Chapter 72: Liu Yuan Sleeps! Stick terrier out of prison!.

“Sister Liu!”

Changqing pulled Yang Mi to the living room.

“Sister Liu, this is my wife, Yang Mi!”

“Hello Mr. Liu!”

Yang Mi took the initiative to step forward and say hello.

“You… Hello. ”

Liu Yuan was surprised.

“You’re all married?”

How old is evergreen?

This just got married in college? It’s so fast!

Changqing smiled and said, “My daughter-in-law and I have also just got married, three days before the start of school. ”

Liu Yuan smacked his lips, looked at Yang Mi and smiled: “Not bad, very discerning!” Found such a good-looking wife! ”

“Mr. Liu, you are polite, you are much more beautiful than me.”

Yang Mi stepped forward and chuckled. Women always meet quickly.

After chatting for a while, Changqing spoke, “Sister Liu, let’s start!” ”


Liu Yuan took a deep breath, his expression very nervous.

Changqing asked Liu Yuan to sit down, and then gave the pulse again, and asked a lot of details carefully in the process.

In the end, Changqing confirmed that Liu Yuan’s condition was similar to what he analyzed, but it was better than he thought, and it was not so serious. Liu Yuan’s physical mechanism is relatively healthy, probably better taken care of by Professor Gu, so Liu Yuan is still good except for being mentally exhausted.

That’s a good thing to do.

After thinking about it for a while, he said: “Sister Liu, your nerves are already overtired now, so let’s find a way to let you sleep first, how about it?” ”

“I… Can I sleep? ”

Liu Yuan’s expression was a little excited.

“I haven’t slept comfortably for a long time, and every time I wake up like I sleep, and I’m still tired after waking up!”

“Leave this to me, I promise you a good night’s sleep!” Well, Sister Liu, did you eat in the morning? ”

“Eat! I have a big appetite now! ”

“This is normal, your brain needs to consume a lot of energy to function, your body is very good, can convert everything you eat into the energy your body needs, ordinary people can’t do this, this should be the reason why you can persist until now.”

Changqing said, got up and took out the medicine box and took out the acupuncture bag from it.

“Sister Liu, follow me!”

Changqing said and went into the second bedroom. Liu Yuan and Yang Mi followed.

In the second bedroom, Fat Di was reading a book, but what he was reading was still [Forest Protection]? This girl is interested in this?

“Brother-in-law, have a guest?”

“Hmm! It’s my patient. ”

Evergreen explained softly.

Liu Yuan came into the house and saw that there was a woman in the room, and was stunned for a moment.

Yang Mi explained on the side: “This is my sister, who is paralyzed in her lower limbs because of the death, and is now being treated. ”


Liu Yuan was immediately relieved.

But patients with paralysis?

Liu Yuan thought of Changqing saying that his father-in-law was also cured by him? It seems that Dr. Chang is really brilliant!

“Sister Liu, this is my daughter-in-law’s little sister’s bed, you sleep here first, I will give you a needle first, let you take a nap!”

“Ah, good, thanks!”

Liu Yuan thanked him, then took off his shoes and lay down on the bed.

“Do I need to do anything?”

Liu Yuan asked.

“No need, you can close your eyes and sleep now, and I’ll do the rest.”


Liu Yuan closed his eyes with expectant eyes.

Changqing took out the silver needle and began to apply the needle to Willow.

The thirteen needles of the ghost gate enter the acupuncture point from the brain, because it is only to make the willow round shallow water, so there is no need to move the needle, only need to stimulate the acupuncture point. After a while, there was a faint sound of breathing in Changqing’s ears.

“That’s it!”

Evergreen said softly.

Turning his head to look at Fat Di, he said, “Do you want to go to the living room?” ”


Fat Di nodded hurriedly.

Seeing this, Changqing stepped forward directly and hugged Fat Di up. Turning around, Changqing also glanced at Yang Mi.

Sure enough, Yang Mi’s expression did not change at all.

Out of the second bedroom, Changqing put Fat Di on the sofa, and then told the two women in detail about today’s events. Only then did the two women understand Liu Yuan’s situation.

“Too smart to lose sleep? It’s amazing! ”

Fat Dee smacked his lips.

Changqing smiled and said: “Hehe, this is normal, the brain is the most mysterious organ of human beings, and it is not strange that anything happens!” ”

Yang Mi asked curiously, “So you want her to teach me?” ”

“Hmm! You need a master to teach you, of course, I will teach you, but I don’t have much time, you can learn both together, so that the progress will be greater. ”

And most importantly, Mr. Liu has connections.

“If your daughter-in-law wants to go to the front of the stage and be a real mechanical designer, with Teacher Liu as a guide, it will be a lot less trouble!”

“Will she say yes then?”

Fat Dee asked.

Yang Mi gave Fat Di a blank look and said, “Life-saving grace, will she not agree?” ”

Fat Di was stunned, and then he was stupidly crying by himself, crying and laughing: “Yes! ”

“Okay, just leave this matter to me!”

Changqing reached out and peeled an orange, then split it in half, gave Yang Mi and Fat Di half of it, and then peeled the orange himself.

“By the way, I just heard a noise in the front yard, what’s the situation?”

Evergreen asked.

“Yay! I almost forgot to say it. ”

When Yang Mi heard this, he immediately came over and said, “I tell you, the stick terrier is out of prison today!” ”

“Stick terrier??”

Changqing was stunned, is this a month? Is the time so fast?

Changqing almost forgot about it.

“And then?”

Evergreen asked softly. After Yang Mi looked outside, he whispered, “The stick terrier was picked up by Qin Huairu when he got out of prison.” ”

“When I came back, I saw it, my nose was blue and my face was swollen, and I must have suffered a lot of sins inside…”

Yang Mi said the matter again, but just after saying a few words, the middle courtyard suddenly became lively. Someone is yelling.

Changqing and Yang Mi were suddenly taken aback. Evergreen hurriedly got up.

“I’ve got to check it out!”

“I’ll go with you!”

Yang Mi hurriedly followed.

“Brother-in-law, I want to go too.”

Fat Di’s eyes also lit up.

Seeing this, Changqing directly picked up Fat Di and put him in the wheelchair at the door of the second bedroom, then pushed Fat Di and rushed to the front yard with Yang Mi. An hour ago, Qin Huairu picked up the stick terrier from the juvenile detention center.

Originally, Qin Huairu was full of joy, but after seeing the stick terrier, he was shocked all of a sudden. I saw that the stick terrier was covered in tattered, and his eyes and mouth were bruised.

The stick terrier’s eyes were lost, and the whole person was numb. Qin Huairu collapsed at that time.

“Stick terrier, what’s wrong with you? Tell mom what’s wrong with you? ”

However, no matter how Qin Huairu asked, the stick terrier didn’t say a word. Qin Huairu asked the juvenile detention center to discipline, but people said it was an accident.

Qin Huairu asked for a long time, but could not ask the result, and could only go home with a stick terrier with a heartache. When I returned to the compound, it caused a lot of turmoil.

The eyes of everyone in the compound and even the surrounding neighbors were strange, and many people even had undisguised disgust in their eyes. People in this era have a strong sense of honor, who wants to live in their compound or even in their alley?

Qin Huairu lowered his head all the way and quickly returned home with a stick stalk.

After returning home, Jia Zhangshi saw the stick terrier like this, and he was immediately anxious, and quickly asked what was going on. Qin Huairu didn’t know either, and couldn’t say anything.

Seeing this, Jia Zhangshi immediately scolded, scolding Qin Huairu is useless, and scolding the person who beats the stick terrier is not a thing… Jia Zhang’s mouth couldn’t stop scolding.

Qin Huairu was in an uncomfortable mood, and didn’t want to care about Jia Zhang, but just looked at the tears to change the clothes and scrape the stick terrier. The stick terrier looked dull from beginning to end, and did not say a word.

Then I don’t know how long it took, Jia Zhangshi may be tired of scolding, seeing the stick terrier or not speaking, suddenly snorted!

“Oh, which heavenly killer beat my family stick terrier like this! How can I live without a stick terrier! ”

However, Jia Zhang’s voice actually directly shouted the stick terrier “wake up”. The stick terrier was excited, looking at Jia Zhangshi, his eyes actually had a look.

Just when Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu were happy, neither of them expected that the stick terrier would kick out directly and directly knock Jia Zhangshi out.

Then after the beating, the stick terrier directly bullied himself and rode on Jia Zhang’s body and was beaten fat.

“It’s all to blame on you! It’s all to blame on you! ”

“Woo hoo, you instructed me to steal! Every time it is….. Woo hoo: I beat you to death, why didn’t you go to jail! ”

“If you hadn’t angered the surnamed Chang, would I have gone to jail? I’ll kill you, kill you……..”

The stick terrier cried and hit. Jia Zhang screamed in pain.

Qin Huairu seemed to be frightened and stupid, and did not move. Xiaodang and Huaihua were directly scared and crying.

The movement of the Jia family suddenly alarmed the compound.

Today happens to be the day of the holiday, and everyone is at home.

Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, Yan Bugui and Xu Damao all ran over. The rest of the compound also gathered around.

Changqing and Yang Mi also heard the movement at this time and pushed Fat Di over.

Seeing this scene of the Jia family, everyone was shocked, and they didn’t come forward for a while. In the end, Yi Zhonghai reacted the fastest and stepped forward to pull the stick terrier up.

“Stick terrier, you’re crazy, this is your grandma!”

Yi Zhonghai reprimanded loudly.

“I’m not crazy! You’re crazy! ”

The stick terrier’s eyes were red, and when he turned his head to see Yi Zhonghai, his eyes were even redder.

“Yi Zhonghai, and you, you are not a good thing, I ask you, why do you send something to my mother in the middle of the night three times and twice, what is the relationship between you and my mother??”


Before the stick terrier finished speaking, Yi Zhonghai directly slapped it over.

“Stinky boy, are you crazy??”

Yi Zhonghai’s voice changed. Qin Huairu was even more frightened. Everyone around was stunned. What did the stick terrier just say?

Yi Zhonghai sent something to Qin Huairu in the middle of the night??? And this??

Oh, my God! The crowd was truly stunned.

Yang Mi opened his small mouth in disbelief.

Fat Di has lived in for so long and knows a lot about the affairs of this hospital, but he was also shocked by this matter. Only evergreen is not surprised.

He knew that Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai must have a relationship, and last time he threatened Qin Huairu with this matter. At that time, looking at Qin Huairu’s face, he knew that he guessed correctly.

I just didn’t expect this to be reported by the stick terrier. That’s lively.

Liu Haizhong stepped forward directly, holding back a smile and asking, “Lao Yi, what’s going on?” ”

“What’s going on?”

Yi Zhonghai said with a dark face: “The stick terrier is crazy, he even beats his grandmother, can he still believe his words?” ”

As Yi Zhonghai spoke, he covered the stick terrier’s mouth with his hand.

After all, the stick terrier is a child, and he can’t break Yi Zhonghai’s hand at all. However, Yi Zhonghai forgot that the Jia family’s thunder is not just a stick terrier.

Here Jia Zhangshi slowed down, as if he was blinded, directly broke the jar, slumped on the ground, pointed at Yi Zhonghai and scolded: “Woo, can’t you believe my words?” Yi Zhonghai, you are 680 total midnight”

Come to our family Qin Huairu, what the hell are you doing?

“Also, Qin Huairu has been going out early and returning late every day during this time, does it have anything to do with you, you say!”

Yi Zhonghai: “..”

Seeing this, he was even more energetic.

“Lao Yi, what else do you say now? It’s a matter of style! Yi Zhonghai’s face was already black into the bottom of the pot. ”

He regretted it so much now, he shouldn’t have come out.

Looking at the aggressive bangs, Yi Zhonghai said coldly: “What is there to say?” Qin Huairu’s family is difficult, what’s wrong with me sending her some cornmeal? ”

Qin Huairu was stunned just now.

Hearing Yi Zhonghai’s words, he reacted and hurriedly said, “Uncle is right, he just sent me cornmeal.” ”

Bangs scoffed.

“Who believes this? Why do you deliver cornmeal at night? ”

“Old Liu, do you have to ask me to make things clear?”

Yi Zhonghai said angrily: “Do you still want me to explain this?” Naturally, I send it at night because I don’t want others to know. ”

“After all, I am the eldest master in the courtyard, what if others know that I sent cornmeal to Qin Huairu and said that I was biased? I just don’t want to get in trouble! ”

Saying that, Yi Zhonghai also looked at everyone in the courtyard and said loudly: “Everyone, I, Yi Zhonghai, have lived in the courtyard for so many years, don’t you know who I am?” ”

Can this dirty water also be splashed on me?

“The stick terrier is not sensible, you know better than me who Jia Zhang is. Do you need me to explain more? ”

I have to say that Yi Zhonghai has been able to control the compound for so many years, and his eloquence is still good. As soon as he explained this, everyone really believed it.

This is not to blame everyone in the courtyard for being so fooled, it can only be said that Yi Zhonghai has maintained his image too well. Seeing this, Jia Zhangshi wanted to say something, but Qin Huairu had already walked over.

Qin Huairu turned his back to everyone, stared at Jia Zhangshi indifferently and whispered: “Mom, if you don’t want to pass it, you will shout, it’s a big deal, everyone will die and the net will be broken!” ”

Jia Zhang was immediately frightened.

Don’t look at Jia Zhang’s fun, but she is the most timid and most afraid that Qin Huairu really doesn’t care about her.

So frightened by Qin Huairu, Jia Zhangshi suddenly closed his mouth.

Seeing that the situation was under control, Yi Zhonghai was relieved in his heart and hurriedly said, “Okay, everyone dispersed!” The Jia family is messy enough now, let’s not add to the chaos! ”

Liu Haizhong originally didn’t want to let Yi Zhonghai go so easily.

But Yi Zhonghai said everything he should say, he didn’t know how to ask, so he could only leave with a smile. However, as soon as everyone was about to leave, a voice suddenly came.

“Brother-in-law, why can’t you send something to a woman, but a man has to send it?”


Hearing this, everyone turned around!.

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