The head of the 6th Regiment arrived at the 19th Company camp and burst into tears when he saw so many bodies of his own soldiers.

These people had followed him to fight.

They had given their lives to him.

He felt that he had not protected them perfectly. He felt deeply guilty and blamed himself.

"South Korean First Division!"

"Don't let me get the chance, I will definitely kill you!"

Yue Nanshan, the head of the 6th Regiment, was about to crush his fist. For him who had been a soldier for so many years, this time was a great humiliation for him, and he felt sorry for the soldiers of the 19th Company.

He Yuzhu did not stay for long and chose to leave with the company.

"The lesson of the 19th Company warns us that when fighting in a foreign country, every step is like walking on thin ice. We must pay attention to every detail and do a good job of patrolling and reconnaissance."He Yuzhu said to the soldiers of the 10th Company.

The soldiers of the 10th Company nodded.

The scene of He Yuzhu shooting down two enemy planes is still vivid in everyone's mind.

He Yuzhu is in the 10th Company and now has absolute control.

No one will refute any of his orders.

He is too strong.

He has the final say

"First Platoon, before your superiors give you any combat missions, your main task is patrolling. The second, third, and fourth platoons should also take turns patrolling. There must be no forks. The 19th Company is also a well-known brave company in the 59th Division. The fact that they were quickly wiped out is definitely not their own problem. More problems should be caused by the South Korean First Division. I guess they must have a very well-trained special forces company."

He Yuzhu said

"Special Forces?"

A soldier asked He Yuzhu in confusion.

There were many people like He Yuzhu in the 10th Company who had been in the army for less than half a year.

They knew very little.

Almost all of them joined the army with nothing but passion and enthusiasm.

"The so-called special forces are a special force that has undergone extremely brutal training.

They have a highly unified combat style and a fierce fighting style.

Their overall quality is very high.

Whether it is survivability, reconnaissance ability, or combat ability, they are far superior to ordinary soldiers.

"He Yuzhu explained it in a relatively simple way.

When the soldiers of the 10th Company heard He Yuzhu's high evaluation of the special forces, they looked at each other in bewilderment.

Facing such an enemy, they felt it was very difficult.

"But that's okay"

"It was unfortunate for them to meet me."

He Yuzhu said.

At noon,

He Yuzhu sat together with the soldiers to eat.

The food was very good. It was all confiscated before, with meat and vegetables.

"Sign in."

After finishing his meal, He Yuzhu went to a corner and said to the system

【Sign in successfully, reward host physical fitness +20, planting master, proficient in all languages】System voice sounded.

Proficient in all languages made He Yuzhu look a little happy.

Then he could disguise himself as an enemy and fight alone.

With his physical fitness, it would be a waste if he didn't fight alone.

It just so happened that the two divisions were in a stalemate and there were not many things in the company that needed him to deal with.


"I'll go to the enemy."

"You will take charge of the 10th Company for the time being."

He Yuzhu said to Zheng Zhanfei, and headed straight for the South Korean 1st Division.

Zheng Zhanfei watched He Yuzhu leave.

"You better be careful"

"Don't think you are invincible."

Zheng Zhanfei reminded He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu's actions were obviously extremely dangerous, but Zheng Zhanfei felt that when He Yuzhu said these words, they sounded so calm and indifferent, making people subconsciously feel that it was unlikely that He Yuzhu would have any accidents on this trip.

"I never thought I was invincible."

He Yuzhu said.

He Yuzhu ran straight up the mountain.

He had to climb over two mountains and then go straight to the rear of the South Korean First Division.

The South Korean First Division must be on guard in front of them, and He Yuzhu had no chance to find their headquarters.

He Yuzhu was very fast.

He climbed over the mountains and ridges as if he were walking on flat ground.

After about two hours, he appeared near the camp of the South Korean First Division.

An eight-man team was lined up in a row, patrolling in front of He Yuzhu very seriously, getting closer and closer to the big rock behind He Yuzhu. These eight people should be a squad.

When they left the field of vision of the watchtower, He Yuzhu suddenly appeared.


He covered the last soldier and wiped his neck.

It was silent.

The seven people in front didn't notice it at all.


Since no one noticed in front, He Yuzhu simply followed the enemy patrol and continued to cut a man's neck.

These soldiers held their heads high and looked straight ahead, seemingly very professional, but they really didn't look behind them at all...

It was simply against the will of heaven.


The dagger cut another enemy's throat.

That killed three.

Then the fourth.

When it came to the fourth, He Yuzhu didn't pretend anymore. He didn't do any sound suppression on the body and just threw it on the ground.

At this time, the four soldiers in front finally noticed something was wrong.

But He Yuzhu was holding four flying knives in his hands.

They flew out immediately.

The flying knives pierced through the chests of the four enemy soldiers, and they didn't even have a chance to shout. They died completely.

What He Yuzhu is most sure of now is to quickly throw four flying knives. If there are more, it will cause a certain delay in time. It seems that the four flying knives are thrown out at the same time, but in fact, they are not. They are also in sequence, but the movement is too fast.

Put the flying knives into the [Mountain and Water Secret Realm Space].

He Yuzhu began to survey the entire South Korean First Division.

Killing eight people is meaningless.

The purpose of He Yuzhu's visit this time The goal was to find a breakthrough point and see if he could wipe out the entire 1st Division of South Korea in one fell swoop. He wanted the lives of more than 13,000 enemy soldiers.

If he could really do it, it would be a war record that would go down in world history.

He Yuzhu kept walking and making various observations.

He found that the 1st Division of South Korea was stationed in Jiangxingli, which was at the bottom of a valley surrounded by mountains.

What if he attacked with water?

In ancient times, Guan Yu flooded seven armies.

Today, He Yuzhu flooded the 1st Division of South Korea.

There is no river nearby, but it doesn't matter.

Then change the nearest river channel.

It can really be studied.

He Yuzhu felt that the purpose of his visit had been achieved, so he climbed back to the top of the mountain with a sniper rifle on his back.

When he climbed to the highest point, he habitually observed the surrounding environment. At this time, the people of the 1st Division of South Korea had already discovered the eight bodies killed by He Yuzhu, and a lot of people gathered to check, including a major general.


He Yuzhu fired decisively.

The bullet instantly pierced the enemy colonel's head.

This was the highest-ranking enemy commander he had killed so far.

A major next to him quickly lay down to hide when someone shot him from behind, then rushed into the temporary command post not far away and called the airport:"Air support, there is a sniper on the top of 1021 mountain. Do you have bombers? Bomb that place in turns. Quick, you must be fast, send more."It

's all bullshit like the sniper vs. sniper in the movies.

A whole division.

There is no need to send snipers to find He Yuzhu.

Just bomb the whole mountain directly.

No grass will grow.

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