"Since you surrender, that's another matter. You are a prisoner and we won't kill you. As for your remarks, someone will investigate and the truth will come out. But I won't believe your empty words." He Yuzhu looked at the South Korean female military doctor with a cold look. In two lives, He Yuzhu has experienced too many sinister human natures. One-sided statements are not acceptable. Including other soldiers, they are all curious about how there is a female military doctor. They have no other ideas. The Long Kingdom has strict military discipline and well-trained soldiers. Only a team of steel can continuously complete many impossible tasks. The female military doctor of the Third Division of South Korea breathed a sigh of relief when she heard He Yuzhu say that she would not be killed.

She is not a soldier. She was just forcibly conscripted from the hospital.

The horrific and bloody scenes on the battlefield have made her panic all day long. Facing death. As an ordinary woman. She is even more afraid. She has parents at home. And many friends and relatives. She is still young. She really doesn't want to die.

"Our army treats prisoners well, and surrender is the best choice."Sun Bing looked at the South Korean female military doctor and said lightly.

Longguo is a very humane country.

An ancient civilized country.

Just like a gentleman.

But a gentleman will also have a shotgun and artillery shells when facing the enemy.

The South Korean female military doctor knew this moment, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly she felt relieved. She really didn't want to participate in the war again.

He Yuzhu said to the South Korean female military doctor:"We can't send you to the prisoner-of-war group now, because our company has important tasks arranged by the organization, and we can't reduce our combat effectiveness. And it happens that our company's military doctor went to support the temporary hospital. There is no military doctor for the time being. During our next mission, you will serve as our military doctor with the team."

Sun Bing heard what He Yuzhu said, and gave He Yuzhu a thumbs up from a distance.

That's good.

Get a military doctor for the 10th company.

Wang Defa said to Sun Bing:"Company commander, our company has fought several times and has been constantly transferred. More than a dozen soldiers have suffered some minor injuries of varying degrees. Let her bandage and treat our company soldiers."

Sun Bing nodded.

Sun Bing asked the South Korean female military doctor prisoner:"What is your name."

The South Korean female military doctor prisoner replied:"Park Hye Kyo"

"" Park Hye Kyo, thank you for treating the wounds of our company soldiers." Sun Bing said.

Park Hye Kyo bit her red lips lightly. She did not move for a while.

After all, she is a South Korean.

He Yuzhu said coldly:"You are a prisoner of war, and you surrender unconditionally. If you don't do it, it means that you are not sincere in surrendering to the enemy."

He Yuzhu has already put the pistol to Park Hye Kyo's head.

The cold, black muzzle.

There is an infinite fear.

As long as Park Hye Kyo dares to refuse, He Yuzhu will shoot without hesitation.

Even if Park Hye Kyo is very beautiful

"I will treat them."

Park Hye Kyo took out her medical kit from the tent and started to treat the wounded soldiers.

Her medical kit was quite complete, with penicillin, sulfa, etc.

Some soldiers had a high fever due to inflammation of the wound.

Park Hye Kyo was like timely rain.

"He Yuzhu, these prisoners will be guarded by your team."Sun Bing said


He Yuzhu was stunned for a moment.

He Yuzhu said to Sun Bing:"Company commander, our platoon is fighting on the front line. It is inconvenient to move with a female military doctor suddenly."

Sun Bing smiled:"I think nothing is impossible for you. This female military doctor is weak and may be a burden to any platoon, but in your platoon, I believe you have a way to prevent her from affecting the speed of our company's march."

Han Wu:"You caught the person, you have to be responsible."

He Yuzhu saw the smiling faces of Sun Bing and Han Wu and could only nod. After a night's rest, the 10th company set off again at dawn.

He Yuzhu asked Park Hye Kyo to follow her closely. She wanted to get to know this woman thoroughly through contact to prevent her from causing trouble when the team was fighting.

"You just follow us."

"Don't play any tricks"

"Otherwise I will beat you to death."

He Yuzhu said this in advance.

Park Hye-kyo was once again facing He Yuzhu's death threat, and her temper flared up:"I am afraid of death, is it wrong to be afraid of death? Am I so unbearable in your eyes? Otherwise, just beat me to death."

He Yuzhu:"I am just reminding you."

He Yuzhu's face was serious.

He re-examined Park Hye-kyo.

She was about 22 years old.

Little girl, and she was angry.

He Yuzhu always ignored the fact that he was only 16 years old in the parallel world...

In his previous life, he was a college student who was about to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and he was not much older than a 22-year-old woman.


While chatting with Park Hye-kyo, He Yuzhu suddenly frowned. He immediately took the sniper rifle in his hand, and shot at a hilltop with a blind sniper rifle.

All the soldiers of the 10th Company were highly alerted by He Yuzhu's shot. They pulled the bolts, loaded the bullets, and aimed in all directions.

"He Yuzhu, what's wrong?"

Sun Bing and Han Wu came over with serious faces.

He Yuzhu pointed to a hill and said,"Company commander, instructor, there is a sniper on the hill in the southwest. It must be the enemy. I felt the murderous aura. My back was cold just now. If I hadn't shot and killed the opponent quickly, if it was two seconds later, I'm afraid our 10th Company would have lost some people."

He Yuzhu has the [Eye of Insight]. He can't just say that he observed the enemy, he can only describe it with murderous aura.

The human brain is a high-speed computer.

Murderous aura is also something that exists in the world.

The brain suddenly had a flash of inspiration and could really feel it.

It's not particularly outrageous that He Yuzhu used the feeling of murderous aura to cover up the [Eye of Insight].

"Wu San"

"Go to the top of the hill and see what's going on."

Sun Bing said to investigator Wu San


Wu San went over immediately

"So far away, two hundred meters away, you didn't even aim, even if there was an enemy, did you really hit him with this shot?"Park Hye Kyo questioned He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu didn't respond to Park Hye Kyo.

A prisoner of war.

He Yuzhu didn't want to pay more attention.

Even if Park Hye Kyo was beautiful,

He Yuzhu was not interested.

About forty minutes, Wu San went back

""Captain, there really is a US coalition sniper who was just killed. Here, this is his sniper rifle. I brought it here." Investigator Wu San handed a Mauser 98K sniper rifle to Sun Bing.

He Yuzhu came forward.

The 98K is also equipped with a HUB23 silencer and is also equipped with a special Nah cartridge.


"That sniper must have a high position in the US coalition forces, and his equipment is ridiculously good."

He Yuzhu said.

Investigator Wu San took a few breaths and continued,"I found more than a dozen skulls around the sniper, strung together with ropes, as if he took them as trophies."

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