Xu Feihu said to the captain opposite him:"Old Zhang, long time no see. After all, we both graduated from the same military academy. It's only been half a year since we last met. You haven't improved in other skills, but you have learned to bully the people below you. As a regiment commander, you are so shameless that you snatch things from a company commander. Don't you feel ashamed at all?"

The captain Zhang on the opposite side was not moved by Xu Feihu's provocation.

Captain Zhang insisted:"Xu Feihu, our regiment has 60% and your regiment has 40%. That's it."




Many soldiers of the 3rd Regiment, including He Yushui and the 10th Company, refused to agree.

Xu Feihu said:"Look, my soldiers don't agree, and I certainly won't allow you to just say one lip service. I'll give you 10%. So, if your regiment gives us two heavy machine guns, we'll agree to your regiment's conditions."

When the captain of the opposite regiment heard about the two heavy machine guns, his head shook like a rattle:"We don't know what's in this tent, but two heavy machine guns won't do."

When Xu Feihu heard that the other side didn't agree, he fell into deep thought.

We can't just stay here forever.

It's not appropriate.

He was thinking about a proper countermeasure. He couldn't let the soldiers in the regiment feel cold, nor could he cause dissatisfaction among the soldiers of the other regiment.

"Since we are all soldiers, let's solve the problem in a military way. Each company will send a representative to compete in shooting. Whoever has the better shooting skills will get 60% of the supplies."The captain of the other regiment came up with an idea first. Their regiment has a famous sharpshooter in the whole regiment. This plan is definitely beneficial to their regiment. When the sharpshooter heard the words of the regiment commander, he began to be eager to try.

He held his head high and was very proud.

It is a great honor to use his strengths to fight for the interests of the regiment.

The commander of the 3rd regiment, Xu Feihu, naturally knew that there was a sharpshooter in the other regiment.

This kind of competition is indeed a good way to solve the problem.

However, there is a sharpshooter on the other side. If you agree, you will probably lose.

This is a trap.

But if you don't agree... you will become a coward again.

Xu Feihu looked at the commander of the opposite regiment.

He thought to himself, old boy, you are good at trapping people.

He Yuzhu stood up. He probably understood why Xu Feihu had not taken the fight yet, and took the initiative to say:"Captain, agree to the other side, I guarantee to win."

Xu Feihu looked at He Yuzhu and raised his eyebrows:"Oh?"

Xu Feihu did not question He Yuzhu.

He directly said to the other team leader:"Okay, let's compete in shooting."

"To ensure fairness, we all use the same Type 38 rifle."The other team leader said.

He Yuzhu and the sharpshooter of the other team did not refuse.

A true sharpshooter would not be constrained by the type of weapon.

Even if a slingshot hits the vital point, he can defeat the enemy in one move.


The other sharpshooter loaded his gun, took aim with his Type 38 rifle, and shot a broken boot 200 meters away.


He Yuzhu took the gun and shot without even aiming.

Everyone was stunned.

They didn't know what He Yuzhu was shooting at.

The air?

"cough cough"

"He Yuzhu, where did you shoot?"

Xu Feihu asked with a dry cough.

He Yuzhu said lightly:"Four hundred and sixty meters, at the 8 o'clock direction, there is a wild deer."

Everyone was stunned.

The captain of the opposite team ordered people to go and check.

The sharpshooter of the opposite team was full of disbelief:"Impossible, absolutely impossible, even if there is a wild deer four hundred and sixty meters away, you can't hit it so accurately without a scope, not to mention the heavy snow and the raging cold wind, which will affect the trajectory of the bullet. Four hundred and sixty meters is the limit distance of the Type 38 rifle. This... How can this be done?"

The sharpshooter is also considered a leader among gunmen.

In He Yuzhu's case, he thought that no one in the world could accomplish it.

"Report to the leader!"

"Indeed, a wild deer was just shot dead."

Several soldiers came over carrying the dead deer.

Everyone looked at He Yuzhu with horror.

This... is too accurate.

Hit the target from a hundred paces away?

That's an insult to He Yuzhu.

Four hundred and sixty meters is...

Xu Feihu said to the captain on the opposite side,"We won, which means we have 60% and you have 40%. Someone, go and open all the tents."

The captain on the opposite side was speechless.

The sharpshooter lowered his head in guilt.

He Yuzhu said to the sharpshooter,"You are already very accurate. The enemy probably can't find a few who can match you in marksmanship. It's not that you are too weak, but that I am too strong."

He Yuzhu was worried that this shot would affect the sharpshooter's mood, so he comforted him.

The sharpshooter smiled at He Yuzhu. He understood what He Yuzhu meant.

No longer entangled

""Captain, all ten tents are filled with weapons, equipment and ammunition. Lots, lots of them." A soldier quickly reported to Xu Feihu.


Xu Feihu smiled crookedly when he heard this.

Which general doesn't like the team's equipment to be upgraded?

After the final statistics, only 10% of the weapons and equipment here are worth far more than a heavy machine gun.

He Yuzhu's 10th company found the materials and was also allocated four boxes of bullets for ten PPS-43 submachine guns and five boxes of American grenades.

The combat effectiveness increased again.

It's useless for He Yuzhu to be strong alone. He can't guarantee the safety of everyone. The combat effectiveness of the whole team has been improved. Attack is the best defense.

He Yuzhu checked the system rewards he had obtained by signing in in recent days [Reward host's physical fitness +400, flying knife skills, ten meteorite metal flying knives, a chance to experience a random observation mirror for ten minutes, a super gunner, super aircraft driving skills, a resurrection coin, and a chance to bring heavy rain within a range of 20 kilometers]

When the team was carrying things, He Yuzhu went to a corner and took the meteorite metal flying knife in his hand.

His fingers touched the blade of the knife slightly, and bleeding immediately.

This meteorite metal flying knife is not ordinary sharp.

I'm afraid it's easy to break a hair with a blow.

"He Yuzhu"


"You kid, you really did a great job this time."

Xu Feihu found He Yuzhu, his eyebrows were full of admiration, and he couldn't stop smiling.

"It was just luck."

He Yuzhu said casually.

Xu Feihu patted He Yuzhu on the shoulder:"At such a young age, it is not easy to be a company commander. I am very curious about your future."

Xu Feihu left a message and left with the large army.

He Yuzhu also led the team to follow the regiment.

Their current destination is to go to the 38th parallel for support.

There, a very tragic battle is taking place.

After a day of forced march, He Yuzhu lay in his tent at night. He said lightly:"System, if I use the ten-minute random observation mirror, let me see what my sister is like now."

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