After Zhang Daolai entered the house, Jia Zhang immediately found an uninvited guest in the house.

After Jia Zhangshi saw clearly that the person who came was Zhang Daolai, a Mediterranean dwarf, he immediately sat up and said inwardly:

"Zhang Daolai, what are you doing breaking into my house?"

Zhang Daolai had short-circuited his head at this time, and his eyes could not see clearly, but he just smelled the smell and muttered with a lewd face:

"I brought money this time, you can't beat me again..."

Zhang Daolai's words fell, and he smiled and pounced on Jia Zhangshi.


This voice seemed to be painfully as if he was about to break his throat, and Zhou Qing was very curious, so he went out to check the situation.

At this time, many people had already come out of the courtyard one after another, pointing at the door of Jia Zhang's house.

I only listened to an old man's voice floating out of Jia Zhang's door, but the voice was a little broken:

"You old poisonous woman, I just drank some wine and got a little confused into the wrong room, you actually kicked me directly to the root of my life, I'm going to call the police!"

Then Jia Zhang's male duck voice began to scold the street:

"Hehe, you uglier than a dwarf, the unlucky person who cut off your descendants, you dare to make a move on the old lady, what's wrong with the old lady's legitimate defense?" You just go to the police!

Zhang Daolai was scolded by Jia Zhangshi like this, and he was not to be outdone:

"Haha, do you have a heart? Just as you are an ugly monster with an abnormal brain, you dare to say? I just have a color heart for sows and I won't have a color heart for you! "

Jia Zhangshi was hit by men one after another today, and he has gradually lost his mind and gone crazy, so he opened his teeth and danced his claws and directly gave Zhang Daolai another kick.


Zhang Daolai's miserable screams once again resounded throughout the compound.

The sound is simply reminiscent of some torture.

Someone saw that the situation was not good and simply went to the police.

After a while, Jia Zhang came out of the house, and someone quickly stepped forward to ask what happened.

Jia Zhang's face was gloomy:

"I left the door open to bask in the sun today, but I didn't expect that the drunk Zhang Daolai would treat me as a kiln sister and what to do to me, and I was so angry that I gave him a kick."

"He looks like he's called quite miserable, and whoever of you knows him well should send him to the hospital."

Everyone looked at each other, all of them were not familiar with Zhang Daolai, an old lewd, and were unwilling to send him to the hospital.

Zhang Daolai kept wailing on the ground in Jia Zhang's house, and Jia Zhangshi was still complaining to everyone:

"I'm so miserable! The orphans and widows were bullied into their homes by old hooligans.

At this time, an uncle comforted Jia Zhangshi: "Jia Zhangshi

, don't worry, someone has already gone to the police, and they will do justice for you."

Jia Zhangshi was secretly proud in his heart:

"Hmph, finally there is a slightly smooth thing, after the police officer comes, send the old hooligan into the bureau, see who of you will dare to provoke me in the future."

Soon, two police officers, a man and a woman, arrived.

It was also the two police officers who dealt with Zhou Qing selling balls last time.

The two police officers saw Jia Zhangshi again, and there was no extra expression, and the female police officer had a businesslike tone:

"Who said what happened just now?"

Jia Zhang hurriedly replied:

"Ouch! Be your master for me!

"Now the hooligans are really getting more and more rampant!"

"In broad daylight, Zhang Daolai, a dwarf from our courtyard, actually entered the house directly to disrespect me!"

The two police officers silently looked at Jia Zhang's respectful face, although Jia Zhangshi had washed his face at this time, they both felt that Jia Zhang's fat face should not make people have evil thoughts.

The male police officer looked serious:

"Ms. Jia, what about the man who plotted against you?" Already escaped?

Jia Zhang pointed to

the house: "There was no escape, the old dwarf Zhang Daolai was kicked by me, and he is still in the house."

The two police officers looked at each other with tacit understanding when they heard this, and then the male police officer entered the house to understand the situation.

Jia Zhangshi took the opportunity to get close to the female police officer:

"Comrade policeman, how long do hooligans usually have to be detained for this kind of thing?"

The female police officer's expression was faint:

"This depends on the specific situation, generally this kind of thing is sentenced to at least several years."

Jia Zhang's expression was delighted, and when he wanted to say something, the male police officer came out of the house.

The female police officer was a little surprised:

"Why did you come out so quickly?"

The male police officer's expression was solemn and complicated:

"The man in the room has fainted, looking at his expression should be painful, so let Old Song come in and see the situation."

The female police officer nodded, quickly walked to the door of the courtyard, and called Dr. Song, who was waiting at the door, in.

Dr. Song, a handsome young man in his thirties, wearing brown-framed myopic glasses and carrying a first-aid kit was led by female police officers and walked in steadily.

Dr. Song greeted the male police officer and entered Jia Zhang's house together to check on Zhang Daolai, who was lying on the ground.

Before Dr. Song came in, he heard about the simple incident, and based on past experience, Dr. Song guessed that Zhang Daolai had injured the root.

Zhang Daolai was still unconscious, and Dr. Song checked Zhang Daolai's roots and found that the two eggs had been broken.

After Dr. Song put on Zhang Daolai's clothes, he shook his head and looked regretful:

"Zhang Daolai should have received two heavy blows, and if he was sent to the hospital in time during the first heavy blow, he should be able to save him."

"But for unknown reasons, he was hit in the weak again, and now it is completely wasted."

The male police officer nodded when he heard this, and then they walked out of Jia Zhang's house.

The male police officer directly asked Jia Zhang:

"Ms. Jia, did you kick Zhang Daolai twice?"

Jia Zhangshi did not deny:

"Yes, he wanted to disrespect me at that time, I will definitely fight back."

"Later, he scolded me so badly that I couldn't get angry and kicked him again."

The male police officer looked solemn:

"In that case, I think you need to come with us."

"Zhang Daolai's egg has been broken, and you have caused disability and need to be legally responsible."

When Jia Zhangshi heard this, he immediately became anxious, his eyes widened and he shouted:

"I am obviously a victim, doesn't this beast deserve it, why do you want to arrest me?" I'm not convinced!

At this time, Dr. Song patiently explained:

"If Zhang Daolai wants to mistreat you, you will not be responsible for kicking him."

"But after he is no longer able to move, you will be liable if you maim him again."

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