Chapter 187: Stick Terrier Sentenced to Thirty Years.

The deaf old lady left the courtyard with hatred.

And the stupid pillar, holding back for a long time, when it was evening, finally opened the door, and went to cook. He casually copied a green pepper corn and cooked a bowl of porridge on the table.

Silly Zhu beckoned Xiaodang to eat.

He Daqing ate a lot today, and looked quite happy: “Finally drove the old woman out, ate my son’s all day, and lived my son’s.” ”

He glanced at the silly pillar, which looked like he was going to say something.

But because Xiaodang was here, He Daqing didn’t say it in the end. Xiaodang obediently lowered his head and ate the fragrant big corn.

Looking at the stupid pillar on the face 537 who was a little worried, he grinned: “Uncle Pillar, why are you a little unhappy?” ”

Silly Pillar laughed bitterly.

Because today the deaf old lady came to make trouble.

Now the people in the steel mill are waiting to see his jokes.

When he left, he saw that everyone’s eyes were full of disgust when they looked at him. This is the reason why the stupid pillar directly turned his face.

The deaf old lady really made his reputation stink. And Silly Zhu is a person who loves face very much.

“It’s okay, Xiaodang, it’s a big New Year, uncle is happy.”

“Uncle is happy, my mother will definitely live with us in the future.”

Xiaodang said with a grin.

As soon as the stupid pillar was drawn, the sorrow just now immediately dissipated.

Oh, yes! The deaf old woman is gone, and Sister Qin will definitely agree to marry him.

However, she hasn’t pulled a divorce certificate with Jia Dongxu, right? No, we must hurry up and get this done! Otherwise, when that old woman of Jia Zhang’s family comes back from prison, she will definitely make Sister Qin a mess again. Silly Zhu patted his head, and his heart was hot.

As soon as He Daqing saw him like that, he knew what he was thinking.

He sighed helplessly, and after eating, he stood up and went back to his room.

He Daqing lit a tobacco in the room, and he originally wanted to tell Silly Zhu that he took dozens of dollars from the deaf old lady before he took advantage of the deaf old lady’s lack of attention.

Originally, this money was intended to give some to the silly pillar, but the silly pillar looked like that, and the money would definitely be deceived by the woman. Silly Zhu planned to buy a good dress after work tomorrow, and then confess to Qin Huairu.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, there was another explosion of news in the courtyard. The stick terrier has been sentenced!

Exactly thirty years!

Yi Zhonghai was in the room and heard this matter.

The whole person softened all of a sudden. How to say the stick terrier, it is also the son he has raised for so many years.

However, at the same time, Yi Zhonghai was a little happy in his heart.

It’s good that the terrier is not his son, otherwise if there is a son of a labor camper, his reputation will be completely ruined! Now I still have energy…

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Qin Huairu, who was sitting beside him. A pair of triangular eyes, slightly narrowed, looking cold and deep.

“As long as you give me a son, the family’s money, land, and house will all be yours in the future.”

Qin Huairu didn’t speak.

She was very disdainful in her heart.

She knew who Yi Zhonghai was, and Yi Zhonghai couldn’t do it at all. Now that she stays here, there is no way.

However, the silly pillar has now driven away the deaf old lady.

On his side of the house, there is not much burden. Once married, you can directly be the master of the household.

Thinking about it this way, Qin Huairu wanted to clear his relationship with Yi Zhonghai. She pushed away the shirtless Yi Zhonghai and frowned: “Don’t touch me first, so many things have just happened, how can you be in the mood.” ”

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