He Yuzhu used tanks to attract fire, and the soldiers of the 16th Battalion charged from the left and right sides.


He Yuzhu used a sniper rifle and fired another shot. In He Yuzhu's eyes, the bullet seemed to be in slow motion, spinning straight to the center of the eyebrows of a soldier who was loading mortar shells. The bullet penetrated the opponent's eyebrows and hit the skull, which was fractured. The bullet exploded in the brain, shattering all his consciousness and killing him immediately. The bomb suddenly exploded in the mortar barrel, killing the two soldiers next to him.

Now it is obvious that most of the enemy's shells and bullets are aimed at the tank where He Yuzhu is, so he asked the soldiers to charge.

It is not good for the 16th Battalion to continue the stalemate.

There are the US coalition forces and other countries' military support. There are too many bullets and shells.

Fighting a war of attrition with them will definitely not be enough.

The 36th Battalion also has a tank.

It is necessary to launch an attack on the enemy before the tank is destroyed.

""Da da da," the tank's secondary machine gun, under Hao Tong's control, kept firing at the enemy. The tank was not far from the enemy, but not close enough to shoot them, but not far enough to throw grenades.

The enemy hated the tank.

But they couldn't kill it.


A mortar shell exploded at the bottom of the tank, breaking the tank's track.

It could not move for a while.

He Yuzhu quickly jumped off the tank.

This tank had completed its mission.

There was nothing to be reluctant about.

It was broken.

The tank posed too much of a threat to the enemy, causing the 16th Battalion to rush forward with very few casualties. Instead, the enemy was concentrated by the 16th Battalion and suffered heavy losses for a while.



"The fifth company, cover!"

A battalion commander of the enemy army shouted.

He Yuzhu knew from the intelligence given by his [Eye of Insight] and the scout that the enemy had only one battalion. Otherwise, if the enemy was a regiment, He Yuzhu would not be able to lead the team to attack.

The enemy asked the fifth company to stay behind to cover, so He Yuzhu was naturally unceremonious and swallowed up the entire fifth company.

Eat it.

Kill them all.

He Yuzhu's 16th battalion had the lowest proportion of killings and prisoners.

Because their bullets were very fast.

The enemy had no time to surrender and was killed.

He Yuzhu's principle in dealing with the enemy was very simple. As long as he did not surrender in advance, he could be shot dead with one shot, and he would never give the enemy any chance to speak.

"In this battle, we almost consumed half of the opposing battalion's strength."

The soldiers cleared the battlefield, and Zheng Zhanfei came to He Yuzhu and said.

This battle lasted a whole day. The smoke of war still lingered.


He Yuzhu nodded.

He lay on the battlefield and looked up at the sky.

The stars were bright.

The Milky Way was vast.

He Yuzhu's mind was filled with anxiety.���Attracted by the sky at this moment, his heart also fell into incomparable tranquility. We are under the same sky. In the same cage.

Why are we so anxious to hurt each other?

The most important thing is for everyone to unite as one and break through the shackles of the sky as soon as possible.

But there are always tumors that destroy the unity of the world.

If we want real peace, then only a pacifist country can be at the top of the world and be unshakable, and other countries will be honest. The Dragon Kingdom is definitely a country with great demeanor. The Dragon Kingdom is like a modest gentleman. The Dragon Kingdom is the country that should stand at the top of the world. He Yuzhu has no doubt that if the world is headed by the Dragon Kingdom and let the Dragon Kingdom manage it, most of the world's human beings will be willing to accept it.

Zheng Zhanfei saw that He Yuzhu didn't say anything more, so he walked away tactfully.


"battalion commander"

"The headquarters of the 3rd Regiment was attacked by the enemy. The guard company was almost completely destroyed, and most of the 6th Battalion was also injured. The communicator of the regiment sent a telegram asking us to quickly protect the regiment commander."

He Yuzhu was still sleeping when the voice of the communicator came from outside the tent.

He Yuzhu woke up immediately.


He walked out of the tent.

"I know where the headquarters of Commander Xu Feihu is. It is behind our front line. Not only is there a guard company protecting us, but there is also the 6th Battalion guarding us. How could the enemy get around to the rear?" He Yuzhu said to the communicator.

"According to the telegram reply, the brothers of the 12th Battalion were unable to resist the enemy's attack and were rushed to the high ground."

"The defense was broken"

"That's why the enemy got to the regiment headquarters. It is said that the enemy has two battalions, at least a thousand people, and one of the companies is like a blade, tearing a hole in the 12th Battalion, including the 6th Battalion. Their speed and fighting style are far superior to ordinary soldiers."The scout replied.

After so many battles, there are only three battalions left in the 3rd Regiment, the 6th Battalion, the 12th Battalion and the 16th Battalion. As the 6th and 12th Battalions suffered heavy casualties, the 16th Battalion became the only lifeline of the 3rd Regiment.

"The blade-like company mentioned in the telegram should be a special forces company."

He Yuzhu became serious.

This battle was different from the previous ones.

Before, He Yuzhu led the soldiers to fight surprise attacks or overwhelming forces.

Now the opponent has a special forces company.

Although there are only a thousand people, their combat effectiveness is definitely comparable to that of a regiment.

The special forces company is equipped with equipment far beyond that of ordinary troops.

"battalion commander"

"What should we do next?"

All the company commanders and platoon leaders noticed something was wrong at this time, and they also learned about the difficulties of the 3rd Regiment from the communicator, so they asked He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu said:"Captain, we must go to rescue them, but we can't just rush in like this, that would be courting death," everyone nodded.

When the enemy is searching for the whereabouts of the commander of the 3rd Regiment and others, they will definitely ambush them on the way. If they go directly, they will definitely fall into a trap.

"We need to do the opposite"

"Attack the enemy's regimental command post."

He Yuzhu has been looking at the map, and then said it in a decisive tone.

Zheng Zhanfei looked at He Yuzhu. He knew that some of the words he said might not sound good, but he still had to say:"Battalion Commander, we don't know where the enemy's command post is. How can we attack it? Breaking into the local base camp, isn't that courting death?"

He Yuzhu was not angry at Zheng Zhanfei's words.

Instead, he began to analyze by pointing at the map:"We just repelled an enemy battalion, causing them to lose half of their combat effectiveness.

The other side sent another thousand people to attack the base camp.

The enemy's regiment headquarters now has at most 700 people.

It is not impossible for us to attack their regiment headquarters.

Looking at the map again, there are more plains and valleys around, only here, there is a mountain stream, and there are trees to cover it.

The most suitable location for the enemy's regiment headquarters is here, or it must be here.


"We don't even call it a raid, we call it a bombardment"

""We can just bomb from a distance."

The commanders of the 16th Battalion looked at He Yuzhu with burning eyes.

They seemed to understand, but they felt that He Yuzhu was invincible.

He could actually guess the location of the other regiment's headquarters by inference.

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