Chapter 190: Moral Kidnapping? Got the wrong person!.

Changqing’s appearance in the newspaper was lively for a while.

For a long time, the residents of the three major courtyards and even the entire Qingyun Hutong felt honored and respected Changqing. However, at the same time, he also encountered a lot of trouble, because he knew that Changqing had good medical skills, so many people came to see him.

And these people do not give money for medical treatment, even the medicine money wants to take advantage, and they are all neighbors, evergreen is not short of money, free medical treatment and administration should be.

Such a shameless moral kidnapping almost made Evergreen happy.

Really, sometimes the more you learn, the more evergreen discovers the complexity of the world.

In the past, Evergreen would simply one-sidedly think that people in which industry were bad, and even history would label these people. For example, there is no adultery and no business, people are exhausted, ignorant and foolish, idle and so on…

Many times, evergreen will have an aversion to a certain type of person or even a certain industry because of certain people. But actually!

In fact, it is not the industry that is bad, nor is it a certain type of people! It’s the human heart that’s bad! It’s greed! It’s endless desire!

Morality is the yardstick that restricts human nature, but often many people will strangle others to death with this rope!

Therefore, sometimes it is really not that you don’t want to be kind, but in the face of moral kidnapping, if you are not tough, you can only be forced step by step, dragged down, and drag yourself into the abyss with your own kindness.

In Changqing’s view, moral kidnapping is really more disgusting than intrigue. If the conspiracy and calculation are lost, at least the skill is inferior, and the planting is recognized. But being kidnapped by morality, then there is really no difference from being bullied!

Therefore, Changqing has always had zero tolerance for moral kidnapping.

Faced with a large number of neighbors or patients who came from afar to seek medical treatment, Changqing refused to treat one by one without hesitation.

“Gentlemen, I know that you are suffering from diseases.”

As a doctor, the healer is benevolent, and I can save lives.

But this does not mean that you can take advantage of my kindness to engage in moral kidnapping and want to get something for nothing. Listen up!

Listen to what some of you are saying?

What, you have money anyway, what’s wrong with treating me for free?

It’s all from the neighbors, shouldn’t it be for me to treat my disease for free? Anyway, you’re idle and fine, what’s wrong with treating us?

Some people even said that it was my distant cousin, and he wanted to come to me to get medicine for free, and he also took patients from me and asked me to treat them for free, and then he collected benefits from them!!!

Guys, one cannot be shameless to this point! Should I treat you for free if I have money? Do you know how much it costs to treat a disease?

Even if it is an ordinary cold and flu, the cost of medicinal materials has to be three or five cents, and some serious diseases need three or five pieces, three or fifty or even three or five hundred, three or five thousand!

How much is this?

Not to mention that I don’t have so much money, even if I did, why should I give it to you for free?

My money is my father’s pension, hard-earned money, it is the inheritance that my father left me with his life, why give it to you? There is also the saying that I am idle, first of all, I am the director of the institute, and I have tasks every day.

At the same time, I am also the honorary president of the hospital, and I have to write a lot of medical books, and I never have spare time. And even if there is, am I not good at resting?

Don’t say any high-sounding reasons, let alone engage in moral condemnation.

As far as you are concerned, except for a few who really want to find me to treat a disease with money, aren’t the rest all trying to take advantage? Quite simply, if you really want to be treated, why don’t you go to the hospital?

“It seems that the hospital does not refuse patients regardless of status, right?”

Changqing’s words left everyone speechless. And then Ashy left.

Some people, listening to Changqing’s words, knew that they were fooled, secretly ashamed, and even came to apologize to Changqing. For these people, Changqing did not skimp on a little time, diagnosed their pulses and prescribed medicine.

Of course, the medicine is still bought by yourself, and the consultation fee is symbolically charged a little.

There are also some people who feel very uncomfortable with Changqing’s words, although they admit in their hearts that what Changqing said is reasonable, but they don’t take advantage, they are uncomfortable in their hearts.

However, these people did not move much, at most they muttered a few words, and they forgot when they turned back.

Finally, the most hateful part of the people, these people are simply to take advantage, and if they do not take advantage, they feel that they have suffered a big loss, and even if they can’t take advantage, they will find a way to retaliate.

Of course, now that Changqing is in Qingyun Alley, no one dares to mess with him. There are not many people who say bad things on the surface.

But Changqing could feel that now some people’s enthusiasm for him had significantly decreased, and many people stopped talking when they saw him. For these people, Changqing does not care, but it will be uncomfortable to see.

This is further proof that it is time for him to leave.

The reason why many people who hide in the market hide their skills, as ordinary people, is because they know that once they expose extraordinary skills, it means that there will be countless troubles, human nature is the most complex, especially the city!

The wise are better than Tibet, the brave are better than the bold, the strategists are better than the worries, and the eternal reason!……

The impact of this incident on Changqing’s life is actually not very great, but it is a little disgusting… But not without windfalls.

What surprised Changqing was that after this matter got out, Father Zhou, who had been thinking about it, actually took the initiative to visit Changqing, and after a long conversation, he took the initiative to ask Changqing to accept Zhou Xiaobai as an apprentice.

This matter was actually entangled by Father Zhou for a long time.

After Zhou Xiaobai proposed it that day, Father Zhou was strongly opposed at first.

Appreciation is appreciation, but letting his daughter worship a boy less than ten years older than her as a teacher makes Father Zhou, as a father, very unhappy, and even less understanding.

However, Zhou’s mother was more open-minded and tried her best to let Father Zhou think about it.

Coupled with his daughter’s soft and hard bubbles, Father Zhou had no choice but to inquire from many sources.

Father Zhou went to the Chu family, went to the Wu family, and also went to the Ministry of Works to make Changqing’s situation clear. However, the more he investigated, the more entangled Father Zhou became.

Because all voices show that Changqing is very good, even far better than he thought. Even Old Master Chu directly indicated that Zhou Xiaobai could worship a teacher, which was her conformism.

But the more so, the more Father Zhou was unconvinced, probably out of pride as a father and did not want to admit that he was not as young as a child. Otherwise, with him there, why let others discipline his daughter for him?

Not to mention the fact that it is still 4.9 young.

But when Changqing’s words of recalling those patients came out, Father Zhou had a good impression of Changqing for the first time. Because like Changqing, Father Zhou also hates moral kidnapping the most.

The two men had a common view of the world, and Father Zhou finally found a step for himself, personally visited the door, and then smoothly, Zhou Xiaobai worshiped the teacher.

And it is the same as Han Chunming, he is the kind of serious kowtowing to worship the teacher, the real one day as a teacher, and the whole life as a father. It’s not nice to say, after the teacher, even if Changqing starts to teach Zhou Xiaobai, Father Zhou has to watch from the sidelines! For Changqing, taking Zhou Xiaobai as an apprentice is not the goal.

His purpose is to make Zhou Xiaobai an example, there are two of them, as long as there are more apprentices, then what connections? ps: Hehehe, good luck, the fever subsided in one day, now the situation is good, you can continue to code!.

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