Signing Into Immortal Martial World

Chapter 164: Duizi, the end of the epoch

Confucian martial arts are all derived from the Six Classics and Six Arts.

Therefore, it is superb and unique, with special emphasis on nourishing vitality and strength.

If the shot is determined by the river, Peimo can be the master.

Lu Jijiu just spit out the seven characters softly, but like a spring thunder in his tongue, it moved the power of heaven and earth.

There was a violent earthquake in the seven-story building.

Like thunder on the ground.

The divine will of Emperor Gong of Jin was like a fragile porcelain cracked from it.

With a click, it collapsed into clusters of flocculent clouds.

In a blink of an eye, the yin and wind dissipated!

An air of yang and harmony fills the building, giving people a warm and vast feeling.

"It's worthy of being the sacrificial wine of Shangyin Xuegong, and even the magical powers like'Speak out and follow the law' are cultivated."

The thoughts of Emperor Gong Emperor Jin scattered in the building seemed to roll in a frying pan, making a creaking sound of dissolution.

"I can't talk about magical powers, just a small trick."

Lu Jijiu's face was expressionless, and he said solemnly:

"The power of true words is more than that."

"Don't talk about thoughts, even if you are tens of thousands of miles apart, your ghost and immortal body will be annihilated."

Emperor Gong Gong endured the intense pain of the dissolution of thoughts and sneered:

"Is it necessary for Shangyin Academy to stick to the bottom line of not cooperating with Mieshengmeng?"

"The six magic gates exist in name only."

"That black and white Langjun swallowed the flesh and blood of the Great Demon Lord, and became a half-step immortal."

"Suffering from hunger day and night, I slaughtered a huge white cloud city and slaughtered it clean."

"Not to mention Zixiao Palace, Wu Yazi's old Dao body has fallen to the Imperial City."

"The golden lotus in the pool full of luck is withered, and the gate is broken through."

"In a few hundred years, how long can the Luo Tian Dazhu set by the first celestial master trap the blood god?"

"Lu Jijiu, why continue to deceive yourself and others."

Emperor Gong's divine will slowly closed, shaking the atmosphere and making a sound.

He spoke hurriedly and quickly, with words like knives, slashing towards Lu Jijiu who was sitting at the table.

"Want to mess with my heart?"

The cold-faced and cold-hearted Mr. Jijiu's eyes were indifferent, revealing a firmness, and said in a straightforward voice:

"I don't care what the situation in other holy places is, but Shangyin Academy will never join forces with a group of lonely ghosts."

"Then respond to the opportunity to achieve the goal, and has always used any means to attract the barbarians into the Central Plains and awaken the longevity."

"Since ancient times, people who are not my race will have different hearts!"

"The grievances between the Holy Land and the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Shangyin Academy and the Emperor Mu, no matter how great they are, can't be compared to the untold disaster of chaos in the history books!"

Haoran's true energy filled the sleeves, and thunder came out.

"Heh, your idea alone is better than everyone in the Academy?"

"How can a widow get into this Saint City if there is no permission for the great sacrificial wine!"

The sacrificial wine named "Lu Yuanshan" stretched out his right palm and was about to press it, completely blasting the divine will to ashes.

But Jin Gongdi's last words made him stop suddenly.

"It's impossible for the great sacrificial wine to agree."

Lu Yuanshan's eyes fluctuated and shook his head.

"Today's Great Zhou Dynasty, there is Emperor Mu sitting in the center of the town, and the left side cloud is underneath and the palace is set up again."

"Forty-nine states in the world, who can stop it?"

"I want to kill the sacred league to slay the dragon, and you must clean up the door when you go to the Yin Academy.

"As for after the fall of Da Zhou, whether Yuan Meng will drive straight forward, and whether the barbarians will enter the middle-earth, it depends on the subsequent methods."

When Lu Yuanshan heard Emperor Gong's words so confidently, he understood seven or eight points in his heart, and his indifferent eyes turned into a touch of disappointment.

All the ghosts and immortals in the League of Slaying Saints.

It has long been extraordinary, and treats the billions of trillions of creatures in the Middle-earth China like grass and mustards.

Compared with the magic door, it is more cold.

Especially the former Dagan prince, now the leader of the Miserable Saint League, responds to the opportunity.

This number of times went against the Holy Land, causing many disturbances and serious casualties.

Cooperating with him is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger.

"It's fascinating, and everyone can't avoid it."

"If the Great Sacrifice Wine really agrees, I will try my best to persuade it."

Lu Yuanshan didn't say much, and shook his sleeve.

White light suddenly appeared, like a match!

Inside the first floor, there is endless awe-inspiring!


Emperor Gong of Jin exclaimed, and his divine will was instantly shattered and wiped out.

That pure and incomparable awe-inspiring innocence is almost like a blazing sun.

Even if you become a ghost, it is difficult to resist.

What's more, it is a divine will, incarnation!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Green smoke rises.

Lu Yuanshan closed his sleeves and sat up straight.

The deep eyes are undulating like tides.

"The way of a saint is how difficult it is to abide by oneself."

He sighed softly, got up in the wind, and headed for the holy temple.

In Shangyin Xuegong, there is one big offering wine and three offering wine.

On weekdays, chores and trivial matters are handled by the latter.

The former usually stays in the holy temple and comprehends the scriptures left by the scholars.

Scholars of the palace know that there is a bamboo forest behind Qingyun Road.

Walking inside, you can get a glimpse of the legendary temple.

That is, the place where the handwriting of the most holy master and the sub-sage calligraphy are enshrined.

Lu Yuanshan landed slowly and entered on foot.

After about a stick of incense, he saw two figures.

One person with a high crown and a sackcloth robe.

"I have seen Mr. Yunmeng."

Lu Yuanshan bowed his hands and saluted.

"Heh, Lu Jijiu also has Yaxing today, fishing with us two bad old men?"

Mr. Yunmeng in a linen robe sat by the stream, holding a fishing rod in one hand, jokingly.

"I'm here to find the wine for the big sacrifice."

Lu Yuanshan faced the old man with a serious face in Gao Guanbo.

The latter is the leader of the Shangyin Academy, and the current Wenzong respected by scholars all over the world.

"What's the matter?"

The big festival wine closed his eyes and said.

"Destroying the Saint League..."

Lu Yuanshan repeated the words of Emperor Gong, and then asked:

"Shangyin Xuegong really wants to join forces with those lone ghosts to fight the Zhou Dynasty?"

The big festival wine nodded and said:

"There are priorities. The real dragon in Dazhou has become a climate. We must find a way to contain it, otherwise we should just wait for death and wait for death?"

"As for the calculations made by the dry response machine, the old man knows very well."

"Mu Tianzi walks in a humane manner, and the holy land is a way of walking on behalf of the sky."

"And he wants to reproduce the ancient gods."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, Wushengjiao was popular all over the world, gathering millions and tens of millions of enthusiastic followers, and forcibly created a "lifeless mother" and opened up a "vacuum home"."

"The inheritance of Qianyingji's income should be the method of Wushengjiao."

"Compared to Emperor Mu, who has the desire to change the world, he is not a threat."

The bleak color in Lu Yuanshan's eyes is even more obvious.

He hid his hands in his sleeves and put them behind his back, and then asked:

"The most sage master has words, gentlemen have nine thoughts, be cautious in words and deeds!"

"Great sacrificial wine, maybe you hold it?"

The voice of the old man Gao Guanbo brought was calm, without any emotion:

"If a gentleman does not act rashly, he must have the right way; if he does not speak in vain, his words must be reasonable; if a gentleman does not ask, he must be righteous; if a gentleman does not do nothing, he must have righteousness."

"The old man is cooperating with Mieshengmeng to take the opportunity of Emperor Mu's patrol to deal with the evildoer Zuo Duanyun. This is unrighteous."

"Bullying the small by the big, the weak by the strong, and beating the less by the more, this is not right."

"Unrighteous and unrighteous people are not worthy of being a gentleman, much less worthy of being a great sacrificial wine for the palace."

"The old man will hand over the Spring and Autumn Seals and be imprisoned in the holy temple."

"But! Clean up the door, slay the dragon and destroy the week, this matter can't be delayed!"

This big ritual wine, who was once only one step away, could pick up the name of the Confucian leader in the world, finally opened his bright eyes and looked at the gurgling stream.

"The way of chess, there is a theory of exchange."

"Destroying the Saint League, Changshengtian, human beings...maybe able to redeem the true dragon of Emperor Mu."

"Chang Ping and Cui Qing hold the eleventh volume of Wensheng Wangba and the seventeenth volume of Tianlun, which is enough to offset Zuo Duanyun."

"If you get rid of these two, the world will be peaceful."

Lu Yuanshan's lips tightened, almost in the line, unable to suppress the anger in his heart anymore, and he asked:

"How many people will die when barbarians invade Middle-earth China?"

"The scholars of my generation face the classics of sages and sages every day, cultivate one's own body, cultivate the awe-inspiring spirit, and finally...for the sake of the present, have you even forgotten the four words of morality, benevolence and justice?"

The wine was expressionless and his eyes were indifferent, and he replied:

"This person, Qianyingji, has one sentence that is correct."

"Those who make big things, don't stick to small things."

"If it were to be replaced with the past, the Holy Land would be able to swallow what the emperor Mu had to do, and it would be a big deal to wait five hundred years."

"God's favor, suppress the robbery."

"As long as this luck remains undiminished, the Holy Land can be immortal forever."

"Unfortunately, the timing is not good."

The great sacrificial wine from Shangyin Academy shook his head, as if he was twenty years old.

This side of the world has reached the twelfth era, the end of the eleventh calendar.

At that time, the world will be shattered, and billions of trillions of creatures will sink.

"The number of Dayan is fifty, and it uses forty out of nine."

"Along with infinite calamities, the path to success will also be revealed."

"The disappeared Ancestral Island, Fanzhou Island, Daozhou...maybe they will also show up."

"The holy land must keep the foundation, this is more important than anything!"

When Lu Yuanshan heard these secrets, he seemed a little bit distracted, and said dejectedly:

"You can't keep the way of standing up, no matter how big your foundation is, what's the use."

He looked deeply at the holy temple on the other side of the stream, its Chinese spirit was soaring, and its clear light was majestic.

After that, repeating the words left by the Most Sacred Master, he turned and left.

"Unrighteous and rich and noble, like a cloud to me! Unrighteous and rich and noble..."

When the back figure disappeared completely in the bamboo Yunmeng in the linen robe said:

"Lu Jijiu is disappointed."

Gao Guanbo's grand ceremony wine was indifferent, and said solemnly:

"Yuanshan only sees a corner of the Xuegong. The achievements in this life are at best limited to being alone."

"This is also where he can't compare to Zuo Duanyun. The evildoer has forty-nine states in his heart, so he voted for the Great Zhou to do the king and hegemony and help the world."

"The most sage teacher said benevolence, Yasheng lectures, ritual saints emphasize rules, Wen Sheng... but Yuanshan doesn't understand, the rise and fall of Gu's family is just a small benevolence and a small righteousness."

"If you want to be a saint, you have to be benevolent and righteous."

Mr. Yunmeng smiled without saying a word, and the fishing rod sank slightly.

The fish has taken the bait.

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