The 10th Company had 134 soldiers, all wearing the uniforms of the South Korean 3rd Division. There were 150 of them when they arrived, and the Battle of Chosin Reservoir had only been going on for nearly a week, and the first company had already lost 16 soldiers.

This was just the 10th Company.

How many companies were there in the entire corps?

The 10th Company did not have the least casualties, but it certainly did not have the most.

Some companies even fought to the last man to complete the strategic mission, holding on to the mission for twelve hours, delaying the enemy for seventy-two hours. They were extremely brave.

The Battle of Chosin Reservoir.

The bloodiness of the Dragon people has been brought out at this moment.

It frightened the world.

The sleeping dragon.

Awoken long ago

"Is there anyone who can speak South Korean?"Sun Bing gathered all the soldiers in the company and asked them. If anyone can speak South Korean, then the disguise will undoubtedly be more perfect. Everyone is covered in dust and dirt. The skin color of Longguo and South Koreans is not much different. If they can get the language, then it will be seamless.

Everyone was silent.

In this era, anyone who graduated from junior high school is considered to have a high education.

How can there be anyone who can speak Korean?

It is difficult to find a few in the entire division.

Sun Bing smiled bitterly.

Still can't do it?

He Yuzhu was also silent in the crowd. At most, he could speak a few words like Sala Heyo, Obangsang, Barbara, etc., which was far from being able to speak South Korean prophecy.

Han Wu said:"It doesn't matter if there is no one who can speak it. When we are about to be exposed, we will take action directly and catch the opponent off guard. That will be considered to have the upper hand."

Sun Bing nodded.

The group set off immediately.

Clearing all obstacles on the road leading to the 32nd Division as soon as possible will definitely be beneficial to the war situation.

War is not just about who is better equipped, intelligence and communication networks are also extremely important. After walking for a whole day, everything was peaceful.

This shows that the front-line battlefield is still very effective in blocking the enemy.

When passing a hillside, He Yuzhu and his group stood on a high place and had a panoramic view of the entire Changjin Lake. This is an artificial lake. Due to the extreme cold here, the lake surface is frozen solid this month, a piece of snow, even spectacular.

"Platoon Leader He"

"There are fireworks ahead."

Zheng Zhanfei pointed to a cloud of white smoke ahead and said.

He Yuzhu looked up and saw the curling smoke.

"Are there friendly troops stationed here?" Wang Defa muttered doubtfully.

He Yuzhu said coldly:"If they were from our corps, do you think they would create smoke near the Changjin Lake where planes frequently bomb?"

Wang Defa was silent.

He Yuzhu hit the nail on the head.

Sun Bing:"Everyone must be ready for battle at any time, load your guns, and let's go over and see what's going on."



Everyone loaded their guns.

Walking along the path, at the foot of a hill among several small hills, they found about 70 or 80 South Korean soldiers from the 3rd Division. They were making a fire and using their helmets to cook. They were all covered in dust and looked extremely embarrassed. The atmosphere was very depressing. Undoubtedly, with the joining of the Ever-Victorious Army, their chances of winning had been greatly reduced, and their morale had plummeted.

""Which company are you from?" an enemy platoon leader asked He Yuzhu and others.

Because they had the same uniforms and similar skin colors, they didn't take any precautions at first.

Those who needed to cook cooked and those who needed to eat ate.


""Da da da."

Sun Bing took the M3 submachine gun and started beating them.

He Yuzhu took a Thompson submachine gun and fired a burst of bullets, killing three enemies with one burst of bullets.

Li Yong held the light machine gun in both hands and fired a burst of bullets.

The 10th Company was now so rich that it didn't need to worry about bullets.

Even the soldiers in the kitchen squad could be allocated a rifle.

The enemy was almost defenseless.

In less than half a minute, most of them had been killed.


He Yuzhu threw a grenade into an open tent, and the tent was blown apart immediately.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

"There must be some fish that slipped through the net, be careful"

"Be sure to watch out for people pretending to be dead."

Sun Bing said loudly, leading the charge into the enemy camp.

The water in many helmets was still boiling.

The fire was still burning.

What had changed was that the person who was burning the fire was gone.




Before the other party fired, He Yuzhu shot him in the head.

Blood splattered all over the ground.

He Yuzhu's face was grim. He was just a person who deserved to die.

It was not a pity for the other party to die.

On the battlefield, when two armies are facing each other, no matter how the enemy dies, how he ends up, or what the situation is, you must stick to your heart and kill him. You cannot have pity. The strong prey on the weak. If you sympathize with the enemy, you will pay the price with your life sooner or later.



He Yuzhu walked to another green tent and suddenly heard a woman's scream.

The woman's scream sounded particularly abrupt among so many tough guys.

Everyone noticed

"Clean up the battlefield!"

He Yuzhu said immediately, reminding everyone not to relax.


He Yuzhu grabbed a corpse and used it as a cover. He immediately used a dagger to directly cut open the tent. He was not stupid enough to use his hands to open the tent from the front. What if there was a female killer inside? She could be killed by a burst of bullets easily.

Be careful, and you will never have any problems.


"Do not kill me"

"Don't kill me."

A woman with long black hair was curled up in the tent, begging for mercy and screaming in Chinese.

Seeing that the other person was wearing a white coat and was a doctor

"Are you from Dragon Country?"

"How could I be a doctor for the enemy army?"

Wang Defa said fiercely, his eyes widened like a cow's.

What he hated most in his life was the traitors. They were more hateful than the invaders.

Wang Defa held the pistol tightly in his hand, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

"I am South Korean"

"I like your Dragon culture. I studied Chinese in college.

As the female doctor spoke more, I could tell that her accent was a bit awkward. She was definitely not from Dragon, but I could still understand what she was saying.

"Like Dragon Country culture?"

"And then you came to join the army and marched across the Yalu River with your South Korean 3rd Division?"

"Is that how you like it?"

He Yuzhu said coldly.

The female doctor waved her hands repeatedly:"I am a doctor. I don't like war, and I don't like seeing people bleeding and sacrificing. I am only here to treat illnesses and save lives. I was forcibly conscripted into the barracks as a military doctor, not to assist any army to attack you. I am against war."

He Yuzhu said:"No matter what the reason you joined the battlefield, the people you rescued are our enemies. If you heal them, they will come to attack us again. In the final analysis, you are also our enemy."

The female doctor kept shaking her head.

"I surrender"

"I surrender"

"I only rescued some seriously injured patients who were disabled and had lost their ability to fight. I did not harm you indirectly, let alone directly."

"Please let me go."

The female doctor burst into tears and kept begging for mercy.

Her desire to survive was very strong.

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