Chapter 71: Teacher, Have You Heard of the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate?.

Changqing listened to Professor Gu’s description of Liu Yuan’s condition, and his eyes gradually lit up.

At first, by taking the pulse, he did not specifically determine the root of the disease, but only initially guessed that it may be related to insomnia. But he didn’t expect that Liu Yuan’s insomnia was so bizarre.

From Professor Gu’s analysis, Changqing slowly determined according to the medical knowledge in the brain that the cause of Liu Yuan should stem from the development of brain domains, and later studies have shown that human development of brain cells is less than ten percent, and some people even think that less than three percent, and most of the rest of the brain cells are dormant.

For this conclusion, Changqing did not know whether it was correct or wrong, but the full level of medical skills told him that the human brain is indeed incompletely developed, and in this case, a small number of people will wake up more brain cells for various reasons, making human beings from ordinary people to geniuses, and even demons.

Changqing even suspected that his ability to read was temporarily turned on by the system to the relevant brain cells, of course, this is just speculation. But one thing is that waking up more brain cells isn’t necessarily a good thing.

The human body has a limited ability to withstand the nerve cells of the brain.

The brain is over-functioning, which will consume a lot of physical ability, and once the body preferentially supplies energy to the brain, it will cause energy loss in other parts of the body organs, eventually leading to imbalance of the body’s energy, which will lead to death in serious cases!

This should be the case with Liu Yuan, when she was twenty years old, due to some accident, caused brain cells to overdevelop. It’s just that Liu Yuan’s body may be special, and her body has withstood the energy consumption.

And if she knew how to control at that time, let the body and brain cells adapt to the new little by little

“Work intensity, then Liu Yuan is likely to really evolve into a demon.”

It’s a pity that Liu Yuan didn’t understand it at the time, and then worked too hard, making the brain nerves too tired, always in a state of excitement, and using the brain excessively, resulting in the brain cells that were awakened by her gradually out of control.

That is to say, the brain cells that are awakened are not controlled by the original main brain, do not accept rest signals, and cannot stop running at all, which will cause Liu Yuan to dream frequently at first, and then slowly become insomnia.

After listening to Changqing’s analysis, Professor Gu and Liu Yuan were very surprised, this was the first time they had heard this statement.

Professor Gu pondered for a moment and asked, “That is to say, as long as she finds a way to calm down her awakened brain cells and stop overthinking in the future, she can get rid of insomnia?” ”

Willow’s round eyes stared at Evergreen tightly.

Changqing shook his head: “In theory, this is so, but this is very dangerous, not to mention that her current body has adapted to the overload state, once forced to stop, it is likely that her body’s energy supply is disordered, and unpredictable dangers occur.” ”

“Moreover, brain cells are very mysterious and difficult to control precisely, in case we cool not the brain cells after awakening, but the brain cells at the beginning, then Mr. Liu is likely to become a vegetative person!”


Professor Gu took a breath.

“Then I can go on like this, right?”

Liu Yuan asked.

“It’s hard, or impossible.”

“Long-term insomnia is very harmful to the body, you should feel it clearly by now, your body has begun to age early. In fact, it stands to reason that you should have been unable to bear it for a long time, it should be the teacher’s treatment that slowed down the aging speed of your body, so that you persisted until now. ”

Professor Gu took a breath again, turned his head to look at Changqing and asked, “Changqing, what can you do?” ”

Liu Yuan looked at Changqing nervously again, his eyes shining with apprehension and hope, afraid that Changqing would shake his head.

Fortunately, Changqing did not disappoint her, and Changqing nodded seriously.

“Yes! I have two ways! ”


Liu Yuan was overjoyed.

Professor Gu is very calm, as a doctor, he knows that whenever Changqing says this, it must have its own drawbacks, otherwise there is no need for patients to choose.

“Can you elaborate?”

Liu Yuan asked.

“Of course!”

Changqing nodded and said, “The first method is Professor Gu’s method just now, first let you become a vegetative person!” ”

Liu Yuan: “…….”

Without waiting for Liu Yuan to ask, Changqing continued: “Don’t worry, this method sounds very dangerous, but if it is done properly, it is still very safe!” ”

The main practice plan is to force all of Mr. Liu’s cells to hibernate through acupuncture, that is, let you enter a vegetative state.

Then in the process, I use drugs to recuperate your body and turn it into a normal state of physical functioning.

After that, wake you up, because your body’s energy supply returns to normal, and the cells that wake up will not get excited anymore if they do not get the energy supply.

After that, as long as you don’t overuse your brain, then the brain cells you wake up will fall back into a state of thumping on their own!

This method is gentler and has a high success rate, but the disadvantage is that it takes a long time, and from now on, Mr. Liu cannot overuse his brain, and once he excessively, his previous achievements will be lost.

“That is, you will lose the brain of genius!”


After Changqing finished speaking, Professor Gu and Liu Yuan were silent.

Professor Gu was silent because he agreed with this method, and although he was not proficient in mental illness, he certainly understood. The method Changqing said, he will actually do, and can also help Liu Yuan cure the disease.

But as Changqing said, once this method is used, Liu Yuan will no longer be a genius.

And Liu Yuan has been a genius for ten years, experiencing the taste of genius, and now suddenly let her down, she will definitely not be willing. Sure enough, after Liu Yuan hesitated for a moment, he looked up and asked, “Doctor Chang, what is the second method?” ”

Professor Gu looked over again.

After hesitating for a moment in his heart, Changqing spoke: “The second way is to do the opposite and actively strengthen brain cells.” ”

For example, if you compare your original main brain cells and post-awakened brain cells to an adult and a villain, the current situation is that your villain has become crazy because he is too excited and is not controlled by the adult.

“Then as long as you cure the villain’s madness and let it listen to the command again, your villain can also accept your control again!”

However, upon hearing this, both Professor Gu and Liu Yuan fell silent.

The main thing is that Changqing said too mysteriously.

The brain is the most mysterious area of human beings, how can it be treated as it wants to be like a body organ? Professor Gu frowned, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, “I understand, but I can’t think of how to do it!” ”

Seeing this, Changqing sighed in his heart, and could only say that some things were really coincidence!

Changqing could not have imagined that after he received the full level of medical skills, the three patients he treated before and after actually used the same method. Looking at Professor Gu, Changqing smiled and said, “Professor, have you heard of the thirteen needles of the ghost gate?” ”

“Hmm! Well? ”

Professor Gu’s pupils dilated and he exclaimed, “Are you saying that it was recorded on the [Emergency Thousand Gold Essentials], invented by Bian Que, and specializes in curing the thirteen needles of the ghost gate of a hundred evils and madness?” ”

Evergreen nodded.

Professor Gu took a deep breath and said in disbelief, “Isn’t this acupuncture technique lost long ago?” ”

Changqing smiled and said, “It was indeed lost before, but fortunately, I got the inheritance!” ”


Professor Gu asked in shock, “Are you sure it’s a complete inheritance?” ”

Changqing nodded and said, “Sure, and I already have a success story.” ”

“My father-in-law was paralyzed by the upper spinal nerve, which caused the lower body to be paralyzed, I used the ghost gate thirteen needles supplemented by massage medicinal baths, and now my father-in-law has stood up again!”


Professor Gu was surprised and delighted.

It was shocking that the long-lost ghost gate thirteen needles actually reappeared.

Fortunately, this acupuncture technique came out, which will greatly promote modern medicine and solve many medical problems that cannot be solved by medicine now!

The only question now is whether the evergreen inheritance is the real Ghost Gate Thirteen Needles!

Without waiting for Professor Gu to think more, Liu Yuan spoke, “Doctor Chang, I want to try the second method.” ”

When Professor Gu heard this, he raised his head and looked at Liu Yuan with complicated eyes.

Emotionally speaking, he didn’t want Liu Yuan to take risks, his brain was too mysterious, and one bad one could cause serious consequences.

But from the ruthless intellectual point of view, if Liu Yuan is willing to experiment, then it can further verify whether the evergreen ghost gate thirteen needles are real.

But if Professor Gu is allowed to choose, Professor Gu definitely does not want Liu Yuan to experiment. Medical experiments must also have a moral bottom line.

However, it is clear that Liu Yuan already has a choice on her own, and she does not want to become stupid herself.

Changqing was not surprised when he heard this, but just confirmed: “Really think about it?” This method of healing can be dangerous. ”

“Don’t worry, Doctor Chang, I think well, instead of suffering like this, I might as well fight to the death!”

Liu Yuan took a deep breath and said with a firm gaze: “I don’t want to continue in this muddy state, but I don’t want to become the stupid girl I used to be.” ”

You don’t know something, before the age of twenty, I was not a normal person, but a mentally retarded with an underdeveloped brain…

“If I use the first method, then I am likely to become mentally retarded again, in that case, it is better to let me die!”


Changqing had a question mark in his head, and said speechlessly: “And this matter?” Then didn’t you say it earlier? No wonder the brain cells that are awakened after you get out of control, you like this, I will change the treatment plan! ”

Changqing said and looked at Professor Gu, this is a major mistake, even the patient’s condition is not clear. Professor Gu was also speechless: “Don’t look at me, I just knew.” ”

Liu Yuan then knew that he seemed to have broken into trouble, and hurriedly said: “Doctor Chang, I am to blame for this, I didn’t make it clear, after all, this is also my unspeakable addiction!” ”

Changqing heard this, shook his head and said: “Forget it, this is also I didn’t ask clearly, it was my negligence, it doesn’t matter, this is not a big problem, but it will be more troublesome.” ”

Liu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Changqing with a hopeful expression: “Then please, if there are any requirements, you can mention it!” ”

“I really have this, but I’ll talk about it later!”

After that, Changqing got up and said to Professor Gu: “Then teacher, I will take Teacher Liu back first!” ”

Professor Gu opened his mouth, but in the end he didn’t say anything, just nodded.


Evergreen nodded and turned to leave.

He actually knew what Professor Gu wanted to say, but since Professor Gu didn’t say it, he didn’t have to take the initiative to say it, anyway, he knew that he took Liu Yuan out of the office building, and Changqing said: “Mr. Liu, please come home with me.” ”

“After returning home, I will carefully diagnose you and set a preliminary treatment plan, and you need to come to my house on time every day in the future!”

Liu Yuan hurriedly nodded and said, “I listen to your arrangement, Doctor Chang!” ”

Changqing smiled and said, “Don’t be so polite, you can just call me Changqing in the future!” ”

Liu Yuan pursed his lips and smiled: “Well, I’m a few years older than you, if you don’t dislike it, you can call me Sister Liu.” ”

“Gotta go! Sister Liu, let’s go then! ”

As they spoke, the two came to the bicycle parking lot.

Liu Yuan also had a bicycle, took the bicycle, and the two left the university directly.

When he left, Changqing still had some emotion, his college was too outrageous, it ended at the beginning, and he took Liu Yuan home without any life experience.

The compound was still very calm, but there was a burst of crying in the middle courtyard.

Changqing glanced at the middle courtyard and went home. As soon as I entered the living room, I found that there was no one in the living room.

Liu Yuan looked at Changqing’s home curiously, she didn’t know about Changqing before, but now she found that Changqing’s home is not ordinary!

Changqing asked Liu Yuan to do it first, and he came to the master bedroom, and sure enough, he found Yang Mi in the bedroom study, Yang Mi was reading, reading mechanical books, which Changqing bought for her.

Hearing the movement, Yang Mi looked up, saw that it was Changqing, and ran over happily. 1.5

“Husband, how’s it going?”

“It’s done! I won’t have to go to school in the future! ”


Yang Mi happily gave Changqing a big reward.

Changqing hugged his daughter-in-law, glanced at the desk, and said casually: “Reading again?” ”


At the mention of this, Yang Mi was distressed.

“Husband, I feel that my IQ is very unstable, when you taught me, I felt that I could learn quickly, but when I learned it myself, I felt less intelligent.”

Evergreen smiled secretly in his heart.

This is certain, when he was a believer, he had the aura of a teacher.

Speaking of the teacher’s halo Changqing suddenly remembered, is this also related to the development of brain cells?


Evergreen didn’t dare to think about it more!

The brain is too mysterious, and Changqing doesn’t want to explore too much, so as not to go crazy again. Some things are not good to explore.

As the saying goes: when you are gazing into the abyss, the abyss is also gazing at you.

After a stirring spirit, Changqing returned to his senses and said, “Daughter-in-law, don’t worry, I’ll invite a teacher for you to come back this time!” ”


Yang Mi asked curiously, “You also hired a teacher for me?” What teacher? ”

“It’s a teacher from the mechanical department of my university, a level 3 engineer, very powerful!”

Yang Mi covered his mouth in shock.

“Level 3 engineer? Give me a teacher? Can people agree? ”

Changqing briefly told Yang Mi about Liu Yuan.

Yang Mi was surprised: “There is actually such a thing, it sounds amazing!” ”

“Okay, I’ll talk about this later, people are still waiting in the living room, you come with me!”

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