Chapter 66: The Two Sisters of the Yu Family and the Two Sisters of the Yang Family!.

Seeing Changqing push the door in, Yang Mi was stunned for a while, but he didn’t expect Changqing to actually come back.


After reacting, Yang Mi happily pounced.

“Why are you back?”

Yang Mi was pleasantly surprised, she thought that Changqing would not be able to come back until two or three days at the earliest, after all, how could anyone go home on the first day of college?

Even Yang Mi felt that Changqing would leave for at least a month, not to mention military training, she felt that it was difficult to succeed in the matter of exemption from cultivation that Changqing said.

Yang Mi was ready to be a widow for the next four years, otherwise she wouldn’t have been so crazy with Changqing a few days ago. But Evergreen really gave her a big surprise.

Changqing hugged Yang Mi and said softly: “I succeeded, this will be said later, there are guests at home?” ”

“Oh, right!”

Yang Mi let go of Changqing and hurriedly introduced: “They are guests of the three grand masters’ families, called Yu Li and Yu Haitang, Yu Li came to find Yan Xiecheng, but Yan Xiecheng was not at home, so he came to our house to play.” ”

Changqing nodded, it seemed that Yu Li and Yan Xiecheng had already started a blind date.


Evergreen greeted with a smile.

For these two sisters, Changqing can’t talk about liking.

Yu Li is okay, she looks good, her personality is also good, although sometimes her eyes are a little shallow, but this is also limited by environmental education, very normal, she is very good in nature, as long as someone gives a knack, she will definitely have a good development.

As for Yu Haitang, Changqing did not dare to compliment.

This is no longer a question of ability, but of character.

Yu Haitang’s character is comparable to Qin Huairu, who first dealt with Yang Weimin, and then used Yang Weimin’s relationship to become a rolling mill broadcaster, and then turned around and abandoned Yang Weimin.

After that, he ran to the courtyard to spend the night, first said that he liked Silly Zhu, and then was taken down by Xu Damao in a few words, because Xu Damao was richer than Silly Zhu, and even didn’t care that Xu Damao was married for this.

Just such a woman with a cold heart and a vain love, her eyes grow to the sky every day, she thinks she is a princess, and her attitude towards anyone is superior.

It’s really…….. Anyway, such a woman, Changqing can’t appreciate it.

Changqing was not far from the two women, but Sister Yu Li looked at Changqing’s eyes and shone. Before they came, they had inquired about the evergreen in the compound.

No way, Changqing and Yang Mi got married a few days ago, the movement was so big, and now the streets are still talking. What kind of car greeting, luxurious dresses, sky-high jewelry, hotel banquets, etc., each of which makes people talk over and over.

The two sisters had heard it all, so they were very curious about the Chang family of the three major courtyards.

Today they nominally came to find Yan Xiecheng, but in fact, they were curious to see the Chang family, and it was said that Changqing was very rich. After coming, they were not disappointed, and the Chang family was really rich.

Three houses, there are only two bedrooms, only four people live, and the rest are all functional rooms, study rooms, living rooms, washrooms, kitchens, and storage rooms.

This is simply a big family hidden in the masses. Where does the average person have a separate kitchen and living room?

The Yu family is also two rooms, but the two rooms of the Yu family have a main entrance, but there is a partition in the middle, according to the standards of the evergreen family, the Yu family is one room.

And this room is also divided into several parts, a small room for the parents and a small room for the sisters, there is only a bed in the room, and at most a small desk, which is very crowded.

Outside the room is the kitchenette and dining room, there is no living room, all integrated.

Compared with Changqing’s home, Yu Haitang felt for the first time that his home was not a place where people lived. Seeing this big house, the Yu family sisters don’t mention how envious.

And after seeing the fan, radio, sewing machine, bicycle, etc. in the room, the envious eyes could not be hidden. The most incomprehensible thing for them is that the living room of Changqing’s home has been placing fruits for guests to eat casually!

There’s a mine in this house, right? Dare to splurge so much.

The Yu family sisters were extremely envious in their hearts, but after seeing Yang Mi, they understood.

Although her eyes are above the top, even Yu Haitang has to admit that she is not as good as Yang Mi, she is inferior in all aspects, and she is too much worse. However, after they saw Yang Mi, their first thought was that Changqing must be ugly.

After all, ugly rich men marrying beautiful women is a classic scene in the play! They felt that Yang Mi married for money.

Of course, they didn’t feel anything wrong.

Yu Li didn’t think too much, but Yu Haitang was even a little jealous of Yang Mi, and if she could, she would be willing to marry an ugly man. But when Evergreen appeared, the two women were stupid.

This is an ugly man??

If Yang Mi made them feel ashamed of themselves, then Changqing made them fall in love at a glance and was thrilled. The two women swore that Evergreen was definitely the best-looking man they had ever seen when they were this big.

Why is this different from what is sung in the play?

So Yang Mi is really married not only to money, but also to love?? By what?

The two women were really sour at this moment.


Changqing didn’t know what the two women were thinking, and he didn’t think much about it, and enthusiastically invited the two women into the living room.

How do the two female personalities have nothing to do with him, he doesn’t go on a blind date with the two women, he already has a wife at home, and there is a cute fat Di in the guest bedroom, which one is not more fragrant than these two?

Changqing simply felt that since the two daughters were his daughter-in-law’s friends, they had to be treated well.

After all, women need girlfriends, and Changqing doesn’t want Yang Mi to get along with his aunt every day, it’s too gossipy.

Because it was noon, after knowing that they hadn’t eaten, Changqing personally cooked and made a table of dishes for several women. At noon, the reaction, except for evergreen, the table was full of women.

Yang Mi, Fat Di, Xiao Yang Guo and the Yu family sisters. A table of Yingying Yanyan, to really eat. The Yu family sisters’ hearts have long been numb.

Since Evergreen returned, it has been subverting men’s perceptions in their hearts.

They couldn’t imagine that there would be a man like Changqing?

Handsome, not to mention rich, actually so good to his daughter-in-law, after Changqing came back, it was really every action to show Yang Mi’s favor, and he was even willing to cook for Yang Mi personally every day.

Such a man would be a househusband.

People are still the top students in the college entrance examination, and they were also admitted to the first university in the country. This is simply outrageous.

Eating the delicious dishes on the table that they had never eaten, the Yu sisters were no longer jealous of Yang Mina, and their eyes were red to the point of pantothenic acid.

On what basis, this woman can enjoy such a life? They can’t figure it out!


After lunch, the Yu sisters took their leave and left.

They didn’t want to leave, but Changqing said that they would treat Fat Di, and the people had to be busy, and it would not be appropriate for them to stay, so they could only leave the three major courtyards, and the Yu sisters reluctantly turned back.

After a while, Yu Haitang suddenly said, “Sister, are you still married to Yan Xiecheng?” ”

Yu Li shook her head.

“Nope! Haven’t you heard? Changqing and Yan Xiecheng have contradictions, these three major courts are obviously Changqing’s final say, marry Yan Xiecheng, who has a contradiction with Changqing, then will there be a good life in the future? ”

Yu Haitang agreed: “I support you, I also feel that Yan Xiecheng is not good, and he is not worthy of you at all!” ”

Saying that, Yu Haitang suddenly said: “Hey, sister, what do you think of Changqing?” ”

Yu Li was taken aback.

“What are you going to do? Everyone is married! ”

“What’s wrong with getting married? Men like the new and hate the old, especially rich men. ”

Yu Haitang pouted, “Sister, let’s come often in the future, then doesn’t Yang Mi treat us as friends?” ”

Yu Li frowned and said, “It’s okay for friends to come and go, but you can’t eat after you come, we can’t eat and drink here!” ”

Yu Haitang rolled his eyes in his heart, but did not object.

Anyway, you can come often in the future, as for the rest, I will talk about it later. Looking at the three major courtyards, Yu Haitang’s eyes lit up.


Chang’s family, the family eats and plays poker after dinner on the sofa.

“One three!”

Changqing said while playing cards: “Daughter-in-law, do you want to be friends with their sisters?” ”

“Press, five!”

Yang Mi said: “No, it’s just staying at home and boring.” ”

“That Yu Haitang is not a good woman!”

Xiao Yangguo said as he threw out four fives.

“I fried!”

“No, fruit, this is only the first round you fried?”

Fat Di was anxious, and Xiao Yangguo fried her little king.

“Hee-hee, no way, I’m good at cards!”

Xiao Yangguo said proudly.

“Then you get out!”

Fat Di looked at the pair of four in his hand and said helplessly. Xiao Yangguo grinned and threw out two cards: “Yes, four!” ”

Fat Di: “…”

“Yes Five!”

Changqing pressed on, and then said, “Guozi, what do you think of those two sisters?” ”


Xiao Yangguo thought for a while and said, “That old man is better than Li, with a good personality, but he is a little lacking in heart.” The second is not good, not smart, not beautiful, not yet self-aware, not a good person at first glance! ”

Changqing was happy, and sighed in his heart, sure enough, she is worthy of being the daughter of the Yang family, and this looks at people’s eyes one by one. Xiao Yang Guo can see it, let alone Yang Mi.

It is estimated that in less than five minutes of getting along, Yang Mi saw the two sisters through.

After all, as Xiao Yangguo said, these two sisters are not smart, and they almost write their character shortcomings on their faces. Changqing didn’t ask much, she guessed that her daughter-in-law thought that she would not come back in a short time, so she was just idle and bored. Of course, it may also be that Yang Mi enjoys this feeling of being dignified and envied in front of people.

Her daughter-in-law herself knows that Yang Mi has many advantages, and her shortcomings are also obvious, the first loves money, the second loves face, and the third loves praise. There’s nothing bad about that, because these shortcomings, Evergreen also has.


After playing for a while, Fat Di was a little tired. Evergreen carried her back to the bedroom.

For the intimacy of Changqing and Fat Di, Yang Mi didn’t look at it, after all, when he was curing, it was more excessive than this, and Yang Mi didn’t care. Changqing actually had some doubts about this, but didn’t ask more.

The daughter-in-law doesn’t care, she takes the initiative to ask, isn’t there a brain problem? Holding Fat Di into the bedroom, Fat Di’s eyes kept looking at Evergreen.

Changqing was a little afraid to respond.

For Fat Di, Changqing actually has some complicated hearts.

To say that you don’t like it is, there is no man who is not affectionate.

It’s just that Changqing loves Yang Mi and it’s also true, no matter what, he can’t hurt Yang Mi. So although impulsive, he kept suppressing.

In any case, family harmony is the most important thing.

Fortunately, Fat Di never said anything, except for his eyes getting hotter and hotter, he didn’t show anything. After putting Fat Di down, Changqing left the bedroom, not seeing the disappointment and shyness in Fat Di’s eyes. Out of the bedroom, Changqing was really sorting out the bag for Xiao Yangguo.

Tomorrow Yang Guo and Han Chunming will go to school.

Changqing took time to do this before getting married.

The process is very easy, that is, the principal of the school was invited to have a meal, sent some native products, and the matter was done, in fact, it was no problem not to invite guests, and it was easy to find Director Wang. But the two children will go to school after all, and the school is quite wild in this era.

Although Han Chunming and Xiao Yangguo have both practiced martial arts, their time is still short, and they are still young. It’s okay to deal with one or two children, but if you are bullied by a bunch of children, it is easy to get into trouble. Changqing invited the principal to dinner, which is to let him take care of the two children at school.

For this reason, Changqing specially sent two bottles of good wine, two large lobsters and five abalones, plus some specialties. These things are enough for the principal to take good care of the two children, after all, it doesn’t cost him anything. Xiao Yangguo had been to school before, so she had no resistance to going to school 1.8.

Han Chunming was ecstatic.

Mother Han also specially came over to thank Changqing.

Mother Han was truly grateful to Changqing. Because Changqing is really not ordinary good to Han Chunming.

Since Han Chunming visited the teacher, not only has he learned the skills of a body, but he has never suffered again, and he has bought clothes and shoes, and every day rice and stir-fried vegetables, Han Chunming’s whole person has become stronger.

Not only that, Changqing often asked Han Chunming to bring some “leftovers”

“Trash” to go home, in fact, to put it bluntly, is to take care of the Han family. Now the living standard of the Han family has improved a lot.

Now even Han Chunming’s school has been arranged. This master is simply more dedicated than his parents.

As for Han Chunming, he had long regarded Changqing as his own master.

Even one day before, Han Chunming deliberately kowtowed to Changqing, a real kowtow to worship the teacher.

Such a master-apprentice relationship, that is really like a father and son. It’s not nice to say, if Changqing has no descendants in the future, then Han Chunming is going to give Changqing the end.

And since Han Chunming kowtowed, Changqing had an idea. He felt that he could take more apprentices in the future.

Since he had such a heaven-defying system in his body, he couldn’t let his skills be buried.

He himself lacks skills and is still very lazy, and he can’t show all his skills, so it’s better to accept apprentices, let apprentices be noble in front of them, and be the boss behind the scenes.

Just think about it.

However, this apprentice cannot be taken casually.

Evergreen is not in a hurry, let’s take it slowly in the future.

Maybe when will you meet the protagonists of other TV series!.

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