Yulis didn't even look at Xu Damao, and turned away.

Xu Damao just lay on the ground.

His hair was messy in the breeze.

Xu Damao had sparse hair at a young age, and there was a sense of a Mediterranean look that would definitely happen in middle age.

About fifteen minutes later, Xu Damao slowly opened his eyes.

He tucked his legs together and went back to the courtyard in embarrassment.

He Yuzhu came out of He Yushui's room and happened to run into Xu Damao.


Xu Damao snorted at He Yuzhu. He put all the hatred for being kicked in the crotch by Yulis on He Yuzhu. Beasts are like this. They clearly asked for a beating and it was clearly their own fault, but beasts never think they are wrong. They just think others are wrong. Xu Damao thought that if He Yuzhu hadn't brought Yulis to the courtyard, he wouldn't have been beaten.

"Xu Damao!"

""Do you know who you are facing with this face!?"

He Yuzhu shouted at Xu Damao.

A kind of contemptuous momentum spread throughout the courtyard.

Many people were in the courtyard.

Jia Zhang, Jia Dongxu, Lao Jia, Yi Zhonghai, and a deaf old lady, etc., when they saw He Yuzhu like this, they all subconsciously got goose bumps all over their bodies. He Yuzhu was like a god, and they all wanted to kneel down.

That was the murderous aura accumulated from killing so many people on the battlefield.

Everyone felt deep in their hearts that He Yuzhu was ready to kill at any time.

Xu Damao was so scared that he trembled.

"Yuzhu, I...my fault……"

"I had a little trouble outside, so I was in a bad mood, so I glared at you. Don't... don't be angry.……"

Xu Damao's liver was trembling at this moment. He was in a trance for a moment. He Yuzhu was a colonel. How could he have such an attitude towards He Yuzhu? It was disrespectful to the combat hero. Moreover, there were so many eyes watching. Just based on this, He Yuzhu was completely likely to arrest him and put him in the police station for a few days to make him reform. Xu Damao's head was full of sweat. He thought that fortunately he reacted quickly and must admit his mistake immediately.

Otherwise, he would have to go to the police station to explain.

He Yuzhu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

It seemed that Xu Damao was just stupid, not stupid.

He admitted his mistake quickly.

He Yuzhu really planned to send him to the police station. As for these beasts in the Siheyuan, He Yuzhu would definitely punish them severely whenever he had the chance in the future.

None of them would be spared.

"Get lost."

He Yuzhu said to Xu Damao


"I'm really sorry."

Xu Damao sincerely apologized to He Yuzhu and fled to the middle courtyard.

Everyone in the middle courtyard was silent. They didn't dare to breathe.

They finally relaxed until He Yuzhu came home.

An aunt said to the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai:"He Yuzhu is different now. He is so powerful. Three years ago, Xu Damao and He Yuzhu were evenly matched. Now... they are not on the same level at all. Even in our courtyard, no one can compare with He Yuzhu. He just scolded Xu Damao, but I felt as if he was scolding all of us. He was trying to show us his power."

Yi Zhonghai's face was as gloomy as water.

He was full of dissatisfaction with He Yuzhu, but what could he do? Yi Zhonghai said in a deep voice:"You are right.

He Yuzhu did it on purpose.

I think he must have known that his sister almost starved to death in the courtyard.

He was clearly allocated a house in the military compound, but he did not move there.

Instead, he lived in the courtyard.

Maybe it was revenge on all of us.

After all, it was everyone in the courtyard who wanted to kill her sister.


After Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, the deaf old lady's face drooped.

The deaf old lady raised her eyelids.

"It seems that He Yuzhu really knew that her sister He Yushui almost starved to death. Then everything makes sense. No wonder he ignored us as soon as he returned to China."

"If I had known this"

"I should have been cruel and starved He Yushui to death."

"Come to a dead without evidence"

"Leaving behind a disaster."

The deaf old lady bit her back teeth and glanced at He Yushui's room.

The murderous intent was revealed.

Yi Zhonghai said:"Old lady, don't regret it. No one thought that He Yushui was so cunning. She has been pretending to have forgotten that she was starved to death by you. She endured it until He Yuzhu came back, and then complained to He Yuzhu. He Daqing is also a waste. He gave birth to these two children, but ran away with the White Widow. If He Yuzhu and He Yushui were my children, I would love them to death every day."

The aunt sighed:"In the future, we should be humble and don't make any mistakes, so that He Yuzhu will not be able to retaliate against us."

Yi Zhonghai nodded heavily.

Being targeted by a colonel would be a bit scary.

The deaf old lady touched her chin, and suddenly an idea came to her mind and said:"I have a plan, Zhonghai, you write an anonymous letter to He Daqing in Donglu, saying that his son has become a colonel, and quickly bring your widow and family to Sijiu City to live a peaceful life with He Yuzhu."

Yi Zhonghai raised his thumbs up immediately after hearing what the deaf old lady said:"In terms of being mean, you are the meanest."

The deaf old lady smiled.

Revealing a mouthful of dentures.

Let He Daqing come to disgust He Yuzhu, then He Yuzhu will have even less time to target them.

He Yuzhu was sitting in the room at this time, and said to the system:"Sign in"

【Sign in successfully, reward the host with a Desert Eagle and two 0.45 caliber bullets, a withered grass guard, the method of immortality, and a super treasure appraiser. The system responded.

He Yuzhu narrowed his eyes slightly.

【The [Withered Grass Guard] came just in time.

He Yuzhu quickly placed the [Withered Grass Guard] at the door of his sister's house.

Outside He Yushui's room, a withered yellow tree root quietly appeared, as if it had merged with the house, inconspicuous.

With its protection, He Yushui would be���Worried about her safety

【Although the [Withered Grass Guard] is not as good as He Yuzhu's [Shadow Guard], it is not something that ordinary people can provoke.

He Yuzhu practiced [The Art of Immortality] at home until late at night, when he opened his eyes.

He Yuzhu went straight to Zheng Chaoshan's house.

He wanted to catch the spy.

He would not allow such a big spy to lurk in Sijiu City.

He couldn't wait for Zheng Chaoyang and Bai Ling to investigate slowly.

The sooner he is removed, the better.

This will prevent Zheng Chaoshan from causing more influence on Sijiu City.

There is no way.

He Yuzhu is patriotic.

He Yuzhu lightly jumped up, five or six meters in the air.

He flew over the eaves and walls.

He soon arrived at Zheng Chaoyang's house.

Zheng Chaoshan coaxed Qin Zhaodi to sleep, and hid in the cellar to send a telegram.

【With the Eye of Insight, He Yuzhu immediately discovered Zheng Chaoshan's location.


He Yuzhu, holding a silver Desert Eagle pistol, kicked the basement door open, because He Yuzhu was sure that there was only this one door in the basement.

He was not afraid that Zheng Chaoshan would hear it.

He could not escape.

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