He Yushui was playing a cloth ball throwing game with Liu Guangfu, Yan Jiefang and other children in the middle courtyard. When she heard the postman in the front yard say that her brother had a letter, she immediately smiled brightly and ran to pick up the letter. It had been more than half a year since He Yuzhu asked Li Yong to bring her a letter. She was always worried about what might happen to He Yuzhu on the battlefield. Fortunately, she saw He Yuzhu in the newspaper two months ago, saying that He Yuzhu led his troops to bomb two enemy airports, and her brother He Yuzhu was now the head of a regiment. Head of a regiment.

What a concept.

In ancient times, that was already a general with a very high status.

He could dominate a place.

It was precisely because of He Yuzhu's increasing status that Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui urged their sons to play more with He Yushui, have more contact with him, and lay a good foundation. Otherwise, He Yushui was almost starving to death, and Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiefang were still bullying her.

Play is play.

Make a fuss is make a fuss.

Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiefang bullied her, she will never forget it.

But her brother didn't come back.

They were outnumbered.

He Yushui didn't make trouble for them.

Everyone in the courtyard looked down on He Yushui. She was not a woman who could be bullied.

He Yushui went to receive the letter.

The postman was stunned when he saw how young He Yushui was, but he still handed the envelope to her.


Before He Yushui could take the letter, Yan Bugui snatched it away.


"You haven't been to school yet, and you can't read, so I can help you read."

Yan Bugui said in an extremely gentle voice.


He Yushui did not refuse.

The postman left after delivering the letter.

Yan Bugui did not open the envelope immediately, but cleared his throat and said loudly:"Zhuzi wrote to He Yushui, Zhuzi wrote to He Yuzhu, I, Yan Bugui, will read the letter soon. If you are curious about Zhuzi's current situation, you can come and listen, come and listen."

This is an opportunity to show off.

Yan Bugui will naturally not let it go.

He shouted loudly.

Not long after, a lot of people gathered in the front yard of the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, the deaf old lady Jia Zhangshi, etc., all came.

The deaf old lady walked towards He Yushui:"Yushui, Zhuzi wrote to you again, it's great, it's great, even if he is in a foreign country, he still cares about you, your brother really loves you, you will be happy in the future, with such a brother who is the head of the group to protect you, who dares to bully you, and he is a 17-year-old head of the group... My God."

The deaf old lady kept saying good things about He Yuzhu to He Yushui. Now no one in the courtyard called He Yuzhu"Shazhu".

That was only called in private.

Who is He Yuzhu now?

A war hero.

Calling him a war hero and adding"Sha" to his name is an insult to the war hero. If someone with ulterior motives catches him, he will be locked up for at least a few days.


When almost everyone had arrived, Yan Bugui coughed dryly and began to open the letter.


5 million fell out of the envelope.

A thick pile.

What does 5 million mean?

A full manganese steel Phoenix brand bicycle is 2.4 million at the moment.

With 5 million, you can buy two bicycles and still be rich.

If a family buys a bicycle at this time, it is equivalent to the effect of a family buying a car in the 1980s.

A huge sum of money.

Everyone in the courtyard saw the 5 million on the ground, and their eyes were full of greed.

Only He Yushui had red eyes.

This 5 million was the military money earned by his brother.

He fought hard for it.

The deaf old lady quickly picked up the money on the ground and held it in her hand.

Auntie glared at Yi Zhonghai.

They should have treated He Yuzhu and He Yushui better at the beginning.

Then He Yuzhu would have entrusted He Yushui to them.

They can take the 5 million.

He There is so little rain. How much can it eat?

All year round, fifty dollars is the most he can spend on her.

Yi Zhonghai touched his nose and smiled bitterly.

Isn't Yi Zhonghai thinking about waiting for He Yuzhu to grow up a little, and then treat him better? Treating him a few years later, wouldn't he save a lot of money? He made all kinds of plans, but he didn't expect that He Yuzhu would be able to join the army and become the head of the regiment.


Jia Dongxu whispered to Jia Zhang at this time:"Mom, how about... I will join the army too. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has not ended yet, and they are still recruiting soldiers. Moreover, the most difficult period has passed, and the situation on the front line is very good. If I go there, Sha Zhu can become the head of the regiment, so I must be a brigade commander. I am better than him in every way."

Jia Zhang was silent.

She was thinking about Jia Dongxu's suggestion. She thought it was really possible.

"Then you can try it tomorrow."

Jia Dongxu smiled:"Okay."

Jia Dongxu shook his head quickly:"Forget it, I faint at the sight of blood."

Jia Zhang sighed:"You didn't become a brigade commander because of this problem, otherwise you would definitely have been able to do it, God is jealous of talents."

Yan Bugui began to read the letter that He Yuzhu sent to He Yushui:"Yushui, I will send you 5 million, 2 million for the deaf old lady, that money will be enough for you and the deaf old lady to live on for a long time, and the other 3 million, you can keep it, buy some malted milk nutritional supplements, or buy bread if you want, buy roast duck if you want.

Our father has signed a contract to sever ties with us, from now on, I will support you, our most difficult times are over, from now on, you can command and follow me to enjoy the good life.


""Sob, sob, sob."

He Yushui burst into tears.

She and He Yuzhu depended on each other for survival.

Her brother was so good to her.

Her traumatized and fragile heart was suddenly filled with a lot of filling.

He Yushui was very moved.

The deaf old lady gave He Yushui 3 million reluctantly.

There was no other way.

In front of so many people, the allocation was so clear in the letter. If she insisted on pocketing all 5 million, the residents of the courtyard would not agree.

He Yuzhu held the 3 million tightly in her hand.

She finally had money she could control.

This way she would not starve to death.

Only when the money was in her own hands would she feel at ease.

Yan Bugui continued to read:"Sister, I was the acting regiment commander before, but now I have removed the word"acting". The soldiers in the regiment are very convinced of me, and we have won many battles. When I come back, everything will be fine, and you have to live well too. Whoever makes you live a bad life, I will make him live a bad life for the rest of his life, don't miss me."

After Yan Bugui finished reading, everyone in the courtyard shuddered.

Whoever treats He Yushui badly will have a miserable life?

How crazy.

But no one questioned He Yuzhu's words.

He did have this ability.

Yan Bugui politely handed the letter to He Yushui.

"Yushui, when your brother comes back, you must praise me more, or come to my house for dinner tonight." Yan Bugui's eyes were almost narrowed into slits. Liu Haizhong quickly came to He Yushui:"If you want to eat something in the future, tell your third aunt and I will make it for you."

Yi Zhonghai hesitated for a moment and said:"Yushui, I will stew a chicken today, and we will all go to the deaf old lady's house to eat."

Yi Zhonghai sneered at Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui.

He is the first to get the moon because he is close to the water.

He Yushui faced the courtyard where everyone flattered her. Undoubtedly, the future will be better.

Every time He Yuzhu sent a letter, her life would become better.


More than a year passed.

In October 1952, the 3rd Regiment truly became a steel regiment.

The most elite division of the ever-victorious army.

It had never lost a battle.

Half a year ago, a 500-man special forces of the US coalition did not believe that the 3rd Regiment was that tough, so they attacked the 3rd Regiment headquarters in the middle of the night, intending to repeat the same trick as before. However, the 3rd Regiment was now a dangerous place for the enemy, and those 500 special forces never returned. This battle completely made the 3rd Regiment famous.

The enemy was terrified when they heard about the 3rd Regiment.

"Head of Group"

"There are foreign reporters who want to interview you."

Zheng Zhanfei has been promoted to deputy commander of the 16th Battalion and brought a blond foreign beauty reporter with him.

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