Chapter 168: Deaf Old Lady Has a Stomachache.

He shouted at Yang Weiwei: “Wife, I’ll go out to buy something.” ”

Zhang Shengli then left the compound.

He is here to take out the five products such as milk powder in the space. Zhang Shengli looked at the jar of ordinary children’s growth milk powder and thought: This matter of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, except for Silly Zhu, in fact, everyone knows it, but there is no contact. So if you go to expose the affairs of the two of them yourself, can you also get a reward?

Zhang Shengli doesn’t mind being the one who exposes himself.

But you can’t just bring people in the yard to the front yard.

In this case, wouldn’t he become the one who eavesdropped on the root of the wall? As soon as Zhang Shengli thought about it, he shelved this matter first.

After a while, Zhang Shengli carried this large pile of things back to the room. Fortunately, it was dark now and no one saw it.

Otherwise, these beasts in the courtyard will definitely ask.

It’s another big New Year, maybe you will ask for something. Although Zhang Shengli will not give it, but it is more diaphragmatic.

After returning to the room.

Yang Weiwei looked at Zhang Shengli, who was a big bag and a small bag, and was surprised.

“You just went out and actually bought so many things?”

Zhang Shengli scratched his head and smiled: “I see that my son drinks milk very vigorously, I am afraid that you will bleed, after a while, I will directly give him milk powder.” Yang Weiwei’s face blushed. ”

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shengli actually knew this. She gave Zhang Shengli a blank look, and said coquettishly: “Even my own son is not distressed, such a young child eats milk powder, it’s not good.” ”

Zhang Shengli smiled and lifted the crucian carp and ribs: “And these things, they are all for you to replenish your body.” ”

He pointed to pure milk and said, “In the future, remember to drink a bottle of milk every day, you know.” ”

Yang Weiwei was moved in her heart, this woman was as soft as water, and her eyes were red all of a sudden.

“Victory, you are so good.”

She knew that she had married a good man, but she didn’t expect this man to be so good. Zhang Shengli laughed badly: “Where to eat and make up, you must make up for it.” ”

“You’re bored!”

He Shengli turned his head in anger.

Zhang Shengli took off his coat, stepped forward to hug Yang Weiwei, and carried his son to sleep. The night is deep.

The compound became more and more silent. Only the sound of dripping, snowing.


Under such silence, the He family’s every move also seemed very loud.


Penthouse. The deaf old lady lay on the bed with a look of lovelessness. After a long time.

She trembled and got up from the bed.

A strong stench emanated from all around her.

She pushed open the door, and at this time Silly Zhu was still teaching Xiaodang to write homework and recognize words in the main room.


Xiaodang saw her come out and deliberately snorted.

Silly Zhu quickly patted the child’s back distressedly, and he couldn’t help but glance at the deaf old lady reproachfully. Then, the stench reached his nose.

It was so foul smelling that the silly pillar couldn’t help but shout: “Lying groove, what smell!” ”

The silly pillar stood up at once and looked at it with blessing.

Xiaodang covered his nose and said, “Uncle Zhuzi, it’s okay, it’s just that the old lady fart.” ”


Silly Zhu nodded angrily, and muttered in a low voice: “This is what to eat, alas, this old lady…”

The deaf old lady knew that these two people disliked herself, and after walking out of the main hall, she turned her head and smacked at the door.

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