The Sixth Infantry Regiment of Turkey was stationed in a village in the southeast. The villagers there had already moved away because of their arrival.

He Yuzhu gathered the entire regiment.

They set off immediately.

The Third Regiment now had four more howitzers, eight M1 mortars, twenty small mortars, and even more grenades and bullets. Most importantly, the combat experience and skills of the soldiers were incomparable. They were all elite soldiers and generals. The

Third Regiment was ready to show its sword again.


"I will avenge you."

He Yuzhu whispered softly.

In his mind, he still couldn't help thinking of Tang Qingfang's angelic face.

It's a pity.

He Yuzhu's battle was not just a simple rage for his beloved.

The annihilation of the Turkish Infantry 6th Regiment was of great strategic significance.

Aren't they a coalition army?

It's composed of multiple countries.

No one can do anything to the enemy.

You have to be prepared to die.

"The 16th Battalion will follow me, and the other battalions will be led by their own battalion commanders and act at will."When He Yuzhu was about to arrive at the camp of the Turkish Infantry 6th Regiment, he said to several battalion commanders that as special forces, they are creative. He Yuzhu believes that letting them act on their own can play a greater role than obeying unified command.



The 1st Platoon Squad of the 10th Company of the 16th Battalion had already reached the station of the 6th Infantry Regiment of the Turkish Empire.

A patrol squad had their throats slashed by daggers without making a sound.

This was the assassination technique in the [Super Special Forces Training Manual].



The 1st platoon quickly took the initiative to find the other patrols and killed them all.

The two soldiers on the sentry tower were also quietly approached and beheaded.

He Yuzhu led the 16th Battalion to the main gate of the Turkish Infantry 6th Regiment.



All the howitzers and mortars fired at the village.

Dozens of shells were fired in an instant.

Although He Yuzhu was the head of the regiment, his weapons and equipment might not be assembled even by three regiments.

After dozens of shells, there were dozens more.

After a few rounds, the defensive fortifications of the Turkish Infantry Regiment 6 were destroyed in an instant.

Under the bombardment, the opponent had no rules at all.

Many soldiers of the Turkish Infantry Regiment 6 began to flee from the village.

Under the continuous bombardment of shells, the village was full of flames and gunpowder.

It was no longer a place for people to stay.

Before He Yuzhu, all the other battalions had dispersed.

As the sound of the artillery stopped, they all entered the village.

They continued to massacre the soldiers of the Turkish Infantry Regiment 6.

It was a pure massacre.

The special forces trained by He Yuzhu could not be said to be the best in the world, but they were definitely among the best. How could a regiment of special forces compare to the other side? Could a small country like

Turkey compete?

"Da da da"

"Da da da."

The 16th Battalion lined up in several rows, with their weapons clearly marked, and stood at the gate.

Any enemy who came out would be shot directly.

Yu Lisi stood next to He Yuzhu, watching in amazement.……

""Captain He, your fighting style is a bit too overbearing."

Yulis opened her mouth and felt incredible.

Is the fighting power of the Dragon Kingdom soldiers so high?

Yulis took out the camera and kept taking pictures to record this moment.

With the same strength, the 3rd Regiment fighting the Tu Kingdom is just like pinching a chick.

This is a big battle between thousands of people. It should not be a problem to fight for two days and two nights.

But He Yuzhu only needs three hours.

After three hours, the 3rd Regiment began to clear the battlefield.

This battle will undoubtedly make the 3rd Regiment fatten again. The

3rd Regiment lost about 20 soldiers and killed 1,300 enemy soldiers. In this battle, He Yuzhu did not capture any enemy soldiers. The special forces killed people very decisively and quickly, and would not give the other side any chance to surrender.

The battle was fought quickly and ended quickly.


"Do you like it?"

He Yuzhu asked Yulisi casually.

Yulisi's cheeks flushed.

Yulisi did not answer He Yuzhu's words, because she was still very cautious in love, and would not easily say that she liked a man in terms of feelings. Foreigners were actually very open, but Yulisi was an exception. She liked the restraint and implicitness of Longguo. It was a manifestation of thousands of years of culture and self-respect. If it was invaded by Western culture, Longguo women would also become extremely open. It was a pity.

That was a kind of shame that only ancient civilizations would have.

"Zheng Zhanfei, please take a look at Yulis"

"I'll go to the division hospital."

He Yuzhu said.

He drove a military jeep of the Turkish 6th Regiment and headed straight for the temporary hospital.

He had long wanted to find Tang Qingfang immediately.

But reason told He Yuzhu that it didn't matter if he went early or late, and he had to consider the country.

It was a good opportunity to destroy the 6th Regiment.

The Turkish 6th Infantry Regiment had just attacked the temporary hospital of the 59th Division not long ago.

It had not yet stabilized its position and was in a state of exhaustion.

It was frantically attacked by the 3rd Regiment, which led to this end.

It was a disastrous defeat and all were destroyed.

Many factors led to it, not only the bravery of the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment

"Head of the delegation"

""Captain He."

Soldiers, doctors and others at the temporary hospital greeted He Yuzhu when they saw him.

The temporary hospital was in ruins.

It was obvious that it had not been long since the attack.

"Where is Nurse Tang Qingfang?"

He Yuzhu asked

"In that room"

"She blocked the bullet for a wounded soldier, but the enemy eventually killed the wounded soldier."

"Nurse Tang Qingfang is really fearless."

The dean said.

He Yuzhu ran straight into the room.

Tang Qingfang was lying on a stretcher bed, covered with a white sheet.

He Yuzhu pulled open the white sheet and saw Tang Qingfang's pale face.

He gently stroked it.

This angel in his mind

"I won't let you die."

He Yuzhu said.

The sign-in system gave He Yuzhu a resurrection coin, which He Yuzhu used on Tang Qingfang.

He Yuzhu left the hospital without waiting for Tang Qingfang to wake up.


Two days later.

Shangganling was bombarded continuously.

Two small hills with a radius of only 3.7 square kilometers were attacking each other.

He Yuzhu led the 3rd Regiment to the front line of Wusheng Mountain.

This was a tough battle.

He Yuzhu could not lead the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment to detour the enemy, and absolutely could not let the enemy occupy the high ground. It was a head-on and powerful battle.

Shangganling is not only a strategic location.

This battle is also a display of military strength by both sides.

Whoever wins will win the final victory.


He Yuzhu shot a deputy regiment commander of the enemy in the head.

The soldiers fought bravely.

Several waves of enemy troops were driven away or annihilated by the 3rd Regiment.

Some companies in other peaks rushed towards the enemy camp in a suicidal manner in order to give the rear troops time to adjust.

The Battle of Shangganling was too bloody.

Too many people died.

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