In the face of absolute destructive power, life seems so fragile.



Two enemy planes kept dropping bombs into the crowd of three groups, but the people below could do nothing about it and could only passively take the beating.

"Da da da."

The enemy planes were still diving, using the machine guns they carried to fire wildly at the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment.


Zheng Zhanfei cursed.

The commander of the 3rd Regiment, Xu Feihu, shouted to everyone in the regiment:"Keep speeding up! The formation must not be messed up, keep moving forward! If it is messed up, it will give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage."

Xu Feihu could see many soldiers being killed by planes.

He felt sorry for the lives of the soldiers.

At the same time, he had to stay rational.

To command the soldiers to reduce casualties.

But the road ahead was smooth.

The teams might not be able to enter the mountains and forests within a few hours.

Especially since the planes have high towers as wireless signal receiving stations, these two planes are likely to call more planes to bomb the 3rd Regiment.

This is a very serious air threat.

All commanders of the 3rd Regiment strictly followed Xu Feihu's instructions, asking the soldiers to maintain formation and speed up into the mountains. The team was already marching in a hurry, and at this moment, they were running with death.

He Yuzhu led the 10th Company to run, and suddenly stopped

"Company Commander"

"What's wrong?"

Deputy company commander Zheng Zhanfei asked He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu said in a deep voice:"Move the DShK heavy machine gun over, and then you follow the main force to leave."

Zheng Zhanfei hurriedly did as he was told, and the soldiers also used sandbags to press down the bottom of the heavy machine gun, otherwise the strong recoil impact would make it impossible for the heavy machine gun to aim.

He didn't know what He Yuzhu was going to do.

But he obeyed orders.

And no matter what He Yuzhu did, he had to be responsible for the lives of the soldiers of the 10th Company.

He couldn't act on impulse and drag the whole company to accompany He Yuzhu.

He might even become a burden to He Yuzhu and affect his completion of his plan.

He Yuzhu and Zheng Zhanfei have been together for some time.

From the beginning, he was a new recruit and Zheng Zhanfei was the squad leader.

Now, they are a company commander and a deputy company commander, and they have already developed a tacit understanding.

The soldiers evacuated in an orderly manner.

Military discipline is strict.

He Yuzhu stuffed a large number of bullets into the heavy machine gun like tracks.



The fighters are still dropping bombs.

"Damn it!"

"Come down here!"


He Yuzhu pulled the trigger.

Bullets shot into the sky.

Some soldiers in the 3rd Regiment saw He Yuzhu's operation. They admired He Yuzhu for not running away at this moment, but attacking the enemy fighter. However, no one thought that He Yuzhu would shoot down the enemy plane.

How could it be possible?

"Ding Dong"


He Yuzhu used a heavy machine gun, aiming at the fighter in the sky, and continuously carried out predictive shooting. Sparks kept flying from the fuselage of an aircraft, and the sound of metal clashing could be heard. It was really hit by He Yuzhu. This was the power of [Super Aiming]. As long as it was within the shooting range, nothing could escape.

The pilot panicked at this time.

He quickly pulled the joystick.

The fighter rose high.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

The bullets hit the fighter's fuel tank, and one bullet after another continued to hit the fuselage.

The enemy pilot felt as if he was being locked.

"Want to move up now?"

"It's too late."

He Yuzhu said coldly

"Shit!" the driver yelled


Suddenly, the fuel tank of the fighter exploded.

The plane was blown up and the metal was deformed.

The pilot wanted to open the cabin and escape, but it was impossible.

It suddenly spun and fell with thick black smoke.

Finally, it exploded on the mountain.

The plane was destroyed and the people on board were killed.

There was no doubt that they would die.

The soldiers of the 3rd Regiment who were on their way saw a fighter plane crashing, and they were all stunned.

"An enemy plane was shot down"

"The plane crashed!"

"I know what happened. It was done by the 10th Company Commander He Yuzhu. I just saw him using a heavy machine gun to fire wildly at the fighter planes in the sky. Apart from him, no one else was attacking the enemy planes."

"He Yuzhu is really fierce. He blew up a tank before, and now he shot down a plane."

The soldiers of the 3rd Regiment turned their heads to look at He Yuzhu who was still holding a heavy machine gun and shooting at Tiansheng. At this moment, everyone in the 3rd Regiment admired him very much.

Another fighter noticed He Yuzhu.

It did not bomb the crowd, but threw a bomb next to He Yuzhu.

"It's useless."

He Yuzhu snorted coldly.

The dense rain of bullets blocked the bomb in the sky.

"Da da da."

The enemy plane did not take off and escape. The pilot thought that He Yuzhu was lucky enough to shoot down one enemy plane. Could he shoot down a second one?

He didn't believe it.

The enemy plane dived and continued to drop bombs on He Yuzhu, while the gun barrels fired dense bullets at He Yuzhu.

"Ding Dong"


A large number of bullets continued to fire at the heavy machine gun, sparks flying everywhere.

He Yuzhu used a thick steel plate in front of him to block the remaining bullets. This was taken from the tank. Unless it was an armor-piercing bullet, it would be difficult to penetrate.

He Yuzhu reloaded the bullets and fired another round.


The second enemy plane was about to fall, and as the pilot parachuted, it also fell to the ground and exploded.

As for the parachuted pilot, He Yuzhu shot him with a heavy machine gun from high altitude, turning him into dice. As long as you are within He Yuzhu's shooting range, don't think about escaping.

""Captain, that guy He Yuzhu shot down two planes by himself."

A chief of staff found the commander of the 3rd Regiment, Xu Feihu, and said.

Xu Feihu looked at the wreckage of a fighter plane on the top of the mountain through a telescope and was amazed.

"He Yuzhu is not the only one in our army who shot down planes with machine guns, but the one who shot down two planes in a row is none other than He Yuzhu. This guy... I would like to call him a fierce general." Xu Feihu used a telescope and then looked at He Yuzhu. After shooting down two planes, this man looked calm and composed. He really has a big heart and is truly a great general.

"Quickly move to the forest"

"Join the division as soon as possible"

"It is inevitable that enemy planes will come again."

Xu Feihu said.

They will not stop because of a short victory.

The next day.

The 3rd Regiment successfully joined with other regiments of the 59th Division.

However, there was another problem in front of them. If they wanted to go to the 38th parallel, there was a South Korean 1st Division stationed in Jiangxingli on their route, blocking the entire 59th Division in front.

Early in the morning, the 19th Company of the 6th Regiment of the 59th Division was attacked. After an hour of fighting, corpses were everywhere.

Almost all of the 19th Company was wiped out.

When He Yuzhu led the 10th Company and other companies to arrive, it was too late. The enemy had already retreated.

Smoke was everywhere.

Some of the corpses were still bleeding.

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