"Deputy Commander Zhou has invited me, so I will definitely go." He Yuzhu said.

He Yuzhu had met Deputy Commander Zhou at the medal awarding ceremony that day. He was an excellent general with many military achievements and was respected by many young officers. He Yuzhu had nothing but respect for such a prestigious soldier. It was an honor to be received by him. How could he refuse?

Seeing He Yuzhu so humble and polite, Chen Banshan nodded with satisfaction.

He Yuzhu had made outstanding contributions in battle and made outstanding contributions in research. He helped Longguo fill in some technical deficiencies. Such young people might be too young and frivolous to make some mistakes, and then unfortunately die early in their careers. However, He Yuzhu showed a more mature and stable state than anyone else, which made Chen Banshan admire He Yuzhu. If they were the same age, Chen Banshan thought that he was far worse than He Yuzhu.


"Let's go to see Deputy Commander Zhou together."

Chen Banshan said.

He Yuzhu and Chen Banshan took a car and went straight to Deputy Commander Zhou's camp.

When driving out of Dongzhimen, He Yuzhu looked at the large-scale Third Steel Rolling Mill. What

He Yuzhu saw was not the large-scale steel buildings and rolling wheels, but the old and dilapidated factories that have existed since the old society.

The equipment should have been updated long ago.

Military power is only the first element of a country's stability.

If the people want to live a stable and happy life, the economy must keep up.

"Dean, as the director of the Infantry Combat Research Institute, if I carry out some mechanical engineering upgrades for the steel mill, there should be no mistakes, right?"He Yuzhu asked Chen Banshan.

Chen Banshan smiled:"Of course there will be no mistakes. As long as you have time to use your abilities to help other industries in Longguo while completing your work, this is a good thing."

Chen Banshan suddenly stopped smiling.

Full of seriousness, he asked He Yuzhu seriously:"He Yuzhu, what you just meant is that you also understand mechanical engineering in steel production?"

He Yuzhu nodded.

Is it difficult?

All you need is hands.

Chen Banshan:"You are really a genius, no, a prodigy."

Chen Banshan said seriously:"You should have seen what needs to be improved in the Third Steel Mill. So, after meeting with Deputy Commander Zhou this time, I will contact Director Yang of the Steel Mill. If you can help him, he will definitely be happy. And you must remember that we can help the Third Steel Mill in the name of our Infantry Combat Research Institute. At that time, we will share the profits. The research institute has limited funds, so who would complain about too much funds?"

He Yuzhu gave Chen Banshan a thumbs up:"Dean, you still know how to live."

Chen Banshan smiled heartily.

People of this era are really simple.

When doing things, the first thing they consider is the country and public institutions.

They don't look at problems from the perspective of their own personal interests.

He Yuzhu already has a system.

He doesn't care about money.

Helping the country to gradually improve the economy and military is the most important thing.

He Yuzhu turned his head and no longer looked in the direction of the steel mill.

At this time, Tang Qingfang came out of the steel mill and walked on the small road. She brought several nurses from the steel mill general hospital to deliver a batch of medicines to the steel mill infirmary. The infirmary of the steel mill with 10,000 people still needs a lot of medicines. Tang Qingfang saw He Yuzhu in the car window.

Tang Qingfang was stunned.

She chased after the car

"He Yuzhu!"

""He Yuzhu!"

Tang Qingfang shouted as she chased him.

However, He Yuzhu was sitting in the car, driving very fast and quickly disappeared on the road.

It happened that He Yuzhu was sleeping in the car, and his [Eye of Insight] was completely closed.

He Yuzhu was a person who could instantly block all his senses and then focus on one point. This is the so-called flow. When he opens the flow to rest, his [Eye of Insight] will be closed.

Tang Qingfang didn't stop until she was tripped by a stone in a hurry.

Her palms were rubbed by the sand on the ground and bleeding.

"Head Nurse"

"What's wrong, head nurse?"

Several nurses saw Tang Qingfang's abnormality, chased after her, and asked her.

Tang Qingfang looked at the distant direction of the car weakly.

She did not answer any of the nurses.

The man she missed really appeared in the city.

She did not wait in vain.

There is a destiny in the dark.

But it was a pity that she did not catch up. She... wanted to meet He Yuzhu again.

But in the end, this time it fell through.

It became a one-sided encounter for her.

Several nurses saw the wound on Tang Qingfang's hand and hurriedly began to bandage her one by one.

Tang Qingfang was gentle and generous. In addition, she had been to the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and had also won second-class merit. Whether it was the nurses or the doctors in the hospital, they were very friendly and respectful to Tang Qingfang. She became the head nurse at a young age, and her position was also firmly held, and no one could shake it.

Tang Qingfang suddenly smiled.

At least there is hope.

The road is right.


With the sound of brakes, the car arrived at the military camp.

He Yuzhu opened his eyes and went with Chen Banshan to see Deputy Commander Zhou.

Deputy Commander Zhou was a man in his fifties, with a square face and a dignified look. He looked righteous.

"He Yuzhu"

"Do you know why I specifically asked to see you?"

Deputy Commander Zhou looked He Yuzhu up and down, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was, and said with a smile.

He Yuzhu shook his head.

How could he know?

Deputy Commander Zhou replied:"I am a close friend of the commander of the 27th Army where you used to be. He has praised you in front of me many times, and even said that you are the most promising and strongest soldier he has ever seen. He thinks so highly of you that I have to satisfy my curiosity and see what kind of person you are."

He Yuzhu touched his nose:"The most potential can be removed, and the strongest soldier is left."

Deputy Commander Zhou was stunned.

Chen Banshan's old face also turned red.

Chen Banshan didn't understand where He Yuzhu got the nerve to say such big words.

He felt embarrassed just by listening to it.

Deputy Commander Zhou was not dissatisfied with He Yuzhu's arrogance. Instead, his smile became more brilliant:"Okay, as a soldier, you must have the momentum of never admitting defeat. You must think that you are the strongest in the world. Of course, you can't be blindly arrogant. You must have an understanding of the enemy. In this regard, He Yuzhu, you have done very well. You always fight with fewer people and still win a great victory. It says it all."

Deputy Commander Zhou then asked He Yuzhu about some of his pre-war thoughts during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. After He Yuzhu finished speaking, Deputy Commander Zhou and Chen Banshan praised He Yuzhu.

What a handsome talent.

Deputy Commander Zhou took Chen Banshan and He Yuzhu around the military camp




When passing the shooting range, Deputy Commander Zhou signaled the captain driver to stop.

"He Yuzhu, come on, let's have a competition."

Deputy Commander Zhou said.

When he was young, he was also a sharpshooter and won the first place in the army shooting competition.

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