The foreign beauty reporter wore a pair of white sneakers and a suit. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Her long wavy hair almost reached her waist. Her whiteness was really white. It seemed that if you poked her face with your fingers, it would turn red. Her skin was also tender and tight. There was no doubt that even after another ten years, her skin would still be perfect and would rarely be eroded by the years. Her facial features were delicate, just like a big star.


"Dragon Country's He Yuzhu"

"I am Yulis, a US reporter.

The foreign beauty reporter's Chinese was still a little poor, just like Park Hye-kyo back then. She stretched out her hand to shake He Yuzhu's.


He Yuzhu shook it.

After about ten seconds, He Yuzhu still didn't let go.

Yulis pulled her hand out of He Yuzhu's palm.

Her face was slightly ruddy.

She didn't expect He Yuzhu to treat her like this.

He Yuzhu asked Yulis:"Shouldn't the American reporter go to interview our enemies? Why did he find me?"

Yulis said:"I am a pacifist. I advocate peace. I want to interview some deeds of your camp and then warn our country that Longguo is not easy to mess with. An early ceasefire is the best choice." He Yuzhu nodded.

No wonder the division headquarters allowed such a reporter to enter their 3rd Regiment.

If this was not a famous pacifist, he would have collapsed long ago.

Prevent the leakage of military deployment information

"If you have any questions, just ask."

"I will cooperate with whatever I can."

He Yuzhu replied

"I heard that Captain He had just joined the army two years ago, and in the past two years, he has become the captain. Your record is very proud. Let's start with the first time you blew up an enemy tank. What kind of mentality did you have when you blew up the tank? Did you ever think that you might die because of it?"Julis asked He Yuzhu a question, and then Julis took out her notebook. Whenever He Yuzhu spoke, she would quickly write it down.

"Sit down."

He Yuzhu asked someone to bring a wooden barrel to Yulis.

"Thank you."

Yulisi said.

He Yuzhu was so gentlemanly that she had already forgiven him for holding her hand tightly.

"If I blew up the tank, there was a certain chance that I would die, but I thought I was the fastest runner at the time, so I volunteered."

"It turns out that I succeeded"

"For the victory of the war, every soldier of our Dragon Country is not afraid of life or death."

"I wasn't the only one who had the courage to blow up the tanks at that time."

He Yuzhu answered truthfully.

Yulis quickly wrote it down, then looked up at He Yuzhu:"Captain He, you Dragon people are really admirable."

He Yuzhu nodded.

He did not deny this.

The Dragon Country in the future will be even more admirable.

Yulis continued to ask:"And you shot down the plane with a machine gun, how did you do it, and you shot down two planes, which is incredible."

Yulis also made a more exaggerated expression.

Yulis was obviously preparing questions in advance.

Otherwise, she would not be so familiar with He Yuzhu's record.

"Shooting down the plane... I can only say that justice is on the side of our Dragon Country." He Yuzhu replied.

Yulis said:"You Dragon Country is indeed a righteous army."

Yulis praised Dragon Country highly.

She was very friendly to Dragon Country.

After asking He Yuzhu for more than an hour,

Yulis became more and more interested in He Yuzhu.

"Captain He is truly a combat hero"

"Tough Guy"

"I have become your fan."

Julis looked at He Yuzhu with a light in her eyes.

He Yuzhu waved his hand.

He was skeptical of things that were only said with his mouth.

"Head of Group"

"It's time for us to set off."

Zeng Xiaofei, the chief of staff of the 3rd Regiment, came over and reminded He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu nodded.

""The beautiful Western female journalist Yulis, let's end the interview here. Our team is going to a new battlefield, you can leave now." He Yuzhu stood up and said to Yulis. If the 3rd Regiment was not going to the next battlefield, he would not have let Yulis leave the 3rd Regiment just because Yulis came to their regiment and knew the deployment of the 3rd Regiment.

Yulis did not leave.

She said:"Captain He, I want to follow your 3rd Regiment next. I want to see the battlefield, report at all times, expose the cruelty of war to people, mobilize the opinions of people all over the world, put pressure on the party that started the war and oppose the war."

He Yuzhu glanced at Yulis.

If this woman can really incite the masses, the effect will be no worse than the soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

It will definitely have a certain effect.

He Yuzhu said:"Aren't you afraid of death? I can't guarantee that you will live until the end of the war."

Yulis said firmly:"I am not afraid of death. If I were afraid of death, I would not come to the front line as a reporter."

He Yuzhu raised his eyebrows.

He underestimated Yulis.


"Then you can stay with me."

He Yuzhu nodded.

It would be a burden for anyone to take Yulis.

It would be better for him to come in person.

It would not affect any soldiers.

He Yuzhu went to the assembly point. At this time, all the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment had assembled. Some of the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment were very thin before, but now they are very strong, because He Yuzhu seized too many supplies, and secretly mixed some food from the [Shanshui Secret Space] into the spoils. In short, under the leadership of He Yuzhu, the 3rd Regiment supplemented nutrition very scientifically.

No one was hungry.

Compared with last year, the combat effectiveness of the 3rd Regiment has increased by at least two or three times.

Fighting to support fighting, so terrifying

""Let's go to Shangganling!"

He Yuzhu said.

This battle has great historical significance.

Three days.

We are already very close to Shangganling.

It's less than half a day's walk.

"Head of Group"

"The temporary hospital where our 59th Division had just been stationed was attacked"

"That...that...nurse Tang Qingfang died."

Zheng Zhanfei said.

Zheng Zhanfei knew that He Yuzhu had always liked Tang Qingfang, and Tang Qingfang also liked him. He felt that he needed to tell He Yuzhu about this news.


He Yuzhu was furious.

That angel-like woman was killed by the enemy!?

"Which coalition army did it?"He Yuzhu asked Zheng Zhanfei, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. Seeing that the situation in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was very good, he could win if he persisted.

He never looked for Tang Qingfang.

He wanted to wait until he returned home.

She...she died?

"It was done by the Turkish 6th Infantry Regiment"

"By the time the 7th and 49th Regiments of the 59th Division arrived, it was already too late."

Zheng Zhanfei replied

"The 6th Infantry Regiment of Turkey will also participate in the Battle of Shangganling."

"Notify the whole group"

""Destroyed the Sixth Infantry Regiment of the Turkish Kingdom!"

He Yuzhu said with a loud voice.

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