Signing Into Immortal Martial World

Chapter 165: Where the Tao is, 99 Supreme

In the deep palace, I don't know the years.

Zhao Mu ignored the turbulent undercurrents outside, and he concentrated on meditating.

"Past, present, and future, three volumes in one, the way of the other shore."

He sat still, and there seemed to be an orb condensed in Zu Qiao's eyebrows, faintly glowing.

Having absorbed the divine intent of the three major ghosts and immortals, his thoughts skyrocketed to 58,000.

One by one, like polished diamonds, they glow with dazzling brilliance and collide with the flames of wisdom.

The power of the mind is like an endless tide, like a majestic mountain, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

"The power of the dynasty belongs to me."

The shining golden emperor dragon's air, like a thick air current, surrounded the tall and straight figures in dung dragon robes.

Zhao Mu has a dual purpose, to comprehend the unique knowledge of the Great Zen Temple, and at the same time refine the mighty national destiny.

The unending emperor's dragon energy was swept into the sea dantian.

Going deep into the flesh and blood, strengthening the physique, has produced some extremely subtle changes.

As if full of spirituality, breath swallows and draw dragon energy.


Inside the hall, thunder shook, and romantic roars.

I don't know how long it has been, Zhao Mu slowly opened his eyes.

The light in the eyes swept through the sky like lightning, enough to penetrate the darkness and subtlety.

"The refining of the country is really beneficial to me."

He was sitting on the dragon chair, the nine-fold divine light swaying in the back of his head.

The sounds of Taoism, Sanskrit, and chanting of sentient beings are looming and endless.

It gives birth to a feeling of admiration and worship.

This is the great realm of "Future Wushengjing", the immortal soul.

"The next step is to master the various orifices of the human body, pass through the three volumes of scripture, and reach the other side."

Zhao Mu thought so.

Every circle of light that manifested in the back of his head was an endless aspiration of sentient beings.

Every incarnation presented, martial arts cultivation does not lose the innate master.

"The savings are already deep enough, the road is overflowing, and there is only a right time left."

Zhao Mu slowly collected power, digesting the billowing dragon energy.

As his martial arts cultivation became deeper and deeper, the number of retreats increased.

Fortunately, Zhao Yuan, Zuo Duanyun, Heilongtai and others can entrust them.

The Great Zhou Dynasty still maintained good operations, and there was no disturbance.

In other words, as long as Emperor Mu still sits in the palace, there will be peace in the world.

Those family members with different intentions, holy land sects, grassland aliens.

You have to forbear it temporarily!

This suffices to show that Zhao Mu's general trend has been achieved, and he has gradually gained the grand prestige of suppressing China.

"Three days later, the emperor will hunt around."

"Before I destroyed the incarnations of the three ghosts and immortals, they will certainly not be willing to be humiliated."

"In addition, the Holy Land also knows that the Great Zhou is expected to unify China, and it will definitely fight back and make the final struggle."

Zhao Muyun used the emperor's look-at-qi technique to gain insight into the opportunities of the three talents.

Heaven's will, earth veins, and popularity, the yin and yang of the three flow, dark and unclear, and looming evil omens.

His mind is like the sun and the moon, illuminating everything, and predicting future changes.


Always looking at flowers in the mist, I can't see clearly.

"After the First World War in Xishan, I was so angry."

"The imperial city observes the ceremony, and wins another game, which will completely accomplish the general trend."

"The way of luck, one loses and the other grows, is like a dangerous game, where you lose everything if you carelessly."

"Now I am against the guest, and luck takes the lead."

"If they are willing to bet on this round, it would be best."

Today is different from the past, Zhao Mu ascended to the throne in the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

Became the emperor of a dynasty, and was also blessed by heaven.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult for others to set up a plot.

If you kill the heart, maybe he will feel it.

Those grassy dragons and snakes hidden in the dark, if they take the initiative to surface.

Zhao Mu is also happy to see the result, and hopes to catch it all at once, and never suffer from future troubles.

After thinking for a moment, he continued to close his eyes to rest up his mind and learn about martial arts.

In three days, it is said that it is not long, and it is not short.

It passed almost in the blink of an eye.

The emperor swayed and patrolled such major events as the Great Week.

Naturally, it is to invigorate the teachers.

Clean the street,

Ceremonial gatherings,

Entourage... wait,

All need to be carefully arranged.

Until noon, auspicious hour arrives.

The desolate horn resounded throughout the city, the solemn imperial army cleared the way, and the dragon flag fluttered.

The emperor Mu, who was sitting in the Nine Dragon Imperial Court, saw the waves of vacillation, like the aspirations of sentient beings by candlelight.

Among them are the prayers for Guotai and the people's peace, the hope for good weather, the longing for living and working in peace...

It is such eager emotions that can form endless thoughts.

"The Son of Heaven is born to be admired by all people, precisely because what he represents is the way of heaven, orthodoxy, law, and all the beauty of this country!

Zhao Mu realized it, thoughtfully.

Therefore, when the dynasty collapsed, the country was ruined, the family was destroyed, and the world fell.

Qi and luck will weaken.

Because the people have lost their faith and are completely desperate.

Without the support of the people, the dynasty would cease to exist.

Therefore, humane.

It is not the way to be alone, but the way to benefit the world.

Only in the land of China, every household can have enough food and clothing and feel good.

Only then is the real Consummation.

Zhao Mu grasped the glimmer of inspiration, and the faces of sentient beings were reflected in his eyes.

At this moment, he fully understood what "Tao" is.

That is not something that can be summed up in words.

The place of Tao is the courage of tens of thousands of people.

It is the determination to die without regrets.

Only constant determination, constant understanding, and constant progress.

In order to step into that world.

"The path that the Emperor Yuan has to take is to replace the holy land, to turn the heart of heaven with one's own heart, and to do the will of heaven with one's own body. This is the way of the emperor."

Zhao Mu gradually got a general outline of what he was doing.

The way of beings is not just talking.

You need to do it earnestly and fulfill your ambition.

Unify China, educate people, and open up wisdom.

This can be called "benevolence" and "de".

The benevolent and ethical governance that the poor and rotten Confucian said is nothing more than to amnesty the world and treat people with magnanimity.

Punishment is not in the family, and courtesy is not inferior to the common people.

Finally won a good reputation.

It's just a small favor, it can't spread all over China and benefit the world.

With this comprehension, Zhao Mu's mind became broader and boundless.

At the center of the eyebrows, the piercing thoughts that glowed with light, gradually exuded the brilliance of the sun and the moon.

The people on both sides of the Long Street were unanimously affected.

Inside the slowly walking Nine Dragon Imperial Court, it looks like the ancient holy emperor and the great emperor are sitting in it.

The divine and holy temperament infects the crowd onlookers.

They gave birth to the heart of worship, bowing their heads.

Zuo Duanyun, who was seeing him off, was the first to notice this subtle change.

He witnessed this scene and his eyes were filled with horror.


He lowered his head and dared not look anymore.

According to legend, the ancient holy emperor taught the people, had great benevolence, and enjoyed the ninety-nine supreme position.

Therefore, the heavens and the earth all give orders, and the ghosts and gods are all persuaded by it.

Its **** is like the sun and the moon, its meaning transforms all living beings, and its name is Human Emperor.

"Your Majesty has penetrated the humanitarian changes."

Zuo Duanyun understands the depth and difficulty of Tao.

Throughout the ages, there have been very few people who can understand themselves.

He walked in the way of sages.

That is to advance in the footsteps of the predecessors.

But humanity, I don't know how long it has been cut off.

Since the Ninth Five-Year Lord, the emperor appeared.

Then there will be no emperor, and no humane supreme.

"Your majesty's talent is really...unreasonable."

Zuo Duanyun, who was accompanying the horse, gave a wry smile, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, he rummaged through the historical annals, but failed to find a person on par with Mu Tianzi.

Even if it is as strong as Yuan Huang, it is also a gift from heaven.

"I hope the Holy Land knows the current affairs and understands that this general trend cannot be violated, otherwise, the orthodoxy will not survive."

Zuo Duanyun thought of his teacher, the great wine offered at Shangyin Xuegong.

What the other party has learned is the way of heaven.

It must be to maintain the justice of the heavens and the earth, and the strict laws.

But to preserve the principles of nature, first destroy human desires.

This is a natural contradiction to the statement that the majesty advocates the destiny and the establishment of humanity.

"This way, I don't know how many...inborn grandmasters will die."

Zuo Duanyun shook his head and sighed.

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