Chapter 65: The Headmaster Is Numb! This is still a student?.

On the playground, Changqing and Chen Chong’s moves were dangerous and murderous.

The captain and the soldiers watching the excitement were all shocked. Especially the captain, he knew Chen Chong very well.

As soon as he saw Chen Chong’s appearance, the captain knew that Chen Chong was serious, and he could even be said to go all out. And under Chen Chong’s all-out attack, Changqing was actually able to catch it with ease, and obviously had the upper hand.

Changqing’s strength made the captain a little unable to turn his mind for a while.

He knew Chen Chong’s strength too well, and the authentic descendants of the ancient martial arts family were veritable invincible in the group. And such Chen Chong actually can’t have the upper hand here in Changqing?

What’s more, the captain felt that Changqing did not give his all. This strength is amazing.

After coming back to his senses, the captain’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and he almost drooled. What a soldier!

This is definitely a good soldier!

Without being trained by the troops, you have this strength, and if you go through systematic training, there is a high probability of becoming a legendary soldier king!

In an instant, the captain of the group moved the idea of digging people.

Although he knew that this was the imperial capital university, it was difficult to recruit people here, but it was not completely impossible, and he could find a shot. I believe that such seedlings will be 100% moved above.

And just when the captain was stunned, the two of them actually changed their tactics on the field.

Chen Chong saw that Gu Wu Wing Chun couldn’t fight, and he was also a little anxious, and actually used the military fist directly!

Military boxing is a martial art that integrates the boxing techniques created by various masters, and each move is a real killing move, and the move is deadly. The captain’s expression changed, and he was just about to stop it, but he found that Changqing had actually changed his moves.

After only watching a few moves, the captain’s eyes were a little shocked. Because he recognized it, Changqing actually used Tai Chi. Shadowboxing!

The captain remembered that the old grandmaster who created the military fist once said that the invincible fist method in the world should be taijiquan. Tai Chi is difficult to learn and refine, and its combat effectiveness is also extreme and polarized.

Ordinary people use tai chi, and they may not even be able to beat ordinary people.

However, once Tai Chi has formed real combat power, and can integrate the moves and comprehend the true meaning of Tai Chi, it can be invincible. Invincible means that, regardless of the physical factor, the perfect Tai Chi can block any other boxing technique and make yourself invincible!

The old grandmaster said that in so long he had lived, he had only seen one Taiji grandmaster.

That time, he stepped forward to ask for advice, and after beating for half an hour, he was so tired that he didn’t blush!

The old grandmaster also said that anyone who can practice Tai Chi to the extreme, not to mention that martial arts is invincible in the world, only his own body can defeat him!

The captain had always felt that the old grandmaster’s words were a bit exaggerated, but now he saw Evergreen. The captain had to believe.

Because he had been fighting for so long, Chen Chong’s eyes were red when he didn’t say anything about his face.

Changqing is still calm, not hurried, every move is like a leisurely stroll, effortless! The captain took a deep breath, he knew that he really met the big baby this time.


The captain opened his mouth to call a halt.

There is no point in fighting any longer.

When Chen Chong heard the order, he withdrew his hand with some reluctance. Changqing also took a step back and let out a long sigh of relief.

Don’t say, it feels pretty cool.

Since he got the full level of martial arts, it was the first time that someone could accompany him to fight so happily. The lively crows around were silent, all with their mouths open, in disbelief.

Really smashed the field? Chen Chong actually didn’t fight? Where did this master come from? Open and hanging, right?

The captain stepped forward and looked at Evergreen’s gaze with heat.

“Brother, dare to ask the honorific name?”

“My name is Changqing!”

“Would you like to come to the troops?”

The captain said directly. Evergreen smacked his lips, and he knew there would be this out.

Shaking his head firmly, he said, “I respect soldiers, but forget about being a soldier.” ”


“Because I’m too lazy!”

The captain was stunned. What is the reason for this?

A person who can refine a Tai Chi Grandmaster actually says that he is lazy? Then it’s better to say that you are not in good health!

However, the captain also saw that Changqing really did not mean to become a soldier.

After thinking about it, the captain did not force it, and nodded to Changqing: “You passed, I will apply for you, you don’t have to participate in military training!” ”

When Changqing heard this, he looked overjoyed and quickly thanked him: “Thank you, captain!” ”

“You’re welcome, you deserve it.”

“Gotta go, then you’re busy, I won’t bother you.”

After speaking, Evergreen Meizhi left.

Watching Changqing leave, the captain looked at the lively soldiers, turned around and shouted at the lively soldiers: “What are you looking at?” Go on! Can’t even beat a freshman in college, and it’s good to rest? Three hours of extra practice today! ”

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Leave a group of soldiers, with a confused look! Depend on!

Just watch a hilarious one, and it turns out to be a punching bag?….

Leaving the playground, Changqing went to the medical school, found a teacher, and asked him to help rent a set of textbooks for the four years of the Chinese medicine department of the medical school.

After Changqing took out five dollars, the teacher enthusiastically helped. It didn’t take long for Evergreen to get two large boxes of textbooks. Luckily there was a bike, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to go back.

Strap the box to the bike and Evergreen will fly away.

Today’s report is very smooth, as long as he completes the next exam, then this university, it is estimated that he only needs to sit and wait to get his graduation certificate.

And just as Changqing was buying books, the two came to the principal’s office almost at the same time. The principal was surprised to see the two who arrived together.

“Ancient, Captain Xu, please come in!”

The principal welcomed the two in, sat down on the sofa, and poured water before asking, “Is there something wrong with the two of you?” ”

Professor Gu glanced at the captain and said, “We met at the door, but I think we came for the same person today.”


When the principal heard this, he looked at the captain.

The captain did not detour, and said directly: “It’s such a principal, I have a fancy to one of your students, he has the potential to become a legendary soldier king, so I want to negotiate with you!” ”


The principal was surprised again: “There are still such people in our school? Which academy? ”

However, the principal did not pay attention, and as soon as the captain’s words came out, Professor Gu’s face changed.

Professor Gu looked at the captain and said with some uncertainty: “Captain Xu, you don’t mean evergreen, right?” ”

The captain nodded.

“Yes, it’s evergreen!”

Professor Gu: “….. This is outrageous! Professor Gu was numb. ”

Evergreen actually has this ability?

Just let him participate in a military training assessment, and as a result, he conquered the captain?

The principal was confused when he listened, and couldn’t help but ask: “Two, why didn’t I understand?” Can you talk about it in detail? ”

“Let me do it!”

Professor Gu sighed: “Principal, this is so, this Changqing is a freshman in our medical school, and when the school started today, he came to me and wanted not to participate in military training, so I recommended the captain to him.” ”

When the principal heard this, he looked at the captain again.

Seeing this, the captain said bluntly: “He did come, and then in front of me, he defeated my best soldier in martial arts, and my soldier was even powerless to fight back.” ”

Headmaster, my soldiers, you know, those are the elites in the regiment, especially Chen Chong, who is the number one master in the regiment. But it was Chen Chong, under Changqing, who had no power to fight back.

“Such a person is naturally suitable for being a soldier, as long as he enters the army and cultivates a little, he can definitely become a soldier king!”

After the principal listened, he understood what was going on.

To be honest, I’m quite happy.

This is a good thing, it is rare to have your own students who are valued by the troops.

The key is that this is the soldier of the medical school, if it is a scientific and technological talent, the president will definitely not give up. But the medical school is different, because the troops also lack doctors, so it is the same everywhere. So without much thought, the principal spoke: “In this case, you can think about it!” ”

The captain was overjoyed when he heard this, but he didn’t expect it to be so smooth, and there was no need to open his mouth above for such words.

However, before the captain could thank him, he listened to Professor Gu faintly say: “Principal, this Changqing is the champion of this year’s college entrance examination, with a college entrance examination score of 797 points!” ”


The principal almost didn’t spew out a sip of tea.

“Ahem, ancient, what do you say? College entrance examination champion?? ”

The captain froze.

Gu Gu looked indifferent, and continued: “Not only is he a champion in the college entrance examination, he has also studied medical skills since childhood, I have already tested and taught him just now, his medical skills are not much worse than mine, and may not even be worse than me!” ”


Principal pupil earthquake.

“No, ancient, you’re not kidding?”

Gu Gu didn’t answer, and directly threw a book to the principal and said, “This is a book he wrote, and he wants to cooperate with us and complete it together.” Once this book is written, it will definitely rise several steps for the national medical technology! ”


The principal was numb.

If the person who spoke was not ancient, the principal would certainly not believe a word.


But it is ancient that speaks.

The principal knows the ancient too well, and knows that the ancient never makes big words or jokes in business, but there is basically nothing that cannot be believed in whatever he says.

But the more so, the more shocked the principal.

Because listening to the ancient description, this evergreen does not look like a student at all.

Taking a deep breath, the principal couldn’t help but get tangled, picked up the book on the table, and read it seriously. The captain on the side was already sitting on pins and needles.

The captain’s mentality collapsed. Wow!

He never expected that that kid was actually so powerful. College entrance examination champion! Master of Medicine! I can also write books!

Such a person, unless the principal is crazy, it is absolutely impossible for people to release people, and it is useless for anyone. The captain was frustrated in his heart, and this was actually over before it began.

No wonder that kid refused so simply, this condition should indeed have little interest in being a soldier. The captain couldn’t sit still, and there was no point in staying, so he got up directly to leave.

The headmaster took the time to respond, and then continued to read. Seeing this, the captain’s heart became even colder.

It’s really out of the picture.

Professor Gu sat calmly, sipping tea beautifully, and was in a very good mood. With evergreen, this time the medical school can be regarded as able to stand up.

After seeing it, who would dare to say that his apprentice was powerful in front of him? Can your apprentice score 797 points?

Can your apprentice write a book that shocks the whole country? Can your apprentice win the army king?

My apprentices can!

That’s right, although they only met once, Gu Gu had already decided that Changqing was his apprentice, and it was not okay to be inappropriate. After a while, the principal finished reading the [Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook].

It can’t be said that he has finished reading it, because most of the above he can’t understand, but probably the meaning he understands.

After reading it, the principal said with a solemn expression: “Ancient, are the medical methods above reliable?” ”

Gu Gu thought about it and said seriously: “Most of them are absolutely reliable, and a small part is theoretically reliable, but they have not been verified and cannot be determined”

“That’s it!”

The principal was a little excited: “This book can be written, it must be written!” Ancient, where are the students? Can I meet him? ”

Gu Gu shook his head and said, “Now he may be home!” ”


The headmaster froze.

“Isn’t he a freshman?”

“I told him to go back!”

Professor Gu said, “With his medical skills, there is nothing more school can give him. ”

“So I came this time to apply for him for a general exemption exam, and if he can pass, he won’t be used for classes in the future.” It just so happens that he needs a lot of practical materials to write a book, which can allow him to practice his experience outside the school! ”

After listening to this, the principal frowned and said, “Exemption from the examination for all subjects? Can he do it? ”

“Try it! If not, come back to class honestly. ”

“Genius, there is always some conceit, that is, the mule is a horse, pull it out and slip away!”

The principal pondered for a moment and nodded: “Although there is almost no precedent, since the ancient saying that he has good medical skills, then give him a chance, but since it is a general department, then no subject can be left behind!” ”

“It’s nature!”

Professor Gu said, “Don’t worry, I will personally come up with the problem!” ”

“You have a question?”

The principal smacked his lips.

“Then can he still pass the exam?”

Good fellow, who doesn’t know that Professor Gu’s questions have always been tricky and weird, and every time Professor Gu gives questions, medical students will mourn all over the place.

Now listen to Professor Gu’s meaning, he is going to come up with all the exam questions?

Professor Gu pouted: “I have to solve the problem, if I can’t even pass this level, then honestly come back to class.” ”

“Gotta! That’s up to you. But no matter what, this book will definitely go on! ”

“It’s nature!”

After Professor Gu finished speaking, he got up and left, in a good mood! Here, Changqing returned to Qingyun Alley with two boxes of books.

It was noon, and I didn’t know if I had eaten at home.

When he went out in the morning, Changqing wasn’t sure how long he would be back, so Yang Mi even prepared his luggage, but he put it into the system space.

When he arrived at the alley and made sure that there was no one around, Changqing took out his luggage and pushed his bicycle towards his home. As soon as I entered the courtyard, I heard that the front yard was very lively.

After Changqing entered the hospital, he found that in the courtyard, Yang Mi was actually washing vegetables with two women while chatting! Changqing took a closer look and was a little surprised.

The two women are actually Yu Li and Yu Haitang!

How long have these two women finally appeared?.

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