Chapter 191, Three Apprentices, Two Medical Books, Salted Fish and Busy!.

Leisurely times always pass quickly.

Since ending the treatment of Mr. Wu and Old Master Chu, Changqing’s life has become salted again.

Every day, I go to the vegetable greenhouse and the courtyard as usual, and it won’t take long to finish before nine o’clock. There is Father Yang and Han Chunsong on the side of the vegetable greenhouse, even if they plant a land, they don’t need to worry about Changqing.

The only compound fertilizer to worry about.

The compound fertilizer rewarded by the system is a kind of farm fertilizer, the raw materials are mainly human manure and urine, cake fertilizer, grass and wood ash, lime, etc., and the more special is the production method and fertilizer ratio.

The effect is not particularly obvious, but it can also increase the harvest a lot.

The important thing is that this fertilizer is suitable for most crops, and the raw materials are common, the cost is low, and once promoted, it can improve the harvest of grain and vegetables across the country, so it is also very important, evergreen before every time, mainly to guide the production of fertilizer.

Of course, now that the fertilizer has been successfully made, it is now mainly to observe the daily growth data of the plant to facilitate future promotion. The courtyard side is also working overtime at 21 o’clock to renovate, and now it is half repaired.

The entire courtyard is almost renovated from the inside out.

From floor tiles to roofs, wall to wall, all renovated.

Moreover, the materials used are in line with the building materials of the ancient buildings of the courtyard, and they are still antique after renovation.

Yang Mi and Fat Di also often run to this side, and the two women have new ideas every day, but most of them cannot be realized.

Changqing also feels that a courtyard courtyard is indeed a little inadequate, people’s desires will never be satisfied, and it is difficult to fill them.

But there is no way, in this era, two homes are already outrageous, and any more is excessive. Unless later on.

Except for the vegetable greenhouse and yard, Evergreen has basically nothing to do now.

The research institute does not need to worry about Changqing now, Changqing gave Yang Mi the design of the induction cooker, and now it is almost completed. Years ago, it was definitely no problem.

At that time, with the efficiency of the new invention of three household appliances in these three months, no one can find anything wrong. Of course, there must be a big gap with those big research institutes, and there are very many cattle people in this era.

But Changqing is already very satisfied with the current situation, Yang Mi is also very satisfied, she listens to Changqing’s words, does not expand, does not develop, small wealth is security, there is a job, there is honor!

So Changqing is now very idle, staying at home every day, either writing medical books or tweaking the two daughters and three children. Now it is three small, Zhou Xiaobai has not moved over, and he has to pick up the car by evergreen car every day.

However, when he moves later, Zhou Xiaobai may settle in the courtyard.

The two women are also studying with Changqing, and Yang Mi is mainly learning mechanical design and martial arts.

Fat Di learns more miscellaneous, the same as the three children, learn everything, Changqing talks about what she listens, not picky eater at all, but also very positive, not a single course falls.

As for medical books, Changqing now writes two together.

The first book is the second part of the previously planned medical book trilogy [Encyclopedia of Chinese and Western Medicine].

[Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook] is all about techniques, mainly practice, only teaching how to do it, not why to do it.

The [Encyclopedia of Chinese and Western Medicine] will be more complicated and complete, and will involve a lot of theoretical knowledge of Chinese and Western medicine, both theoretical principles and specific time methods, and occasionally mixed with some lost medical techniques.

After this book, Changqing also plans to write a [Medical Sutra], which is mainly based on theory, it is a book of the Eight Classics of Zheng’er, and once written, it is equivalent to the words in the Three Immortals.

This book will give full play to the full level of medical skills in the mind, write a theoretical medical book that combines Chinese and Western medicine, and will also contain a large number of lost medical skills and solutions to medical problems and terminal diseases that have not been solved even decades later!

And Evergreen will focus on Chinese medicine!

Western medicine is a scientific medical book, there will be countless people to promote its development in the future, even if Changqing does not write, there will be countless people to study but Chinese medicine, because of his difficult to learn, difficult to understand and difficult to inherit various reasons, the future will be questioned by various things, and even many people will ban medical books.

As a doctor, Changqing definitely didn’t want that to happen. Therefore, he wanted to write a great medical book to prove Chinese medicine.

Even if it may still be impossible to stop the general trend, at least do some modest efforts. However, whether it is the [Encyclopedia of Chinese and Western Medicine] or [Medical Classic] is very difficult to write. Unlike the [Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook], this one has a template that Evergreen can copy.

These two books are troublesome to write by themselves from beginning to end. Coupled with the nature of evergreen saltfish, it is estimated that it will take a long time to write.

Changqing’s goal for himself, [Encyclopedia of Chinese and Western Medicine] will be written within five years!

【Medical Sutra】Write in fifteen years! It can’t be too late, it’s too late to delay the money-making plan!

Evergreen is looking forward to twenty years from now.

After all, it is a man who has opened the hanging, even if there is no system now, Changqing is sure that his family will live to at least eighty years old without disease. And he himself is even sure that he can run and jump after the age of a hundred.

And once you take out some drugs such as prolonging life and anti-aging in the future, it will be more dashing for nearly a hundred years.

So twenty years later, although he is already middle-aged, for Changqing, life has just opened 650, and he still has to witness the rise of the Internet era.

So medical books or something, there will be no time to write them in the future. Write as much as you can while you have time now!

And because these two medical books take a long time, they will not be published for a long time, delaying Changqing’s earning of manuscript fees. So Changqing is still writing another medical book.

【Shippo Medicinal Bath Method】!

It is a simplified version of the formula he usually gives to the two women and a few small medicinal baths. You can’t do it without simplification.

The cost of the original medicinal bath method is too high, and it requires excellent medicinal materials such as tiger bone eagle liver ginseng snow lotus, which is not affordable for ordinary people, and it is useless to teach it.

And the original medicinal bath method is too effective.

Xiao Yangguo only took two months, and now his body explosiveness is stronger than that of ordinary adults, and the progress is too obvious. If this is spread, it will definitely lead to all kinds of trouble, and Changqing is most annoyed by this.

So make a simplified version, hand it in, and mix the publication fee. As for how to use it above, Evergreen doesn’t care!

Speaking of which, evergreen things are not few, but they are not very tired, and every day is also very fulfilling, and the key is very happy. Especially now that Fat Di is better, there are more things that can be done!

Happiness has arrived!

Hey, hey, hey!.

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