Sure enough, two months later.

Jia Zhangshi has always felt sleepy recently, and he always has no appetite for eating, and even often gags and vomits.

Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu both helped Jia Zhangshi buy formulas to recuperate, but they had no effect.

On this day, Jia Zhangshi began to gag again, and Qin Huairu said casually:

"Mom, how can you look exactly the same as when I was pregnant with a stick terrier?"

Jia Zhangshi was stunned for a moment, and then reacted and directly slapped Qin Huairu:


Qin Huairu covered her face in disbelief:

"Mom, why did you hit me? What I said is true! Silly

Zhu felt very sorry for Qin Huairu, so he helped Qin Huairu rub his face and blamed Jia Zhangshi:

"Mom, Huairu just said casually, why did you beat her!"

Jia Zhangshi gasped and pointed at Qin Huairu:

"Qin Huairu actually said that I am pregnant, is this like words!"

"Don't say that I don't even have a wife, how can I be pregnant at my age!"

Silly Zhu disapproved of Jia Zhangshi's idea:

"Mom, what do you say, Huairu definitely doesn't mean this, you apologize to her now!"

Jia Zhang's eyes widened:

"Silly Zhu, Qin Huairu, you have turned against the sky, slandering me without saying that you have joined forces to bully me together?"

"Do you think I'm old and bullied? Then I'll let you judge now!

After Jia Zhangshi finished speaking, he ran out the door angrily and began to howl:

"Everyone judges! Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu combined to bully my poor old lady! Everyone

heard Jia Zhang's broken gong and came out to watch the good show.

Jia Zhangshi saw that there were more people outside, and began to continue to sell miserably:

"Woo, I lost my husband at a young age, only Jia Dongxu has a precious son, but I didn't expect my son to leave early, thanks to a grandson."

"But my grandson became like this, I couldn't stand the blow and wanted to be free, but Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu promised to take good care of me, so I didn't go looking for death."

"But I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that they would now want to ruin my reputation and throw me out!"

At this time, someone asked,

"How did you ruin your reputation?"

Jia Zhangshi came to the spirit:

"They say I am pregnant!"

"How can I get pregnant at my age!"

"This is not only a joke, but also an insult to me!"

After listening to Jia Zhang's complaint, everyone almost agreed with Jia Zhangshi's view:

"Hey, this time I stand on Jia Zhangshi, how can I get pregnant at an age."

"That is, I can't get pregnant even ten years younger than her, and Jia Zhang's is pregnant? Isn't this a rip-off!

But only Yi Zhonghai locked his brows behind the crowd thoughtfully.

It's okay if Jia Zhang is not pregnant, but if she is really pregnant, this may be her own!

At that time, he must find a way not to let Jia Zhangshi tell the truth, otherwise this compound will definitely not be able to stay, and the most important thing is that the iron rice bowl in the factory cannot be saved.

Jia Zhangshi saw that everyone finally supported him this time, and he was triumphant:

"I myself have always been clean, and my husband has not remarried after so many years of death, how can I accept such slander from others!"

"Everyone is also an understanding person, I hope you can persuade Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu not to hurt me, a poor old man... Vomit! Jia

Zhangshi was still speaking in a breathy manner, but when she said it in the end, she couldn't control her gagging!

Everyone was immediately dumbfounded when they saw this god's turn, what is the situation? Didn't it mean that Silly Zhu and Qin Huairu were slandering her?

But doesn't that seem to be the case?

This vomit is so strong, or dry vomiting, Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu suspect that Jia Zhangshi is pregnant, right?

Qin Huairu and Stupid Zhu saw that Jia Zhangshi was fainting, and simply went to find Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing felt a pang of nausea when he saw Jia Zhang's strong body, but in order to see Jia Zhang's jokes, Zhou Qing took a newspaper to give Jia Zhang's pulse.

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up after feeling Jia Zhang's pulse:

"Hey, your mother-in-law is..." "

Oh no, let's go into the house and say, there are too many people here."

Zhou Qing deliberately put on a veiled tone, which really succeeded in arousing the conjectures of the neighbors present.

Everyone whispered:

"Zhou Qing's expression is obviously wrong this time, Jia Zhang's can't really be pregnant, right?"

"It's impossible, how old is Jia Zhang? Even if she really did something, her body would not allow it?

"But Zhou Qing's expression will not be wrong, besides being pregnant, what other reason is there to hide it?" I'm really curious!

"Hey, what are you guessing, Jia Zhang's situation will definitely have to go to the hospital for another examination, and then it will depend on Jia Zhang's belly."

When everyone turned their heads and ears, Qin Huairu had already walked to Zhou Qing's house and heard Zhou Qing say the fact that Jia Zhang's was pregnant.

Qin Huairu looked shocked:

"Zhou Qing, what are you talking nonsense!" How could my mother be pregnant at her age!

Zhou Qing's expression gloated:

"How do I know!" But the pulse will not be wrong, I dare to pack a ticket that your mother-in-law Jia Zhang is definitely pregnant.

Qin Huairu still didn't believe it, so he shook Jia Zhangshi awake and dragged him to the hospital.

Jia Zhangshi kept asking questions along the way:

"What kind of disease am I, your expression is so strange!"

"Don't say I'm really pregnant, or I'll beat you to death!"

"Does the stupid pillar know this time? I tell you, don't think I'll pay! Qin

Huairu was full of worries, always worried that this inspection would be difficult to explain if seen by acquaintances, hearing Jia Zhang's nagging, Qin Huairu perfunctorily said:

"I know my mother well."

Finally, the two came to the hospital, and Qin Huairu first pretended to take Jia Zhangshi to check the intestines and stomach, and then took Jia Zhangshi to test his blood.

When the blood test results came out, Jia Zhangshi looked relaxed and ready to look:

"You guys are also true, obviously the money that can be saved, you have to waste so much money."

But the nurses in charge of the blood test had strange expressions, gathered around and whispered:

"This is also too fake!" Who is responsible for this aunt's blood sample?

"It's me! Don't be wronged, I didn't believe it at the time, I specially re-examined it several times, this aunt is definitely pregnant!

"Shhh! It's terrible, pregnant at this age, and I don't know if there is any danger.

"Isn't that nonsense! More than thirty years are all advanced age, this aunt is at least forty or fifty years old, it is difficult to say whether she can give birth alive.

"Then it's better to kill than to lose your life."

At this time, Jia Zhangshi heard the discussion of several nurses, and was a little curious:

"What are you talking about?"

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