About ten minutes later, three enemy bombers landed on the hill where He Yuzhu was originally.

Several bombs fell.

The area of five kilometers in radius suddenly turned into a sea of fire.

If there were any people, they would be instantly wiped out.

He Yuzhu had already reached another hill at a very fast speed. Seeing the sea of fire, he felt a little cold. Fortunately, his body was different from that of an ordinary person. If he was an ordinary person, he would definitely die. The enemy's methods were cruel and decisive enough.

When He Yuzhu returned to the 10th Company, all the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Their company commander was extremely brave, but also very reckless.

They were afraid that he would go out alone and get too excited, and thus die heroically.

But they greatly underestimated He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu never fights a war that he is not sure of winning.

The reason why he does things alone is that when he is alone, he does not need to hide his speed.

He is still very fast in the mountains and forests, and the enemy cannot catch up with him.

Based on the condition of being invincible, He Yuzhu goes to fight alone.

This trip is very fruitful.

He finds out the enemy situation and kills nine enemy soldiers, one of whom is a colonel.

He even dispatches three enemy planes to consume their ammunition.

""Captain, you're back just in time. The division headquarters asked you to go over for a meeting."

Deputy Captain Zheng Zhanfei found He Yuzhu and said


"It just so happens that I also have something I want to report for discussion." He

Yuzhu said.

He went straight to the division headquarters.

The division headquarters command post was built under the mountain wall, which completely obscured the entire command post, and the enemy planes could not detect it.

Moreover, Longguo also had its own fighter jets. Enemy planes could not bomb wherever they wanted at any time. There were air battles almost every day.

When He Yuzhu arrived at the division headquarters command post for a meeting, most of the cadres were already sitting on the benches.

The meeting environment was very simple. The cadres sat in rows like students. The division commander and the division chief of staff spoke on the benches. There was not even a table. In extraordinary times.

There is no need to put on airs on the battlefield.

Everyone actually liked this.

After everyone arrived.

The commander of the 59th Division began to speak


"The situation of our 59th Division is very serious now. On the one hand, we are facing off against a division of the enemy and it is difficult to move forward. On the other hand, we have a task assigned by the corps and must arrive at the battlefield before the exact time. Otherwise, if the absence of our division leads to a big gap in the front line and the failure of the war, we will become sinners in history and we will all be blamed."

"Today's meeting is the same as before. Everyone brainstormed to see if there was any way to break the deadlock. We only had about five days to think about it. If it didn't work, we could only force our way out, but that would definitely cause heavy losses."

After the division commander finished speaking, he found a chair and sat down. He was thinking about countermeasures just like all the other cadres.

"Otherwise, send a telegram to ask other divisions to come over and attack the South Korean 1st Division from both inside and outside."

"In this way, our situation may be reversed and even advantageous."

A deputy regiment commander said tentatively at this time. The commander of the 59th Division shook his head decisively:"No, the other divisions are also converging on the 38th parallel. They also have a time limit to reach the front. If they come to support by then, they will be held back by the South Korean 1st Division. That's it. The front battlefield is still the most important. Besides, every division has a difficult time and faces its own difficulties."

Everyone fell silent again.

Everyone was speaking enthusiastically.

Unfortunately, there was still no plan that could be adopted.

He Yuzhu stood up

"Sir, I have a plan"

"I don't know if it's feasible."

He Yuzhu said.

The commander of the 59th Division was stunned when he saw He Yuzhu.

Who is this?

A new face.

This was the first time that He Yuzhu participated in a meeting held by the division headquarters.

The commander of the 3rd Regiment, Xu Feihu, read the commander's doubts from his eyes and quickly said,"This is the commander of the 10th Company of our 3rd Regiment, He Yuzhu."

Many people have never seen He Yuzhu.

But they have heard of him.

He blew up a tank and shot down two planes.

He led the 10th Company, just one company, and killed more than 400 enemies in total, and one of them killed nearly 100 people.

He Yuzhu's record is so dazzling.

"What is Yuzhu?"

"A young hero indeed"

"If you have any opinions, speak up. Since you are invited to attend the meeting, you must have the right to speak."The commander of the 59th Division said. He simply praised He Yuzhu. After all, this was a serious occasion. The 59th Division was in a dilemma. It was not a time for jokes.

He Yuzhu stood up and came to a large hand-drawn map.

"This map is correct, but many details are not marked. I walked around the South Korean First Division alone. The terrain here is very high. There is a small hill. In addition, there are not only three roads in Jiangxingli, but four. There is a high tower here.……"He Yuzhu kept picking up the pen on the table and sketching on the map, making the map more and more rich.

No one stopped him.

He Yuzhu was a war hero.

People like him would not mess around.

"This guy went around the South Korean 1st Division all by himself? What a monster! How dare he come back alive?"

"Or how can they have so many glorious achievements?"

"The map has become so detailed that even if we really have to fight to the death and force our way out, our casualties can be greatly reduced."

"He Yuzhu, a strange man"

"Xu Feihu, how the hell did you recruit He Yuzhu? You really got the code for fighting."


The various officers present were discussing in private.

The commander of the 59th Division nodded repeatedly as he watched He Yuzhu continue to enrich the map.

His eyes were full of appreciation.


"After filling in the map, my plan is to find the nearest river and flood the South Korean 1st Division."

He Yuzhu said in a loud voice.

As He Yuzhu spoke out his idea, everyone was stunned.

Everyone was silent.

It's not that He Yuzhu's plan is too bad.

But everyone realized this idea and found another way.

Maybe it will work.

Even in the era of hot weapons warfare.

The military tactics of our ancestors are still effective.

A regiment commander said at this time:"But if the nearest river is allowed to flow to the South Korean 1st Division, it will take at least ten kilometers, and if we want to flood the South Korean 1st Division, we can't just modify one river. We only have five days to dig out several ten-kilometer rivers?"

He Yuzhu said:"Who would have thought that we could walk over mountains and ridges for 300 kilometers in ten days and cross the hinterland of Changjin Lake"

"Desperate situation, only Miracle Regiment can solve the problem."

The commander of the 59th Division stared at the map.

He was silent for about five minutes.

"The entire division will work hard to dig the river channel!"

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