After several nurses saw Jia Zhang, the expressions on their faces became serious:

"Aunt, we were about to tell you, don't get excited!"

Jia Zhangshi was a little apprehensive in his heart:

"What's wrong with me? Is there something that can't be cured?

Several nurses shook their heads:

"No, we just saw your blood showing that you are pregnant!"

Jia Zhangshi didn't believe it:

"What are you kidding! I'm all this age, menstruation has long been gone, how can I get pregnant! Several

nurses saw that Jia Zhangshi did not believe it, so they advised Jia Zhangshi:

"Aunt, if you really don't believe it, go for a B-ultrasound, if we say something wrong, we are willing to compensate you for all the examination fees!"

When Jia Zhang heard the nurses say this, her heart was a little bottomless, but she still firmly believed that she was not pregnant, so she held her head high and went for ultrasound.

Before doing B-ultrasound, he had to hold his urine, and Jia Zhangshi didn't bring water, so he had to let Qin Huairu buy hot water.

After tossing and turning for a while, it was finally Jia Zhang's turn.

The doctor who examined Jia Zhang was stunned:

"This... Is this really pregnant?

"It's the first time I've seen someone this age get pregnant!"

Jia Zhangshi was also stunned, and it was not good to speak:

"No... No way!

"You must be a doctor who walked in and opened his mouth to talk nonsense!"

"I want you to return the money!"

The more Jia Zhangshi spoke, the more excited he became, and finally he even danced with his hands.

Qin Huairu felt that Jia Zhangshi was very humiliated like this, so she quickly tried to stop Jia Zhangshi from going crazy:

"Mom, calm down, you can't solve things like this, but it will make everyone know about this matter."

Jia Zhang did not listen, she firmly believed that the hospital must have made a mistake:

"Calm what! The Black Heart Hospital insulted my reputation, and I had to lose money for this! In

the end, Jia Zhang's fooling around attracted a director of the hospital.

The director frowned and listened to the nurse after what happened, and probably understood what was going on.

The director looked at the B-ultrasound report sheet, his eyes widened slightly, he was also shocked by such a thing, a person of Jia Zhang's age was pregnant, and it was the first time he had seen it as a doctor for many years.

The director quickly calmed down and tried to explain the situation to Jia Zhangshi:

"Sister-in-law, I already know your situation, although I can't believe it, but with my many years of medical experience, you are indeed pregnant."

Jia Zhangshi once again heard someone say that he was pregnant, and he could no longer escape to face this matter.

Jia Zhangshi was stunned at first, and then began to go crazy:

"This... What a thing!

"How can I give birth to a child at such an age, I am an old widow, even if I can give birth to a child, I will be drowned by the spit of the neighbors!"

"Woo hoo, am I really pregnant? If I can have a son, I don't have to count on the crippled grandson of the stick terrier. Jia

Zhang's excited speech was incoherent, and her speech was reversed, but the people around her were not deaf, and they keenly heard Jia Zhangshi say that she was an old widow.

So the nurses around me began to exchange ears:

"Do you say I should laugh or feel sorry for her?"

"Hey, I don't know what to say, the old widow can understand when she is lonely, and nothing usually happens at such an age, but who knows that it will be an accident."

"What can we do now? It's best to let her take the baby away.

"If you can't take it off, she probably won't be able to get off the operating table if she forcibly beats the fetus at her age."

"In fact, there is also a good way, that is, to find a takeover man."

"Cut, it's easy to say, with this aunt's temper and conditions, the blind can't look at her!"


Jia Zhangshi finally accepted the fact that she was pregnant, and she discussed with Qin Huairu with a nervous and helpless expression:

"Huairu, tell me what I want to do with this child?"

Qin Huairu's tone was firm:

"Mom, you said that you dealt with it, this child must not be kept!"

Jia Zhang's expression was worried:

"According to common sense, this child can't be wanted, but I've been there for so many years, and I have lived alone when my husband died early, and I finally raised Dongxu, the only seedling, and there was an accident."

"The stick terrier is like that again, I live a very painful life."

"But now that I know I have a child, I don't want to take him away at all now."

"He is a part of me, even if I die, I will give birth to him!"

Qin Huairu remembered another important matter, and she asked Jia Zhangshi in a low voice:

"Mom, who is this child?"

Jia Zhang thought hard:

"Maybe... Is it a grandfather's?

Jia Zhang's words made Qin Huairu speechless:

"Mom, don't you even know who the child is?"

Jia Zhang was a little embarrassed:

"When I am old, I have a bad memory."

Qin Huairu was not entangled in this issue, she looked at Jia Zhangshi:

"You really want to give birth to this child?"

Jia Zhang hesitated:

"Then... Then it depends.

The nurse on the side chimed in:

"This can't depend on the situation, now your child is two months old, and you can't beat it later."

Jia Zhang couldn't believe it:

"Impossible! I've seen months of pregnant women induce labor before! The

nurse explained:

"It must be young and good health to do this, you can't induce labor at your age, even if you kill the baby now, you may be in danger."

After hearing this, Jia Zhang was terrified:

"Then, what if I give birth to the child?"

The nurse sighed:

"Whether you have a child or not, you will be in danger at your age."

Jia Zhang sat directly on the ground and muttered in his mouth:

"How so, why am I so unlucky!"

"I'm going to give birth to the baby!"

At this time, Xu Damao accompanied Qin Jingru to the hospital, Xu Damao came to accompany Qin Jingru to see menstrual pain, just saw Jia Zhangshi and Qin Jingru here, Xu Damao felt strange, couldn't help but complain to Qin Jingru:

"Jingru, your cousin looks at gynecology, Jia Zhangshi is still with him?" When did she become so kind?

Qin Jingru was also confused:

"I don't know, let's go over and ask."

Then the two of them heard something that shocked the three views, and Jia Zhangshi was actually pregnant!

This news was like a thunderbolt, and Xu Damao and Qin Jingru of Lei stayed for a while.

Jia Zhang's real flower, this age can not bear loneliness, the most unlucky thing is that he actually won the lottery, this probability is as outrageous as tens of thousands of real money falling from the sky!

After the two confirmed the authenticity of the news, they didn't even have the heart to read it, and went directly back to the compound to spread the news.

At this time, Jia Zhangshi finally decided to give birth to the child, and went back with Qin Huairu with a lost soul.

As soon as Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu returned to the compound, they immediately received the attention of everyone in the compound.

Some of these eyes are contemptuous, some are gloating, some are incredulous, some are disgusted, in short, they are all negative eyes.

Jia Zhangshi naturally saw the abnormality of the people in the compound, so he couldn't help but ask Qin


"Huairu, why do I seem to think that everyone in the courtyard is staring at us?"

Qin Huairu's tone trembled a little:

"It's not like, they are really watching us, it must be that our things in the hospital have been seen!"

When Jia Zhang learned that her pregnancy might have been known to everyone, she immediately panicked:

"Huh? How can this be done, such a thing is known by the people in the compound, and I don't want this old face!

Qin Huairu was helpless:

"Then there is no way, let's keep a low profile now, by the way, we must not let people know that the father of the child is a grandfather, otherwise the eldest aunt will definitely have a mess here, and then the eldest grandpa will definitely dislike this child."

Jia Zhang's first reaction was to retort:

"Why can't people know? Didn't the eldest man always want people to give him a pension?

"After I left it for him, the tower defense was grateful that I was too late!"

Qin Huairu rolled her eyes:

"Mom, why are you so confused, how old is the eldest master, can you wait for this child to give him the end?"

"You spread the word about this kid, and he was restless for the rest of the day, do you say he will dislike you or appreciate you?"

Jia Zhangshi finally stopped talking hard, and the appointment generally lowered his head and slipped back home.

Silly Zhu happened to be at home at this time, and he saw Qin Huairu's mother and daughter's worried look, and quickly asked:

"What's wrong with you?" Who bullied you? I'll beat him up now!"

Qin Huairu looked irritable:

"This matter is quite troublesome, it can be said that it is very troublesome, I don't know if I want to tell you."

Jia Zhangshi was still stuck in the entanglement and did not make a sound, Qin Huairu told the truth

to Silly Zhu with his heart:

"Silly Zhu, you must keep this matter secret, otherwise our family will not be able to raise our heads!"

The stupid pillar repeatedly assured:

"Don't worry, I will never talk nonsense, do you think I am the kind of person who chews the root of the tongue!"

Qin Huairu gritted her teeth:

"Mom is pregnant, and the child's father is a grandfather!"

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