"When two people meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins. Draw your swords!"

"Our 10th Company has always fought some evenly matched battles, or used the majority to bully the minority, but that is nothing. Using the minority to defeat the majority is a feat. As a soldier, if you retreat when you are outnumbered, you will be at a loss and that is a failure. Under the condition of keeping rationality, you should think about all possible strategies to stimulate more potential."

"I think the time has come"


"Complete a feat."

He Yuzhu said.

If he didn't have the ability, it would be fine to retreat, avoid the sharp edge, and suffer meaningless casualties, which would be meaningless, but He Yuzhu felt that he had the ability.

Sun Bing muttered He Yuzhu's words:"When a brave man meets on a narrow road, will he draw his sword? He Yuzhu, your words make my blood boil."

Han Wu tentatively asked He Yuzhu:"Do you have any way to allow us to fight with more people and win?"

He Yuzhu smiled and said:"Yes, instructor."

Wang Defa said:"Brother Zhu, don't keep me in suspense, tell me the specific plan."

Zheng Zhanfei patted Wang Defa on the shoulder:"Wang Defa, you can call Brother Zhu too, it's good."

Yang Jin:"Reverse Tiangang."

He Yuzhu said at this moment:"I think we should follow the example of our ancestors and see enemies everywhere."

The enemy is only ten kilometers away.

They may come soon.

He Yuzhu quickly arranged the next action.

The first row of soldiers was responsible for tying some cloth strips of similar color to the military uniforms on the high walls of the mountain on both sides of the narrow path. If there were none, they would tear them off their military uniforms, including putting Volunteer Army hats on the grass and trees. They also ordered the kitchen soldiers, the quartermaster, and the scouts to disperse and run and shoot from different directions with machine guns when the fight started.

The second and third rows were responsible for laying mines.

If the other side wanted to break through, this narrow path was the only way.

All the mines of the company were buried.

In recent days, the 10th Company has collected quite a few mines due to continuous victories.

The fourth row was chopping wood quickly.

On such a narrow road, using rolling logs can achieve unexpected results.

"ten kilometers"

"The slower you go, the better."

He Yuzhu muttered.

He Yuzhu thought that the other side might need a whole day to cover 10 kilometers.

But he greatly underestimated the speed of the other side.

It actually took a day and half a night.

It was so slow that pus came out.

This was still a breakout.

It was worthy of being a team that needed more than ten days to cover only 40 kilometers from Liutanli to Xiajieyuli.

It was so slow that it made people dizzy.

However, this also gave He Yuzhu and others sufficient preparation.

Especially at night, the tactic of seeing enemies in every tree and grass could confuse people even more.

"Boom boom boom."

Several cars began to pass by the path.

""Here they come!"

Sun Bing was breathing rapidly.

Under the moonlight, he could see the enemy troops below.

There were indeed more than 500 of them.

A reorganized battalion.

Four cars were leading the way.

They were getting closer and closer to the minefield.


A car ran over a mine, and when the wheels left, an explosion sounded.

Because He Yuzhu ordered people to lay mines by burying several mines together, the explosive force was very strong, directly overturning the car and all the supplies on it.

He Yuzhu was very satisfied to see this effect.


The second car hadn't reacted yet and also ran over the mine and was overturned. The driver would definitely be killed and there would be no chance of survival.

"There is an ambush!"

"There is an ambush!"

The enemy said in English.

They should be from the 1st or 7th Division of the US Allied Forces.

The enemy used more than a dozen flashlights to illuminate the surroundings. When they swept over the hills on both sides, the enemy was obviously frightened. It felt like there were soldiers everywhere. Under the dim light, it felt like the Volunteer Army was densely packed.


He Yuzhu used a sniper rifle to kill an enemy soldier who was shining a flashlight.

"Everybody, fire!"

"Kill the one holding the flashlight first!"

He Yuzhu commanded all the soldiers of the 10th Company to launch an attack.

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

There were firing points in all directions, interweaving into a dense network.

It was like densely packed stars, shining alternately in the vertical and horizontal directions.




All the soldiers of the 10th Company shouted loudly in different positions.

More than 140 people shouted with the momentum of a thousand people.

This was shouting with their lives.

It must be effective.

Otherwise, the enemy would not be fooled.

The sound kept echoing and circling in the valley, doubling the effect.


A howitzer shell shot out and exploded directly in the enemy's pile, killing at least a dozen enemy soldiers.

Ten mortars fired at the enemy.

The shells seemed to be fired in succession, one after another.

The 10th Company now had a lot of shells and bullets.

If they could win this battle, they would undoubtedly have a lot more ammunition.

""Before, I was still using the Type 38 rifle, and I was really careful with every bullet. Now I use the submachine gun as hard as I can. Damn, it feels so good and refreshing!" Yang Jin kept shooting at the enemy. The sound of shooting and the recoil of the submachine gun almost made him intoxicated.

This was the first time in his life that he had fought such a rich battle.

Thinking that it was still more than 100 against more than 500, he was even more excited.

The enemy was also shooting in the direction of the 10th Company, but the soldiers of the 10th Company were very scattered, and there were dead trees tied with cloth strips and wearing hats as a cover, so it was almost difficult for the enemy's bullets to hit.

Sun Bing and Han Wu threw grenades down.

He Yuzhu used a sniper rifle to shoot and kill another enemy.

Next to him was Park Hye-kyo.

She watched He Yuzhu shoot one by one, and she was numb.

This man... was really brave in fighting.

Being his enemy is destined to be a tragedy

"I heard that this time, the plan of using fewer people to defeat more was decided by you."Park Hye Kyo couldn't help asking when He Yuzhu was reloading his gun. He Yuzhu ignored Park Hye Kyo and continued to shoot.


"Always ignoring me."

Park Hye Kyo is obviously a lady from a wealthy family, used to the life of a young lady, even though they are all captives, she still acts like a young lady.

She stamped her feet.

""Be careful!"

He Yuzhu [Insightful Eyes] judged that a bullet was heading straight for Park Hye Kyo's head, so he hugged Park Hye Kyo and threw her down.

The bullet grazed He Yuzhu's shoulder. The skin on He Yuzhu's shoulder was torn.

Blood was dripping.


"What are you doing"

"You...what do you want to do?"

Park Hye Kyo, who was pressed down, screamed wildly.

He Yuzhu climbed up

"I'm saving you"

"Without me, you would have died."

He Yuzhu said calmly.

The pain on his shoulder made him look slightly painful.

Park Hye Kyo also noticed the wound on He Yuzhu's shoulder.

She stopped making a fuss and looked at He Yuzhu deeply.

This man... was actually protecting her with his life.

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