"Yan Bugui"

"Don't you know what kind of person your son Yan Jiecheng is? He is just a piece of rotten fish. Don't be a toad dreaming of eating swan meat and still thinking about Yulis. To be honest, any woman who can marry your Yan Jiecheng is either blind or blind in heart."

He Yuzhu directly criticized Yan Jiecheng in front of Yan Bugui.

In the TV series, about eight years later, Yan Jiecheng will marry Yu Li.

Yu Li is so beautiful.

But she married Yan Jiecheng, a loser.

She is a typical blind person.

Yu Li realized it and regretted it.

Nowadays, it is popular to marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog. This idea is deeply rooted. If a woman gets divorced, she will be poked in the spine and talked about behind her back. It was the feudal idea that saved Yan Jiecheng. But now with He Yuzhu, it is impossible for Yan Jiecheng to marry Yu Li again. Yan Jiecheng is destined to be a bachelor all his life, said He Yuzhu.

Yan Bugui's face was uncertain at this time.

But... He did not dare to get angry.

A young man spoke ill of his son in front of him.

Yan Bugui could only grit his teeth and swallow his anger.

He could not afford to offend He Yuzhu.

Yan Bugui also cursed Yan Jiecheng a thousand times in his heart.

His eldest son had never looked in the mirror when he peed. He knew that He Yuzhu would never marry him to Julis.

Yan Bugui thought to himself that he was not even qualified to ride a big horse.

Yan Jiecheng went?

If Yan Bugui left like this, it would be so embarrassing, and there were people watching the fun. He tried to save face by saying,"Our Yan Jiecheng does look disappointing now, but remember one thing, don't despise the young and poor."

He Yuzhu laughed.

Yan Jiecheng even started to argue with him.

He Yuzhu looked at Yan Bugui:"What about you? For you, I mean don't despise the middle-aged poor. When you are old, don't despise the old and poor."

"this……"Yan Bugui was speechless for a moment.

His old face flushed red.

Did He Yuzhu mean that he, Yan Bugui, was very poor?

Yan Bugui was not convinced.

He was already the third uncle in charge of the Siheyuan.

How could he still be poor?

But compared with He Yuzhu, he was indeed a lot worse.

Yan Bugui felt very uncomfortable when a child who used to run around with bare eyes and buttocks pointed at his nose and ridiculed him after he grew up. Yan

Bugui was the most face-saving person in the Siheyuan.

In the TV series, Yan Bugui was the first to buy a bicycle, the first to buy a sewing machine, and the first to buy a TV. He always wanted to be the first in everything he did.

Yan Bugui was upset.

He Yuzhu really didn't give him any face

""Yuzhu, excuse me for disturbing you."

Yan Bugui left dejectedly.

The moment he turned around,

Yan Bugui felt his heart was about to break.

He cared about his face the most.

But He Yuzhu trampled on his face and trampled on it.

The residents of the courtyard saw that even the third uncle Yan Bugui was humiliated in front of He Yuzhu, but they could only swallow their anger. They respected He Yuzhu more and more. Some of them did not realize what a colonel was. They were a group of frogs in the well. The attitude of the uncles in charge of the courtyard towards He Yuzhu made it easier for them to understand what position He Yuzhu was in.

"He Yuzhu"

"I will remember today's humiliation."

"Don't give me the chance"

"Kill you!"

Yan Bugui said coldly after returning home.



Yan Bugui was so angry that he was like a toad, panting wildly. Yan Bugui felt that if he didn't take a deep breath, he would faint at any time.



Not long after Yan Bugui left, Xu Damao came, rubbing his hands dryly, looking very polite. He didn't have the momentum he had three years ago to fight He Yuzhu to the death.

""Xu Damao, if you have something to say, just say it. If you want to fart, stay away from me." He Yuzhu said.

Xu Damao picked his nose with his hand and immediately said,"Um... where does your international friend work?"

Although Xu Damao was kicked in pain last night, he was in pain and happy.

He liked Yulis more. He wanted her so much.

He liked her so much. She was like a little spicy pepper.

It made Xu Damao crazy.

He Yuzhu glanced at Xu Damao and said without hiding Yulis's job position,"My friend works at the New Youth Daily. If you want to find her, you can go wherever you want."

Yulis's skills, He Yuzhu had seen it.

Xu Damao was looking for her. It was purely beaten.

Ulis's kind of woman who was in the world and the world could not look at Xu Damao.

Yulis's life was boring, so she was okay to help Xu Damao.

Isn't it good? Suddenly, she did not introduce Yulis to Yan Xie.

Female friends.

To be a wife...

is still a little short of maturity.

He Yuzhu still pays great attention to feelings and fate in choosing a spouse.

Beauty is only an admission ticket.

He Yuzhu must be beautiful if it is not because of her beauty.

Wouldn't that make him a beast? It is just physical enjoyment.

If you enjoy it too much, you will lose the feeling.

It is like driving screws in a factory.

If you do it too much, you will lose the feeling.

The kind of love with souls that fits perfectly will only complement each other when two people are combined.

Completely ascended.

He Yuzhu is a very dedicated man.

When it comes to love and the country, He Yuzhu is very principled and responsible.


"Okay, you"

"Thank you."

Xu Damao was even prepared to be rejected by He Yuzhu, who would then smear him, but he didn't expect it to be so smooth and effortless.

Xu Damao immediately started to prepare gifts to go and tease Julis. He left the courtyard excitedly.

He Yuzhu shook his head.

He thought to himself, Xu Damao, you wait for a beating.

In the morning,

He Yuzhu went to work at the Infantry Combat Research Institute on time.

He began to think about studying aircraft engines.

Among the many research projects, He Yuzhu felt that the research and development of aircraft engines was imminent.

The future is destined to be the main battlefield of long-range strikes, not soldiers shooting at each other.

The Infantry Combat Research Institute does not just study infantry.

It looks at the entire battle situation, all military equipment, strategies and tactics, etc.

"It will take about half a month to draw the detailed blueprint."He Yuzhu muttered

""Da da da."

Near noon, the door of He Yuzhu's office was opened.

"Come in."

He Yuzhu said.

The visitor was the director of the Infantry Research Institute, Chen Banshan.

Chen Banshan smiled and said,"He Yuzhu, do you want to go to the military camp at noon? Deputy Commander Zhou is very interested in you and wants to talk to you." When

He Yuzhu heard the words"Deputy Commander Zhou", the first person he thought of was Zhou Xiaobai's father.

There was only one Deputy Commander Zhou.

Calculating the time, Zhou Xiaobai was at most four years old at this time.

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