"Special forces forged with blood will be invincible and unstoppable!"

"Do you want to be the king of soldiers?"

He Yuzhu said to all the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment.



""I want to!"

When the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment heard the word"king of soldiers", their blood boiled and their morale was high. Even He Yuzhu, as a commander, had his comrades and superiors killed by the enemy. What's more, these soldiers must have their comrades died around them, or they have seen their comrades who are loyal to death. Everyone has an infinite desire to kill the enemy. If they can improve their strength and kill more enemies on the battlefield, they are of course willing.

And He Yuzhu.

For such a long time, he has been signing in every day.

He has obtained too many things.

Including [Super Special Forces Training Manual】


"Next, I will teach the special forces training methods to the battalion commanders one by one, and then the battalion commanders will teach the company commanders, the company commanders will teach the platoon leaders, and the platoon leaders will formulate specific plans so that you can evolve in every battle."He Yuzhu said.

He Yuzhu immediately gathered the three battalion commanders together and taught them some unified combat tactics.

Now the frontline teams have already reached Seoul.

There are battles every now and then. First, we will train the soldiers in combat tactics. These soldiers have crawled out of the pile of dead bodies. Their survival skills and combat experience are even richer than He Yuzhu's. There is no need to teach them those for the time being.

For the next period of time.

The 3rd Regiment has been fighting small battles.

But there are no major conflicts.

With continuous training, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment has been significantly improved.

They have begun to initially possess some of the characteristics of special forces.



"Head of Group"

""I received a call from the division headquarters, and now our regiment is going to support the retreat of the main force from Seoul."

In March, the communicator found He Yuzhu and said.

He Yuzhu took the map and immediately began to think about the route.

He thought, has another big battle begun?

It was a pity that he could not join the front battlefield of this big battle.

He Yuzhu had almost figured out all the terrain nearby.

He fell into thought.

Suddenly, He Yuzhu's eyes lit up.

"If we go to support the large force, it means that the enemy will also send a large number of troops to besiege. In this way, the garrison of the enemy's temporary airport will definitely be reduced. We will raid the enemy's temporary airport at night. Once the airport is destroyed, it will greatly alleviate the air threat pressure of the large force."He Yuzhu said.

The enemy's temporary airport has always been a thorn in He Yuzhu's heart. He has long wanted to pull it out.

However, the enemy has nearly two regiments of troops stationed there, and they are always by his side.

It is difficult to conquer.

This time gave He Yuzhu an opportunity.

He Yuzhu has been planning to attack the enemy's temporary airport recently.

He even asked the soldiers to open up a road that can directly reach the temporary airport.

All the sentries along the way were guarded by the people of the 3rd Regiment.

It was unobstructed.

As He Yuzhu passed on the instructions for the night attack on the enemy's temporary airport, the battalion commanders immediately prepared for battle.

At night.

The entire 3rd Regiment went towards the temporary airport.


He Yuzhu blew up the searchlight of the enemy's temporary airport tower with one shot.

A huge alarm sounded at the temporary airport.

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

The enemy troops began to approach, and He Yuzhu rushed to the front with a light machine gun in his hand, killing five enemy soldiers in an instant.

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

The 16th Battalion came out from the side and caught the enemy off guard.

He Yuzhu had been planning around the enemy's temporary airport.

This night attack was definitely not just a surprise attack.

It was a long-planned one. The enemy was increasing in number. The fighting was becoming more and more intense. He Yuzhu asked the 16th and 6th Battalions to withstand the enemy's attack, and led the 4th Battalion to go around and head straight for the temporary airport. The enemy probably still had a regiment of troops left. For the current 3rd Regiment, it was not a destructive force.


A howitzer directly blew up the airport gate, and even the guard booth was torn into pieces.

Arriving at the temporary airport apron.

Due to the large number of enemy troops chasing and intercepting, only one company remained here.

He Yuzhu and the soldiers of the 4th Battalion wiped out most of the combat power of the apron with almost a volley of bullets.

"4 fighter jets"

"It’s a pity to blow them all up, but they can’t be transported away."

After seeing the four fighters, the commander of the 2nd Battalion sighed. He really wanted to drive all the fighters away, but he didn’t have the ability.

He Yuzhu said,"Don’t rush to blow up the planes. First, take out all the fuel and ammunition in the planes."

The commander of the 4th Battalion was stunned for a moment. He didn’t understand what He Yuzhu wanted these planes’ fuel and ammunition for, but he did it anyway.

There were too many oil drums at the airport.

In about an hour, all the fuel of the three planes was loaded into oil drums by the 4th Battalion.

The ammunition was directly loaded into trucks.

"The remaining one is not needed."

He Yuzhu said lightly when he saw the 4th Battalion Commander leading the soldiers to the last plane.

The 4th Battalion Commander nodded, and then watched He Yuzhu get on the plane.

"Boom! Boom!

The plane engine roared.

"4th Battalion, destroy the other 3 planes, and then immediately go to support 16th and 6th Battalions."

He Yuzhu ordered the commander of the 2nd Company and all the soldiers.

After He Yuzhu finished speaking, he controlled the plane to take off on the long runway.


The commander of the 4th Battalion and the soldiers were stunned.

What was going on?

The regiment commander could actually fly a plane!

He Yuzhu controlled the plane and headed straight for the nearest airport to Seoul.

The plane He Yuzhu was flying was a B-26 bomber, which was very powerful for ground range strikes.

He came to the US coalition airport.

The air defense system of the US coalition airport was completely unprepared.

Because this plane belonged to them.

It was also a war period, and planes often landed suddenly.



Suddenly, He Yuzhu pressed the weapon button, and the ammunition on the bomber fell suddenly.

The two planes below were destroyed in an instant.

The entire airport sounded an alarm.

But it was too late.

There were about 12 planes parked on this airport apron, all of which were destroyed by He Yuzhu. Then He Yuzhu returned to the direction of the 3rd Regiment. The plane crashed straight into an uninhabited hilltop, and He Yuzhu parachuted instantly.

Destroyed two airports in succession.

After landing, He Yuzhu continued to lead the 3rd Regiment to follow the 59th Division to meet the large force.

The large forces all fought to Seoul and retreated unscathed. This time it was another huge victory.

This victory allowed Longguo and the enemy's joint forces to enter a long-term active defensive operation for a period of time, and the two sides were also negotiating.

It happened that He Yuzhu used this period of time to better polish the 3rd Regiment and train them thoroughly into special forces.


November 1952. A postman enters the courtyard at No. 95 Nanluoguxiang.

"He Yushui, He Yushui, your brother He Yuzhu has sent you a letter." The postman said loudly.

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