Bicycles are not uncommon in wars. In fact, in this era, riding bicycles to fight guerrilla warfare can greatly improve the mobility and flexibility of the team. In many battles in history, bicycle armies have appeared.

Soon, Wu Qianli personally pushed the bicycle in front of He Yuzhu.

"Captain Wu"

"After this farewell, I don't know when we'll meet again"

"When the war is over, if we meet again, we must drink and chat happily."

He Yuzhu saluted Wu Qianli and the soldiers of the 7th Company and rode away on his bicycle.

Everyone has experienced life and death.

Is there any stronger relationship in the world than experiencing life and death together?

He Yuzhu rode away on his bicycle


At the same time, in No. 95 Nanluoguxiang, four-year-old He Yushui was digging wild sweet potatoes in Xishan with a small shovel, imitating the adults around her.

Even though He Yushui was weak from hunger, she was still digging the land desperately.

As long as she dug a big wild sweet potato, she could have a full meal.

In the whole Xishan, at least hundreds of people were digging wild sweet potatoes.

Whoever dug first would eat first. Whoever dug first would make money.

"Hey Yo"

"Really good."

Uncle Yan Bugui's wife and auntie in the courtyard had already dug out most of the basket of wild sweet potatoes and were grinning from ear to ear.

Turning around, auntie saw Liu Haizhong's wife, auntie No. 2, and Liu Guangqi and Guangfu, who had probably dug a full basket. Auntie's smile froze and her face turned extremely cold:"Jiecheng, Jiefang, both of you hurry up, how come Liu Haizhong's family dug more than us, why are they so lucky."

Yan Jiecheng and Yan Jiefang turned on the mad dog mode, digging frantically with shovels.

Too many people were digging sweet potatoes.

This was the 1950s, and there was a food shortage.

The economy was a little depressed.

Who would dislike having more sweet potatoes in the kitchen?

Food is life.


"Finally dug up a sweet potato."

Four-year-old He Yushui kept digging in the soft soil.

Finally dug out a sweet potato.

He Yushui smiled happily.


Cut off the vines.

She held the sweet potato in her palm and looked around happily.

If her brother was at home, he would definitely light a fire and start roasting sweet potatoes for her.

The sweet potatoes roasted by her brother were fragrant and crispy.

She drooled.

Suddenly, a pair of big hands snatched the sweet potato from He Yushui's hands.


He Yushui was stunned.

He looked up and saw that it was Yan Jiecheng, the 14-year-old eldest son of Yan Bugui.

Yan Jiecheng sneered at He Yushui:"You have been digging next to our house for so long, this sweet potato belongs to our family. It is considered as the land occupation fee you paid. You can dig again and the next one will be yours."

He Yushui's eyes turned red when his sweet potato was taken away.

"This isn't your home."

"Anyone can dig"

"Why did you snatch my sweet potato?

He Yushui was unwilling to give up and rushed forward to take back the sweet potato.

""Go to hell."

Yan Jiecheng slapped He Yushui on the head and pushed him down.

When He Yuzhu was around, Yan Jiecheng was bullied by him.

He couldn't beat He Yuzhu, so he took advantage of He Yuzhu's absence to bully He Yushui as a reward.

"Woo woo woo"


He Yushui squatted on the ground and kept crying.

But the third aunt's family and the second aunt's family ignored her.

He Yushui cried for a while, and then she started digging sweet potatoes again.



While searching for the 10th Company, He Yuzhu encountered a lone enemy of the US coalition. He knelt on the ground, as if his legs were blown off. There was blood all around him, and several broken limbs and debris. He Yuzhu was the first to find the enemy and shot him dead.

A peanut.

Send the enemy to sleep.

When the enemy does not clearly surrender, it is threatening.

He Yuzhu hesitated for half a second.

The enemy might shoot.

Every second is a matter of life and death.

Can't relax at all.

He Yuzhu walked over and kicked the corpse.

He found that his legs were not injured at all, and it was the legs of the enemy comrades who were bleeding.

It turned out to be a disguise.

"If you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger and meet me, then you will die."

He Yuzhu muttered

""Company commander!"

At the Changjin Lake battlefield, He Yuzhu rode a bicycle to find the 10th Company.

At this moment, the company commander of the 10th Company, Sun Bing, was sitting on a stone with a map in his hand.

There was a route marked with a red pen on the map.

This route could lead directly to the 32nd Division.

Their company was responsible for clearing the entire route and opening up the communication line.

The divisions could transport, communicate and support each other, and exchange resources, which would undoubtedly be very helpful for combat.

"Comrade He Yuzhu"

"The injury has healed! ?"

Sun Bing excitedly gave He Yuzhu a hug after seeing him.

He Yuzhu's combat ability is obvious to all. His return gave everyone in the 10th Company a shot in the arm.

Li Yong, Qian Dagui, Wang Defa, Zheng Zhanfei, Hu Guangzhi, Yang Jin and other soldiers as well as instructor Han Wu also surrounded He Yuzhu. Everyone welcomed He Yuzhu's return to the team.

"Captain, I see you look worried."

"What's the reason?"

He Yuzhu asked Sun Bing.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there had been no significant casualties in the 10th Company during her absence. After staying in the 10th Company for a long time, the people in the 10th Company are not only comrades-in-arms, but also like family members.

Sometimes comrades-in-arms may be more reliable than family members.

Sun Bing began to regain his composure and explained to He Yuzhu,"Look at the map. This is our position. Ahead is Hagaru-ri. Hagaru-ri is one of the main battlefields. There must be a lot of enemy troops there, and the number is uncertain. The scouts sent out have not returned for a day. I'm afraid it's dangerous. We have to get through Hagaru-ri, which is a dangerous place."

He Yuzhu nodded,"It's indeed extremely dangerous, but there is no room for detours. We can only fight head-on." Han Wu:"In this battle alone, I'm afraid our company will suffer heavy losses."

Han Wu could predict the outcome of a head-on battle.

Sun Bing was helpless:"Knowing there is a tiger in the mountain, we can only go there. The most important thing is to complete the orders from our superiors, regardless of life or death."

Sun Lin gritted his teeth.

He was preparing himself mentally to command the soldiers to fight to the death.

He Yuzhu said:"Don't we have a lot of South Korean enemy uniforms? Put them on and pretend to be them, maybe it will work wonders."

Sun Bing and instructor Han Wu looked at each other.

There was some light in their eyes.

They didn't want to have a head-on conflict with the enemy hiding in Xiajieyu.

Putting on enemy clothes, disguising as them, and then suddenly stabbing them in the back might really achieve unexpected results.

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