All the companies of the 16th Battalion were blowing the charge bugle.

The 3rd Regiment.

The 59th Division.

The 27th Army.

Even the entire Ever-Victorious Army and other armies.

They were all charging.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were swarming towards the enemy.

Many fighter planes in the air were also constantly fighting and engaging in fierce battles with each other.

Looking down from the fighter planes, this battle was spectacular. The battle line was very long. Various shells and bombs were constantly exploding and turned into a ball of fire. The crowd was surging, the scene was magnificent, and the heads of people were like ants. At this time, human life seemed so fragile.

"Zheng Zhanfei!"

"Wang Defa!"

"You lead the 10th company and charge to the front. The other companies will deploy on the flanks. We must rush in like an arrow and pierce their heart!"

He Yuzhu said loudly.

Go forward without hesitation.

The 16th Battalion must be the bravest company.

Even if there are thousands of people, we will go forward.


A driver from the 16th Battalion was driving a tank that had been captured earlier.

He Yuzhu signaled the driver to stop:"Too slow, I'll do it, the deputy battalion commander will take over the command temporarily."

He Yuzhu arranged everything properly, and there was actually no need for any other command.

He Yuzhu got on the tank and asked the driver to watch from the cockpit.

Suddenly, He Yuzhu increased the speed to the highest.

The tank rushed to the front of the 10th Company.

"Ding ding ding"

""Ding, ding, ding."

When they met the enemy, bullets were like a tide. The soldiers of the 16th Battalion quickly lay on the ground, relying on the slightly higher slope as a cover to avoid the enemy's sharp edge, while He Yuzhu continued to drive the tank forward. Bullets hit the tank, making a constant clanging sound and sparks flying.

"It's useless."

He Yuzhu snorted coldly.


He Yuzhu pressed a button, and a shell shot out from the thick and long barrel of the tank.

The shell hit the enemy accurately, blowing up at least a dozen people.

The lives of those dozen people seemed to be cheaper than grass. It's a battlefield where you either die or I live.

You just have to stick to one belief.

Kill the enemy. It's useless to think about the rest. Just do everything you can.


He Yuzhu said to a loader in the cockpit.

The loader immediately loaded the shells.

The tank driven by He Yuzhu was an M3A3 model, a light tank, with a 3mm GunM5 tank gun as the main weapon and an M1919 7.62mm coaxial machine gun as the auxiliary weapon.

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

The driver consciously pulled the trigger of the tank's secondary weapon machine gun and continued to shoot at the enemy.

"battalion commander!"

"The opponent has two M5 tanks!"

""It's bad."

Driver Hao Tong stopped firing his machine gun and saw two tanks rushing towards him. He panicked.

The M5 tank was more maneuverable and more destructive than the M3A3.

Two of them.

No matter how you look at it, their single tank is no match for them.

"The other side is an elite force, and they actually have two tanks."

He Yuzhu said with emotion.

He Yuzhu saw that the muzzles of the two tanks were already aimed at the tank he was driving, so he quickly moved and drove the tank at full speed in the shortest time to avoid the other side's aiming. Driving a tank is like shooting, you have to keep moving, making the position a little uncertain.

Once you stop, you just have to wait to be aimed.

The speed of the shells is extremely fast.



He Yuzhu was driving the tank at full speed, and bombs suddenly exploded on both sides.

The impact made the other soldiers in the cockpit buzz.

He Yuzhu was safe and sound.

He Yuzhu instantly turned the muzzle and fired at the tank 300 meters away.

The shells shot out in a parabola and exploded on the tank.


""It hit!"

The driver shouted excitedly when he saw the hit.

He Yuzhu said calmly:"One shot is not enough to completely paralyze the tank."

"Hao Tong, keep shooting with your secondary machine gun!"

"Killing one more enemy soldier is one more."

He Yuzhu reminded Hao Tong.

Hao Tong immediately pulled the trigger.

He Yuzhu was still driving the tank.

The heavy steel machine seemed so flexible under He Yuzhu's control.

He Yuzhu always kept a distance of 300 meters or more from the two enemy tanks.

Once they were approached and caught in a pincer attack, it would be dangerous.

The 16th Battalion was separated from the enemy by a small river. Both sides were constantly shooting. The river was not deep and just covered the ankles, but no one dared to wade across it easily for a while, because once they went to the river, they would be in a low position and would be beaten. Without sufficient advantages, it would be impossible to cross the river rashly.

He Yuzhu drove the tank to constantly avoid the attacks of enemy tanks.


He Yuzhu hit the tank he had hit before with one shot. The outer shell of the tank was a little fragile. With another shot, the opponent's tank directly emitted black smoke, and the barrel of the main weapon was deformed, and it no longer had any killing power.

He Yuzhu drove the tank into the river. The tracks crushed the pebbles as if walking on flat ground.

The soldiers of the 16th Battalion saw the battalion commander driving the tank to destroy a tank on the opposite side, and they were all amazed. Their battalion commander could actually drive a tank, and his driving skills were so high.

Is there anything he can't do?

Being He Yuzhu's soldier, there is a very down-to-earth feeling.


As He Yuzhu went down the river, another enemy light tank suddenly fired a shot.

The shell of He Yuzhu's tank was hit by a shot.

It was like the sky was falling.

It shook violently.

But He Yuzhu was not affected.


A shot was fired in response, hitting the opponent's tank.

The opponent's tank exploded immediately.

"battalion commander!"

""Mighty and domineering!"

Hao Tong praised He Yuzhu.

It was only because the cockpit could not be opened, otherwise he would have to bow down to him.

"You drive the tank, but you can't be closer than 100 meters to the enemy." He Yuzhu handed the driving rights of the tank back to Hao Tong.

He Yuzhu controlled the secondary weapon machine gun, and the main weapon shells had been used up.


He Yuzhu used a heavy machine gun to fire bursts, and shot an enemy in the head with one shot.

This... can a heavy machine gun also shoot in the head?

The soldiers in the cockpit were stunned.

The enemy had no tanks, but He Yuzhu still had them. Under the cover of the tanks, the enemy was like having no clothes on, completely exposed to the tanks.


A howitzer exploded in front of the tank.

If it was three meters closer, the tank would have been blown to pieces.

It was a close call.

He Yuzhu handed the auxiliary machine gun position to other soldiers, and he opened the tank's top cover.

""Battalion Commander."

He shouted to He Yuzhu, not understanding what He Yuzhu was going to do.

He Yuzhu took the sniper rifle he was carrying, used the hood as cover, and shot the enemy howitzer gunner in the head.


Another shot killed the mortar gunner.

"Ding, ding, ding."

Countless bullets were fired at the top of the tank, but they could not hit He Yuzhu's head.

""16th Battalion, cross the river and fight!"

He Yuzhu shouted.

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