Chapter 188: Move.


Yi Zhonghai touched it for a long time, and saw that he still couldn’t do it. He could only lie next to Qin Huairu.

He didn’t think much about it, smiled and said, “I can’t think of it, you still care about this?” You wouldn’t have fucked with my bastard son, would you? ”

Qin Huairu was so angry that he stood up, and then sorted out his clothes.

“Don’t talk nonsense, if it weren’t for you threatening me openly and covertly, would I have taken it from you?”

Yi Zhonghai sneered.

“Don’t tell yourself how pure you are, didn’t you just fancy my property in the first place.”

“I won’t tell you, I’m going to divorce Jia Dongxu.”

Qin Huairu finished tidying up his clothes and turned back to Yi Zhonghai and said. Yi Zhonghai was stunned.

I didn’t expect Qin Huairu to suddenly tell him this.

He showed his big yellow teeth and smiled: “Yes, is it possible, are you planning to marry me?” ”

“If you want to marry me, you must give me an eldest son.”

Qin Huairu glanced at him coldly.

Now she still needs Yi Zhonghai’s help, and she can’t turn her face with Yi Zhonghai for the time being.

“You accompany me to Jia’s house tomorrow, and when the time comes, you must let Jia Dongxu and I divorce the marriage.”

“Otherwise, what if he keeps relying on me.”

Yi Zhonghai nodded.

He also got up from the bed and walked in front of Qin Huairu. His rough and greasy hand touched Qin Huairu’s face: “Okay, I’ll help you, but how do you repay me.” ”

“Hehe, I’ll repay you now…”


Two you non my non.

Little did they know that their every move was monitored by Zhang Shengli. After the stick terrier was sentenced.

Thirty years of heavy punishment made all the people who had envied Jia Zhang’s imprisonment for only three months in prison and were ready to move settle down. Because everyone has heard that before sentencing, the stick terrier also pretended to be mentally ill and pretended to be crazy and stupid.

As a result, not only does it not work. He was also beaten in prison.

Originally, he only needed to spend twenty-five years in prison.

Because he resisted strictness and did not change his sense of error, he was sentenced to five years.

And Zhang Shengli is now waiting to expose the ugly affairs of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu, and come to get milk powder in turn. Jia will be back in a few months.

Qin Huairu will definitely divorce Jia Dongxu at this time.


Because if she doesn’t leave again, when Jia Zhang comes back, the divorce will be even more troublesome. Everyone will say that she divorced because she was afraid of taking care of the elderly.

As a result, he listened to the root of the wall, and the two ended the fight within minutes. Then, Yi Zhonghai got up and lit a cigarette, and said to Qin Huairu: “You saw it today, the deaf old lady has nowhere to go, do you want to think of a way to let the old woman stick Zhang Shengli.” ”


“What can I think of, although that old woman is very cruel on the surface, she doesn’t dare to offend Zhang Shengli at all.”

Qin Huairu was wearing clothes: “Zhang Shengli doesn’t lack anything, we won’t be able to wrench him for a while, we must think of a way.” ”

The two were silent for a long time.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly said: “Otherwise, how about using the old woman’s method?” ”

Zhang Shengli narrowed his eyes.

Walked out of the room.

He was afraid that his expression would be seen by his daughter-in-law.

The deaf old lady’s scheme, when Zhang Shengli used the system to monitor them before, he also heard a little. It is Yi Zhonghai who went to steal the project in the factory and then sold it for money.

But because Yi Zhonghai was afraid, he never agreed to Jiu.

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