Hearing about the dozen skulls, He Yuzhu, Sun Bing, Han Wu, Zheng Zhanfei and others looked very unhappy.

The enemy's spoils.

So it was easy to imagine which camp those skulls belonged to.

He Yuzhu, Sun Bing, Han Wu and others immediately took a few soldiers to the hill in the southwest. In addition to a fresh corpse of a foreigner who was still bleeding, there was a very conspicuous circle of skulls next to it. There were a total of fifteen skulls, with ropes passed through their eyes.

"Damn it!"

""Da da da!"

Even the gentle and refined Han Wu couldn't help but shudder when he saw these skulls. He kicked the enemy sniper's body and made it roll down the hillside. Then he snatched the light machine gun from Li Yong and fired at the body. He wanted to use the gun and bullets snatched from the enemy to end the enemy's life.

Looking at the fifteen heads,

He Yuzhu couldn't let it go for a long time.

He was inexplicably sad.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

These martyrs.

For the peace of future generations, they paid too much.

They are not machines.

All of them are flesh and blood.

When they went to the battlefield, how patriotic they were and how much they loved this... The world is full of hope and longing for peace.

They probably also want to walk hand in hand in the park as a family. They also want a quiet afternoon, sitting under a banana tree, reading a book and drinking coffee with their legs crossed.

They must have envisioned a peaceful future and were determined to sacrifice their lives to uphold justice and defend their country. Their selfless spirit made He Yuzhu feel ashamed.

He joined the army without hesitation because he had a system.

He Yuzhu did not think he was a hero.

These fifteen heads were.

Sun Bing was.

Li Yong was.

Han Wu was.

These lovely and respectable people who participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea were all great heroes.




He Yuzhu fired into the sky, saluting the fifteen heads, comforting the dead, blessing them, affirming them, and venting his anger and regret.

Sun Bing and others also fired their guns into the sky.

"Collect all the heads, and when we escort the South Korean female prisoner of war to the Yalu River Prisoner of War Regiment, let the heads return to the country as well."Sun Bing said to several soldiers


The soldiers nodded loudly.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The 10th Company continued to move forward.

An enemy plane appeared in the sky.


Sun Bing shouted to everyone.

Everyone was pressed against the stone wall.

With the cover of the dead trees, the soldiers of the 10th Company could not be seen from the sky.

He Yuzhu leaned against the female prisoner Park Hye Kyo with one hand to hold her tightly behind him to prevent her from doing anything. Although Park Hye Kyo had always behaved very honestly, he had to be on guard against others. He Yuzhu would not easily trust an enemy just because of one or two days of contact. There is nothing wrong with being vigilant at all times.

It is a kind of self-protection.

People should not be suspicious.

But they cannot doubt nothing.

The more you use your brain, the better it works.

The brain is an inexhaustible supercomputer.


"I won't hurt anyone."

Park Hye-hye pouted and snorted. He Yuzhu didn't give any response.

Park Hye-kyo suddenly said:"If a bullet came at you now, would you use me to block the bullet without hesitation?"

He Yuzhu:"No"

"We, the Volunteer Army, treat prisoners well."

Park Hye-kyo was startled.

Looking at He Yuzhu's resolute face, this answer was unexpected to her.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three more fighter planes

"Our Dragon Country fighters!"Sun Bing was extremely excited when he saw the three fighters. Three Dragon Country fighters were actually flanking an enemy plane.

Sun Bing was about to rush out and cheer passionately, but was stopped by Han Wu.

"Old Sun"

"We are now wearing the enemy's combat uniforms."

"Avoid being hurt by mistake."

Han Wu reminded.

Sun Bing immediately continued to hide:"We will put on our uniforms again later. We have already used up the enemy's leather."

Han Wu nodded.

Of course, the Dragon Kingdom uniform is more comfortable to wear.

More down-to-earth

"call out!"

"call out!"


The Longguo fighter jets attacked, continuously firing a large number of bullets.

There were also several shells.

However, all of them were dodged by the enemy.

Seeing the enemy fighters dodging the first wave of attacks, He Yuzhu and others were all worried.

The enemy began to attack.

The three Longguo fighters were flying in an S-shaped trajectory at a very fast speed, and they all dodged.

As a Longguo fighter jet fired a shell and hit the enemy plane, there was an explosion in the air, flames were everywhere, and immediately the enemy fighter began to emit black smoke, swaying in the air, and then fell.


The enemy fighter plane exploded on a mountain not far away.

The pilot inside was undoubtedly blown to pieces.

"Damn, I saw the air battle with my own eyes, and our Dragon Country won. It was so exciting."

"My biggest dream is to fly a plane and shoot down the enemy fighter plane. The three above have made my dream come true."


"I will watch this scene ten thousand times."


The soldiers of the 10th Company were delighted to see the Dragon Kingdom win in the air battle.

The rise of the country made the soldiers more confident, proud and proud wherever they went.

The magnificent scenes of the air battle and the victory made everyone excited for a long time.

"Change your clothes."

Sun Bing said after all the fighters flew away.

"Keep going."

Sun Bing gave another order after a while.

The 32nd Division was only about a day's walk away.

That night, under the stars, the

10th Company stopped and camped nearby.

""Captain, we found a large number of enemy troops 10 kilometers behind us. They should be the enemy troops that broke through. There are at least two battalions, about a thousand people, with cars and tanks." A scout came back on a bicycle when the company was resting and eating. He threw the bicycle directly on the ground and found Sun Bing, panting and saying. Judging from the scout's state, he was already very anxious.

A thousand enemy troops.

It was not something that the hundred of them could resist.


Han Wu spat out the fried noodles in his mouth.

A thousand people!?

"He Yuzhu, what should we do?"

Sun Bing and Han Wu looked at He Yuzhu.


Wouldn't that be too cowardly?

But attack?

They only have more than 140 people.

To attack 1,000 people is like hitting a rock with an egg. They are caught in a dilemma.

Unconsciously, Sun Bing and Han Wu have become accustomed to asking He Yuzhu for advice when they encounter difficulties.

Age is not a problem.

He Yuzhu conquered everyone in the 10th Company with his performance.

He Yuzhu was silent. He fell into thinking.

He suddenly had an idea:"The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. Company commander, instructor, let's fight him!"

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