As long as He Yuzhu targets you, no one can escape.

Just like when He Yuzhu flooded the 1st Division of South Korea, even if it was just one division,

He Yuzhu had a way to pull it out.

Zheng Chaoshan is a termite, living a miserable life, not even comparable to the 1st Division of South Korea.

After being on the battlefield, He Yuzhu felt as if he had been cleansed, his heart was extremely firm, and his patriotic feelings were extremely strong. He always hoped that the motherland would become stronger and stronger. He and He Yushui were a small family, and the motherland was a big family. As a soldier, he should devote himself to the country with his life and energy.

Zheng Chaoshan was sending a telegram to the organization to explain the reasons for the failure of the bombing operation at the medal awarding ceremony. When he heard the basement door being kicked open, he was startled and stopped sending the telegram immediately. He picked up the pistol from the table.

""Swish, swish."

He Yuzhu did not hide his footsteps at all. Under the [Eye of Insight], he strode towards Zheng Chaoshan.

At the same time, He Yuzhu put on a black mask to prevent Zheng Chaoshan from seeing his face.

There is no need to leave a name for doing good deeds.

It is troublesome to explain.

He Yuzhu has too many honors, and he is not short of Zheng Chaoshan.


Zheng Chaoshan hid behind a secret door. His face was so dark that it was about to drip black water. When he saw He Yuzhu wearing a mask, he opened the door and shot at He Yuzhu immediately, no matter how the other party found this place. Since He Yuzhu came, he must not leave alive. Zheng Chaoshan's pistol had a silencer, and the silenced bullets fired out made a very pleasant sound.

He Yuzhu slightly turned his shoulder.

He dodged Zheng Chaoshan's bullet.


Zheng Chaoshan was shocked.

The distance was only five or six meters.

Is this something a human can do?

It's faster than a bullet.


He Yuzhu shot at Zheng Chaoshan, and the bullet hit Zheng Chaoshan's thigh. Immediately, a blood hole appeared on Zheng Chaoshan's right thigh, and blood kept flowing out.

At the same time, He Yuzhu rushed forward and slashed Zheng Chaoshan's neck with a palm. Zheng Chaoshan fainted on the ground. He was no match for He Yuzhu.

It was not that Zheng Chaoshan, a big spy, was too useless. On the contrary, Zheng Chaoshan had undergone rigorous training and was one in a million. It was really He Yuzhu who was too powerful.

In terms of single combat,

He Yuzhu was invincible


Another gunshot was heard.

The bullet flew towards He Yuzhu's head.

It seemed that it would pierce through He Yuzhu's temple in an instant.

However, He Yuzhu suddenly turned his head, and the bullet almost touched He Yuzhu's ear and passed by.

He Yuzhu looked in the direction of the shooting.

It was Zheng Chaoshan's wife Qin Zhaodi who fired the shot.

Or it could be said that it was Shang Chunzhi

"Shang Chunzhi"

"You are quite protective of your husband."

"You tell me, being the wife of a spy is so tiring, you can't sleep well at night. If you marry an ordinary person, you may be able to hide the truth and live a dull life."He Yuzhu looked at Shang Chunzhi at this time, and did not knock her out immediately like Zheng Chaoshan did, but said lightly.

Shang Chunzhi was surprised for a moment when He Yuzhu called her by her name.

She lived under the name of Qin Zhaodi for many years.

No one had ever found out.

How did He Yuzhu know?

And she had never seen this man before.

"You must die!"

Shang Chunzhi shot at He Yuzhu again.

He Yuzhu dodged Shang Chunzhi's bullet again.

The bullet hit Shang Chunzhi and Zheng Chaoshan at almost the same position, leaving a bloody hole in his thigh.


He Yuzhu slapped Shang Chunzhi in the face, knocking her unconscious.

The gunshots must have disturbed many other residents of the nearby courtyards.

The police would surely arrive soon.

He Yuzhu left quickly.

The radio station in the basement was a problem.

As long as the police arrived, they would know Zheng Chaoshan's identity as a spy.


He Yuzhu returned, keeping his merits and fame to himself, and continued to practice the method of immortality.】

【The method of longevity can make one immortal.

Immortal and indestructible.

The strong are like this.

In the morning.

He Yuzhu brushed his teeth and washed his face with great energy.

Practicing the method of longevity is even better than sleeping. It can also replenish mental strength and nourish all aspects of the body.

He is now healthier than ever before, with full energy and vitality.


He Yuzhu had just finished rinsing his mouth when Yan Bugui came over. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and looked very cultured, but He Yuzhu could still sense Yan Bugui's sharp-nosed and monkey-faced shrewdness. Yan Bugui used to be an owner, and later became a primary school teacher in the East District. In Qingman Siheyuan, the reason why Yan Bugui became a sweeper was because he used to be an owner and had a bad background, so he was demoted.


Yan Bugui smiled and greeted He Yuzhu.

"The Third Uncle"

"Will the sun rise from the west today?"

"How did you come to me?"

He Yuzhu asked Yan Bugui.

When He Daqing ran with the White Widow, He Yuzhu remembered that Yan Bugui almost laughed to death.

Yan Bugui was the kind of person who wished that everyone in the world lived a worse life than him.

He would be so happy.

Yan Bugui touched the frame of his glasses with one hand, and gave He Yuzhu a very kind smile, as if he was a kind man and said:"I forgot to tell you yesterday that the principal of our school wants to meet you and invite you to dinner tonight. You can go to Xu Fuji at that time. Our principal will treat you with good wine and food. He doesn't have anything else, he just admires the fighting heroes and wants to be friends with you."

He Yuzhu said very simply:"No."

He Yuzhu is not showing off.

If the other party really admires the war hero, they will not mind that he does not go.

When Yan Bugui heard He Yuzhu's refusal, he panicked. He still had to rely on He Yuzhu to curry favor with the principal and then get promoted. Teachers are also rated. The higher the rating, the higher the salary.

Yan Bugui said:"Just go, you don't have to spend a penny. You can take Yu Shui with you. The principal has money, and you can pick the best dishes."

He Yuzhu didn't even look at Yan Bugui:"I'm short of that meal."

Yan Bugui paused.

He swallowed his saliva.

He was speechless.

"Yan Bugui!"

"Are you done yet?"

Seeing Yan Bugui open his mouth and about to say something, He Yuzhu shouted.

Yan Bugui shivered in fear. He almost fainted.

Yan Bugui quickly said,"I won't say anything. I won't mention the principal's matter."

Yan Bugui was still very polite on the surface, but in his heart he was greeting He Yuzhu's family. He thought, what's wrong with you going to have a meal? You gave face to the principal and me.

Yan Bugui didn't leave immediately, and said,"Ahem, there is one more thing. You...your foreign friend, the one called Yulis, my son Yan Jiecheng likes her. Can you help to mediate? As long as you are successful in matchmaking, you will get a reward."

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