He Yuzhu circled around the ice warrior. Even if he died, he still stood straight, his eyes still gleaming with the sharpness of an eagle.

He Yuzhu looked into his eyes.

His hair stood on end.

"This is a real soldier."

He Yuzhu sighed.

One can imagine how strong his patriotic beliefs are, to be able to hide here to avoid being captured by the enemy in order to carry out the mission or to avoid being captured alive by the enemy, and to stay here motionless until death comes.

"Company Commander"


Two soldiers carefully lifted up the ice sculpture warrior, intending to send him and the bodies of other heroes to the rear to let their remains return to the country. Suddenly, a small note fell out of the ice sculpture warrior's frosted pocket.

He Yuzhu took the note and slowly unfolded it.

There was a string of words on it.

The handwriting was delicate.

Very beautiful.

Maybe without the war, this ice sculpture warrior would become a calligrapher.

It said:"I am a glorious volunteer soldier, ice and snow, I will never yield to you, even if I freeze to death, I must guarantee to resolutely complete all tasks assigned to me by the organization. Mission is above life, and the motherland is above everything." He

Yuzhu looked at every word on the note and couldn't let it go for a long time.

He showed the note to the other soldiers, and they immediately stood in awe.

"Salute to the heroes!"

He Yuzhu said.

In the painful war, He Yuzhu saw too many heroes.

They are greater than the living.

They are the ones who truly sacrificed their lives.

They are not afraid of life and death.

Everyone salutes.

It's snowing again.

Snowflakes are all over the sky. The Changjin Lake, which was already covered with snow, is now filled with white.

The 10th Company has been holding the high ground for another two days.

Blocking six waves of enemy attacks.

In two days, the 10th Company did not give up the strategic location.

Killed hundreds of people.

The casualties were close to double digits.

"Beep beep beep……"

"Beep beep beep……"

Suddenly, the entire Changjin Lake was filled with the sound of charge horns.

The charge horns from the Volunteer Army seemed to stir up a hole in the sky.

"What's going on?"

He Yuzhu was a little confused.

So many teams were charging forward. Something must be wrong.



He Yuzhu shouted.

The communicator was already running towards He Yuzhu:"Company commander, I just received a telegram order from the regiment headquarters. The enemy has broken out on a large scale. We launched a pursuit and beat the fallen dog."

He Yuzhu frowned slightly.

The Battle of Changjin Lake has besieged tens of thousands of enemy troops for nearly a month. Sure enough, they still can't swallow them all.

There is still a gap in equipment and weapons.


"We also pursue"

"Kill as many as you can."

He Yuzhu said loudly.

He Yuzhu went up to the truck compartment, which was driven by a company soldier who could drive.

The 10th Company now has five trucks, which can fully realize motorized pursuit.

The other companies were amazed when they saw so many trucks from the 10th Company. How could the 10th Company be so fat, especially one of the trucks was equipped with howitzers and heavy machine guns, etc., which were shiny and oily. Looking at the other teams, they were all envious. This battalion could not gather so much heavy firepower, the strength was too strong. All the people in the

10th Company are almost walking with their noses in the air.

There is no way.

They are just fat and oily.

Although the 10th Company was a relatively late team, it quickly became the vanguard because it had cars.

"Da da da"

""Da da da."

They chased and fought all the way.

In about a day, at least in the area of Changjin Lake, the Ever-Victorious Army killed more than a thousand enemies and captured more than two thousand.

Then each team began to look for the enemy's previous bases and collect spoils. Naturally, the 10th Company was like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food, constantly searching.

With his insightful eyes, He Yuzhu could always detect good things earlier than other teams.

However, a gentleman loves money but gets it in a proper way. He Yuzhu knew when to stop. He only took a little extra for food, clothing, and daily necessities, including daily bullets, and left the rest to other troops. It would be a waste of time. All the soldiers' lives were important. If other teams could have better equipment, everyone would be happy. He

Yuzhu suddenly raised his brows.

【[Eye of Insight] Found something good.

It's equipment.

Several tents are full of brand new equipment.

It should be that the enemy escaped and didn't have time to take it away or destroy it.


"Southeast direction!"


""Step on the gas pedal."

He Yuzhu immediately stood up from the truck and shouted towards the cockpit.

The driver, hearing He Yuzhu's order, quickly turned the steering wheel and headed southeast.

When the 10th Company arrived at several camps, another company also arrived.

"Hey Hey hey"

"Take your car away."

"We arrived first"

"We are from the 54th Company of the 81st Regiment of the 26th Army."

The company opposite saw that all the members of the 10th Company came in a truck. They were stunned at first, and then pretended to be calm and said that although no one had opened these tents to see what was inside, each tent was intact, and it could be felt that there must be goods inside.

He Yuzhu jumped down from the car

"We obviously arrived together, but you insisted that you arrived first. Isn't that a bit too much?"He Yuzhu smiled.

We are all serving the country.

Now is not the time to have a conflict.

Since there is a disagreement, we should discuss it properly.

The captain of the opposite company saw the smile on He Yuzhu's face and showed some amiability.


"Even if we arrived together"

"Then our company will be 6 and your company will be 4." said the captain of the opposite company.

Deputy Captain Zheng Zhanfei stood up and said,"We all got here together, why should we take 40% and you take 60%? It’s totally unreasonable."

The captain of the other company replied,"Our regiment commander will be here soon. This is our regiment’s territory. You are looting things in our regiment’s territory. It’s very good to be able to give you 40%."

He Yuzhu said,"All the troops are searching for spoils. When did it become a rule that each troop should divide it up according to the region? There is no such rule. You are just making excuses."

"We have more people, so what if we get more?" A large group of soldiers came over, led by a regiment commander, who narrowed his eyes, sat on a tall horse, and just looked at He Yuzhu.

There was a sense of oppression from a superior.

He wanted He Yuzhu to surrender.

He Yuzhu said calmly:"We are not taking the equipment for our own company, we also hand it in to the regiment headquarters."

"That’s right!"

"Comrade He Yuzhu is right, we have more people in the 3rd Regiment.

The commander of the 3rd Regiment of the 59th Division also arrived, supporting He Yuzhu.

"Head of Group"


The soldiers of the 10th Company greeted the commander, Xu Feihu.

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