Chapter 167 Wall Piercing.

Pointing at the deaf old lady’s angry scolding look, not only was it not rude, but there was a different style in the eyes of the stupid pillar. And Silly Zhu also felt even more sorry for Qin Huairu.

A woman with two children is already very hard.

Xiaodang finally lived in his house, but was framed by the deaf old lady like this. Sister Qin is really pitiful.

Thinking of this, the silly pillar looked at the deaf old lady unkindly.

If it weren’t for the moral kidnapping he personally established, he really wanted to throw the deaf old lady out directly. The deaf old lady couldn’t argue.

You can only stand where you are and accept everyone’s responsibilities.

Even Qin Huairu said that he would catch her in the bureau and let her know that she was wrong. When the deaf old lady heard Qin Huairu say this, she was frightened.

I didn’t care about any facelessness, and immediately begged for mercy. He also bent down to worship Xiaodang and apologized to Xiaodang.

His face was full of cloudy tears and snot, and he shouted in a hoarse voice: “I’m sorry, it’s my old woman who is confused…” I live in Silly Zhu’s house, I feel sorry for Silly Zhu, and I have to raise someone else’s daughter before I marry. ”

“It’s my old woman’s wrong way of handling things, it’s my old woman’s fault…”

Qin Huairu became even more angry when he heard this.

Squeezing, a few 447 tears also hung in the corners of the eyes.

“What do you mean by that? You feel sorry for the stupid pillar, you can harm me? What is called someone else’s daughter, we are all in the same compound, of course, we have to help each other! ”

Usually it is her green tea, moral kidnapping others. No one has ever kidnapped her morally!

This can make Qin Huairu angry.

In the end, it was the fool who moved his compassion himself. Or rather, it was his Virgin’s heart that sinned again.

After all, he raised a deaf old lady for such a few days.

In addition, his father He Daqing also said, the deaf old lady hides money, she is old, in a few years, won’t the property be left to the stupid pillar?

The deaf old lady finally returned a hundred yuan to Zhang Shengli. Silly Zhu calmed Qin Huairu a few words.

Everyone is ready to go back to their respective homes.

This time, because Yi Zhonghai was talking indiscriminately, Qin Huairu was very upset with him. Think that Yi Zhonghai is an unreliable person.

The best for her and the child is always the silly pillar.

So after the fool persuaded, Qin Huairu also had to listen to him. Finally, Chu Chu looked at the silly pillar pitifully: “Yuzhu, if it weren’t for you, alas…” As a mother, you simply cannot forgive someone who hurts her own children. ”

Hearing this, Silly Zhu was simply moved.

That heart was fascinated by the “kind” Qin Huairu. It’s a pity that so many people are watching.

He and Qin Huairu still want to face in the end. I can only go home reluctantly.

Yi Zhonghai looked at the two of them, very unhappy.

Seeing that Qin Huairu finally followed behind him, he snorted coldly.

Back in their yard, everyone heard a loud bang. Zhang Shengli smiled, and the voice of the system was already heard in his mind. He quickly thanked everyone and went back to his bedroom.

Yang Weiwei was teasing her son, and Zhang Shengli returned to the kitchen to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

【Ding! Congratulations to Suzhu for exposing the deaf old lady’s design to steal money and bad intentions, the surrounding crowd believes 100% of the host, and the host exposure is successful! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: five pieces of great unity, three barrels of children’s healthy milk powder [physical fitness], ten pounds of ribs, three crucian carp, and two cartons of pure milk. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward: System Points Plus 50]

【Ding! System reminder: Points upgrade, can break through restrictions, dialogue out of the soul] Zhang Shengli looked at the milk powder and other things in the system space very happy.

He is not short of money now, let alone food. I want Yang Weiwei and her son to be healthy and healthy.

He couldn’t help but think, it would be nice if these people could be a little worse!

In this way, expose it a few more times, and you can drink milk powder for your son to a big one!

That body, I don’t know how energetic.

As for ribs, crucian carp, pure milk, naturally, it is for Yang Weiwei’s body supplement. Zhang Shengli hummed a little tune and cut the ribs.

This day there is no need for a refrigerator, put it on the shelf, and freeze it directly. After doing all this.

Zhang Shengli suddenly remembered, what was that out-of-body technique that the system had just said?

He was very curious about such an amazing skill.

So I immediately returned to the system page and clicked in to browse it carefully. Now he has a total of a thousand points, just enough to level up.

After leveling up, you can redeem the Out-of-Body Technique for free.

As the name suggests, this out-of-body technique is to allow the soul to go out of the body and penetrate the wall. In the past, I could only hear through the wall, but I couldn’t see it directly.

Now it must be easier to expose the filth of the courtyard with out-of-body techniques. Therefore, Zhang Shengli chose to exchange without hesitation.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for upgrading the system! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting an out-of-body technique for free! 】

An icy mechanical sound fell.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Shengli’s body came with heart-rending pain.

He snapped and sat on the ground, and the first thing he did was cover his mouth and try not to scream. A moment later.

Zhang Shengli’s whole person was as if he had just been fished out of water, sweating profusely. The body is no longer painful, replaced by a very light and flexible feeling. It was as if the pain just now was just a dream.

Zhang Shengli closed his eyes and moved.

Suddenly, he felt something move.

When you open your eyes again, your body stays in place with your eyes closed. And he has already presented a phantom and come out.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shengli shouted ox x.

He moved his body and directly penetrated the room.

Yang Weiwei lay on the bed and looked at her son and kissed her. This scene was very warm, and Zhang Shengli couldn’t help but smile.

He was about to return to his body when he was about to return to it. Suddenly, I saw that the lights in the courtyard were still on.

He couldn’t help but want to take a look, after all, who can be free and out of body is not excited? I don’t know what the sound is in the front yard, but the movement is quite loud.

Zhang Shengli floated over with a voice. However, as soon as he arrived at the door, he was helpless.

I saw that in the room, the candlelight inside illuminated the posture of a man and a woman on the paper window. Because there was only Yi Zhonghai in the front yard, he didn’t notice this at all.

And the shout, naturally, was also issued by the two. While they shouted, Yi Zhonghai also lectured: “Qin Huairu, you are all living in my house now, why are you still eyeing stupid pillars?” ”

“Hehe, I still don’t know you, you, where to rely on.”

“Is it? Labor and management will let you see now whether labor and management can be reliable….”


Zhang Shengli simply didn’t look at it.

Quickly leave the front yard and return to your body.

Feeling the lightness of his soul, Zhang Shengli suddenly felt that his body was quite bulky.

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