, has not yet fully comprehended.

Within the week, many warriors regarded it as a person who was difficult to cross the Fairy Heaven Pass.

To Zhao Mu, it is like a piece of paper, which can be pierced easily.

Two months have passed, perhaps because of precipitation and subcultivation.

He has gained a lot, and his temperament has changed dramatically.

No longer showing its sharp edge, like the sun and the moon in the sky, magnificent, majestic and mighty.

On the contrary, it is more mellow, with a sense of harmony with light and dust.

On this day, the White Jade Square in front of Wuying Hall.

The Eleventh Wasteland Zhao Yuan and the Ouchi masters had a discussion for a while, sweating profusely.

He took the veil from Gong E's hand, wiped his forehead, and said to Zhao Mu:

"Brother Emperor, since you have the confidence to hit the barrier, why don't you break the border early?"

"If you can become the first martial arts immortal in the Middle-earth China in a thousand years, the people of the world will definitely be more admired!"

Zhao Mu sat under the canopy umbrella, smiling without saying a word, but took a drinking marigold.

He poured the amber pulp into it, and the amber liquid naturally overflowed and wet the tabletop.

"The accumulation of martial arts is just like this wine, the more abundant, the more consummated it can be."

"In the end, breaking through the realm is a matter of course, naturally."

"If the foundation is not stable, you will force the impact, it will only uselessly drain your potential."

He concentrated on retreating for two months, and his understanding of the martial art realm became clearer.

The stronger the foundation, the easier it is to strike.

For example, Zuo Duanyun is such a talented person.

With the background of his three Wenquxing stars, it may not be without the certainty of breakthrough.

But the other party is not in a hurry, but is still willing to save money and wait for a suitable opportunity.

This is the principle of nourishing qi and vitality.

Asking for quick ignorance is counterproductive.

Human potential is limited, and too much empty waste, the pace of progress will be slow, it is difficult to go further.

Zhao Mu is even more than Zuo Duanyun's nourishing qi and momentum.

He is not asking for Consummation.

No matter how much water there is in the cup, it will eventually sway slightly before it overflows.

What he wants to achieve is to overflow the Tao and preserve the foundation.

Therefore, even if Renxiantianguan is a window paper that can be pierced easily.

Zhao Mu also wouldn't go for that little fame, so that his cultivation was flawed.

The ten levels of all realms are finally tied to this pass.

It should be flawless and perfect.

"That's it! Thank you, Brother Huang, for your advice!"

Zhao Yuan thought for a moment, then suddenly said.

He obtained Bathsba's tantric methods and martial arts experience.

The realm breaks through a thousand miles, and the accumulation of cultivation base is far beyond ordinary people.

Recently, I was thinking about whether to pursue speed and attack the Eightfold Realm in one go.

Now that I am awakened by a word, I know that it is unwise to consume potential and dig out the foundation.

It's an act of sacrificing everything!

"You have a deep Buddha nature, and you even praise Batsbana and others. I will teach you another martial arts."

A few days ago, Zhao Mu went to the Linggu Temple in the Purple Mountain and was branded with the "Twelve Gates Golden Bell."

It and the "Yi Jin Jing" are called Shaolin's four great martial arts.

Both inside and outside, King Kong is not bad.

There are no doors all over the body.

Has always had the reputation of "the world's defense first".

"Brother Emperor, are you planning to leave Beijing and visit Dazhou?"

Zhao Yuan was very clever, but when he heard that Zhao Mu wanted to pass on credit to him, he guessed the meaning behind it.

"Yes, since ancient times, when the emperor became the throne, he must perform the ritual of hunting."

"Inspect the various states, enshrine Zen in Taishan, and sacrifice to the world."

Zhao Mu nodded.

His patrolling is to go to the Nine Fronts Military Town in person.

The general route is from north to south, then turn to Da Leize.

Including 16 states on Tuesday, it took a lot of time.

The emperor left Beijing and hunted on behalf of the sky, and the important task of supervising the country fell on Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Mu passed down the twelve gates of the golden bell, just to improve his younger brother's cultivation base savings.

So that he can smoothly break through the eighth layer of the mortal realm.

"Seven mortal realms, dragon-like physique, as long as you practice the twelve levels of the golden bell, you will surely be able to achieve perfection and achieve the fullness of the Tao."

Zhao Mu was still flexing his fingers, and flicked a crystal clear thought into Zhao Yuan's eyebrow ancestral orifice.

He is also the two great martial arts of Shaolin Temple, plus Bathsba's martial arts experience.

Enough for Zhao Yuan to become the innate master at the fastest speed.

Above the court, a "Left Party" has appeared.

Regardless of the poor family or the aristocratic family, those officials who are officials cling to Zuo Duanyun's side and regard him as the leader.

Jixia Academy is very likely to be the highest academic institution in the future for Da Zhou.

At that time, Zuo Duanyun, who served as the wine sacrifice, was the respected teacher of countless scholars.

Such a position, such a power, naturally attracted everyone to take effect.

In addition to the left party, there is also a "eunuch party" headed by Heilongtai.

Yun Shuyu used Hei Tian Shu, Tiger Wolf Pill, and the top ten martial arts to cultivate a large number of masters.

They form a party and cling to each other.

Zhao Mu knew these things well, but did not interfere.

Some people have disputes, and party formation is inevitable.

Even if Zuo Duanyun didn't have this thought, he could follow his students everywhere.

You don't need to deliberately manage, you will naturally become a party.

He is now supporting his younger brother Zhao Yuan and letting him be the prisoner of the country on his behalf, just to build a new mountain.

"Left party, **** party, plus a king party, so that it can be stable."

Zhao Mu's thoughts are transferred, and he holds everything.

Throughout the ages, the emperor has been sitting and watching his ministers and forming parties in order to check and balance.

But this will trigger party disputes, and it will do all harm to the dynasty's prosperity.

But he was different.

On the left, Yun Xiu is high, Heilongtai has great power, and Zhao Yuan's identity is unusual.

The three hills absorb the major factions of the court, but it can be beneficial.

As for the fight?

Have your own seat.

There is no point in fighting hard.

"Let Zuo Duanyun deal with the Shangyin Academy, Heilongtai suppresses the rivers and lakes, and Xiaoyuan handles political affairs, doing his best."

Zhao Mu looked up at the sky with deep eyes, as if he wanted to see something from it.

The closer he gets to Renxian Tianguan, the stronger the sense of oppression that feels like nothing.

Compared with the previous days, the Tianjing Xiongcheng is carried by the West Mountain.

It's more difficult.

"Enter the way..."

Zhao Mu said silently.



Shangyin Academy.

Pick the stars.

"The son doesn't talk strangely and madly."

Lu Ji sat on the ground at the wine table, his face turned cold.

"You dare to step into the entrance palace with the body of a ghost, it is illegal!"

"According to the rules, you have to be broken up and crush your thoughts!"

"What's more, you are still the remnant of the Holy League, and you deserve to die!"

A cloud of yin wind was wrapped up and hovering into a figure, it was Emperor Gong of Jin who had fought against Zhao Mu before.

His expression was majestic, without any sense of fear, and slowly said:

"The widows ventured here just to spread a word."

"Not a day later, Emperor Mu will patrol the nine sides."

Lu Jijiu's face was expressionless, and he asked:

"What to do with me? What to do with Shangyin Academy?"

"You are a lonely wild ghost. Even though your predecessor is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, but now you are a ghost, otherworldly, and those fetters have been cut off. You don't want to assassinate the king and kill the driver, and restore the country for the great Jin? "

Emperor Gong shook his head and said:

"As far as Yu Wuren is concerned, the past is just like passing away."

"It's just that Zuo Duanyun betrayed the Shangyin Academy, is this matter serious?"

"Can you swallow this breath, can the great sacrifice wine who regards him as a direct disciple tolerate?"

Lu Jijiu, who was temporarily in charge of the academy's affairs, sneered and said sarcastically:

"Shangyin Xuegong really can't beat the emperor Mu, this man has the best martial arts in the world, has become a trend, it is difficult to contain."

"But this does not mean that the Holy Land will cooperate with your remnants."

Emperor Gong of Jin was divine and calm, as steady as a mountain, and said in a shocking atmosphere:

"That's what I said, but Mr. Jijiu, Mu Tianzi's Jixia Academy is under preparation."

"Waiting for Zuo Duanyun to write and say, became the climate, and became the Wenzong of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"How should Shangyin Academy face it?"

"The emperor's hunting is the best opportunity."

"Combine vertically and horizontally, join hands to slay the dragon!"

"Otherwise, Emperor Mu will not die, and the holy land will be in danger. Sooner or later Da Chu and Dayu will be smashed by Da Zhou's iron cavalry."

"The longevity of the Yuanmeng Grassland is already a half-step man of black and white, plus... other allies."

"The widow thinks that he can be sure of six points, and he will do it in one fight!"

Lu Jijiu's eyes were calm, and he didn't show any He just asked:


Emperor Gong's brows frowned.

Really not half distracted?

For the Holy Land.

The biggest enemy is by no means annihilating the Holy League, but the emperor Mu!

"Then be tortured."

Lu Jijiu waited for a few breaths, then looked at the ghostly spirit that was condensed by the wind, and said lightly:

"The son is silent! Strange, powerful, chaotic, god!"

The seven characters blurted out, and heaven and earth seemed to respond accordingly.

It was as if thunder ran over, making a rumbling sound, directly smashing the divine will of Emperor Jin Gong.

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