The battle lasted for several days and nights. Some soldiers of the 3rd Regiment had not slept for several days, including other friendly forces.

Another day passed.

The 31st Regiment of the US Allied Forces and the 32nd Regiment of the South Koreans used dozens of aircraft, 47 tanks, and hundreds of cannons to start another round of crazy attacks and fierce bombings.

The Longguo side also fought back, and each team set up long guns and short guns.


"Use up all shells and bombs"

"Bomb me back!"

He Yuzhu shouted.

The enemy fired tens of thousands of shells, completely destroying the fortifications at the foot of the mountain.

The 3rd Regiment had suffered continuous casualties in the past few days, with half a hundred people dead.

Including other companies, they also suffered heavy casualties.

In such a small area, the two armies faced each other, with a total force of almost more than 100,000 people.

It was enough to show how cruel this war was.

No one was sure whether they would be killed in the next second.



All the shells of the 3rd regiment were fired back at the enemy.

It seemed that the enemy was coming with great momentum and had excellent weapons and equipment.

But it was useless.

In this battle, the enemy's casualties were much higher than that of Longguo.

They died more people.

It was this battle that made those foreigners realize the fact that the Longguo people were indomitable and braver as they fought. Even when the number of people was similar and the weapons and equipment were backward, they could still gain an advantage in the war.

This is Longguo.


A Longguo soldier with explosives tied to his body rushed to an enemy tank. With the explosion, the soldier and the enemy tank perished together.

This scene made He Yuzhu very sad.

However, such scenes are played out almost every day.

Longguo soldiers are not afraid of life and death.

They have only one belief: victory.

Defending the country.

Yulis followed He Yuzhu and never left.

She kept taking pictures and recording.

It was not just Yulis.

There were also some frontline reporters in Longguo who were not afraid of life and death and were recording and taking pictures on the battlefield.


He Yuzhu's [Insightful Eye] found a shell. He immediately held Yulis's head and made her squat in the trench that had been dug again. The bomb exploded on the ground in front of He Yuzhu and Yulis. The impact caused He Yuzhu and Yulis to hug each other and fall to the ground.

He Yuzhu climbed up from Yulis's body.

"Are you okay?

He Yuzhu asked Yulisi.

Yulisi's cheeks turned slightly red.

She shook her head.

"Thank you, Captain He"

"You saved my life."

Julis thanked He Yuzhu sincerely.

However, He Yuzhu didn't have the time to accept Julis's gratitude at this time. While commanding the soldiers to fight, he kept firing at the enemies with an automatic rifle. He Yuzhu's hit rate was very high.

No one expected that the two sides would fight for almost a month and a half in this battle.

Two small hills could actually trigger such a massive battle.

As a result, the Longguo camp won.

The enemy was beaten and eventually fled.

With the end of the battle, the 3rd Regiment also withdrew from the entrenched position and stationed beside a small river nearby.

Many soldiers took turns sleeping.

Just sleeping.

Too many people completely overdrew their bodies.

In that battle, they didn't sleep for several days and nights, and even if they slept, they couldn't sleep well. The soldiers finally had At bedtime, He Yuzhu squatted by the stream, washed his face, and then sat down on a larger stone. With his [Eye of Insight] fully open, he was silently guarding these soldiers in his own way. Let them sleep well, as the regiment commander, he was watching.

He Yuzhu looked towards the camp.

He felt that these soldiers were no longer just his comrades and brothers. They were more like family members.

He Yuzhu loved the military camp.

Fighting was definitely not a springboard for He Yuzhu to do in the future.

He Yuzhu had wavered before, wondering whether he should do something else after the war.

But along the way, he had experienced so many life and death experiences.

How could he give up the military camp?

Falling behind would lead to being beaten.

He Yuzhu must help Longguo rise militarily. As long as Longguo's military power does not become the best in the world

, He Yuzhu will never give up his identity as a soldier.


There was a sound of footsteps behind.

""Captain He."

It was Julis' voice.

He Yuzhu's [Eye of Insight] had already known about it, so he was not surprised at all.


He Yuzhu said.

Julis was now covered in earthy clothes, no longer dressed brightly as when she first joined the 3rd Regiment, which showed that he had integrated into the army. After spending these days with Julis,

He Yuzhu felt that this woman was very good.


She looked like Snow White in a fairy tale.

But she was not squeamish at all.

Julis' lips moved, as if she wanted to say something but stopped, but she still said it:"Captain He, I'm leaving and going back to my country. I have sorted out a lot of materials. I'm going back to the newspaper office and publishing those materials in the international weekly to attract widespread attention from the world."

He Yuzhu nodded:"It's time for you to go back to your country. It's really not safe here."

He Yuzhu looked at the flowing stream.

His heart was calm.

There was no disturbance.

In his mind, he recalled the tragic scenes of the battle.

With the end of the Battle of Shangganling, the overall situation on the battlefield has actually been settled.

Longguo will win.

Up to now, the tense string of He Yuzhu has relaxed.

Yulis asked He Yuzhu:"Before I leave, I want to interview you. If I ask you to make a wish for tomorrow, what would you wish for?"

He Yuzhu said without hesitation:"Then let the people of the world open their eyes and see the sun tomorrow."

Yulis covered her mouth and looked at He Yuzhu.


This man is so great.

As He Yuzhu had not taken the initiative to speak, Yulis and He Yuzhu fell into silence again.

Yulis spoke first to break the dull atmosphere:"Captain He, have you thought about your future after the war?"

He Yuzhu said:"I have, and my future has always been bright."

He smiled casually at Yulis.

Youli looked at He Yuzhu's sword-like eyebrows and star-like cheeks, and was a little dazed for a moment. He smiled like a spring breeze.


She seemed to have fallen in love with He Yuzhu.

Yulis stood up and pecked He Yuzhu on the cheek:"Great Captain He, I believe we will meet again in the future, I'm leaving."

Yulis:"I love you."

She added one more sentence before leaving.

Yulis is a Westerner.

Her education allows her to dare to love and hate.

If she is sure that she likes He Yuzhu, she will confess directly


He Yuzhu looked at Yulis's back and suddenly coughed dryly.

Is this love? This is the first time a woman confessed to me.

I don't feel anything.

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