After hearing this cruel truth, Jia Zhangshi was so frightened that he couldn't accept it, so he simply lay down on the ground and began to splash and roll:

"How can you do this, it's so unfair..."

Then Jia Zhangshi was directly dragged up and taken away.

Zhou Qing also completed the task at this time, paced to the nearby coordinate point and chose to fuse the special grade Qinqi calligraphy and painting skill book.

Suddenly, Zhou Qing seemed to have had a long dream, in which he experienced a long time and practiced Qinqi calligraphy and painting to the extreme.

During this period, he seemed to hear a mysterious voice outside the world, imprinted in his memory.

[Those who are good at the piano are calm and calm] [Those who are good at chess are wise in planning

] [Those who are good at writing are to love and sex] [Those who are good at painting are perfect and beautiful] [

The piano

, the

wind at the bottom of the string tells the ancient and modern, in the red dust, it is difficult to find a soulmate. [

Chess, upside down is also strange, black and white, why talk about high and low. 】

【Book, drunk under the east wind and moon reading, the door of firewood is closed, where is the blood poured? 】

【Painting, splendid rivers and mountains hidden in the pen, ink color, Qiankun are all flowers. The

dream seems to be long, long, but the real world is actually only ten minutes later.

Zhou Qing opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed:

"No wonder the ancients liked these four skills, and it felt really wonderful when they were immersed in them."

Zhou Qing had a feeling of being stunned, what if he knew the skills but did not have the tools?

At this time, Zhou Qing suddenly had a flash of light, remembering that he had said that he would exchange letters with Qing Yan before.

Zhou Qing borrowed letter paper and pens from the three masters, and after thinking about it, he began to write

: "Qing Yan: I suddenly want to play the piano and paint these days, do you know anyone who sells these things?"

I liked the sausage you sent last time, what do you usually do when you are idle? I'm bored after work.

Drop off Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing touched his chin after writing and muttered:

"The art of this chat is very profound, and the closing remarks generally use questions, so as to avoid embarrassing chats, and I don't tell him about ordinary people."

Zhou Qing originally wanted to send the letter to the post office, but just out of the house, he saw Xiao Hei's figure passing by the door.

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up and called out to

Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei come over and assign you a task!"

The reason why Xiao Hei walked and hung his head was because he was a little melancholy and depressed at this time.

After it got the pet treasure bag given by Zhou Qing before, it had a sense in its heart, and felt that there were many treasures scattered around it, so it was very excited and immediately set out to hunt for treasure.

But what Xiao Hei never expected was that it was extremely excited to come to the location of the treasure, but found that the so-called treasure turned out to be some garbage!

For example, catnip, this thing may be very popular with other cats, but he really doesn't want to remember the humiliating behavior after taking a pill with catnip last time.

There is also a woolen ball, how can Xiao Hei, as a cat who often drinks spiritual spring water and has also eaten medicine that cleanses the bone and strengthens the soul, be interested in this kind of thing?

After Xiao Hei found that the so-called treasures were waste twice in a row, he was already disheartened and unconsciously returned to Zhou Qing's door.

It heard Zhou Qing give it a task to send the letter to No. 21 Yuncang Street.

Xiao Hei nodded, put the letter into the treasure bag and set off.

Although the treasure bag sent to it by the owner is a little conditional, it will never give up, and continue to hunt for treasure after sending the letter!

Xiao Hei's speed was very fast, and after arriving at Qing Yan's door, he pressed the doorbell with his paw.

Soon Qing Yan opened the door and looked around:

"Strange, obviously I heard the doorbell ringing, why didn't I see anyone?"

Then Qing Yan felt his trouser leg being pulled.

Qing Yan looked down and saw that it was Xiao Hei of Zhou Qing's family.

Qing Yan breathed a sigh of relief, it was not haunted, and the corner of her mouth pouted with a smile:

"Xiao Hei, are you here for something?"

Then Xiao Hei's front paw took out a piece of letter paper from the treasure bag on his chest.

Well, the little black courier is good, not only fast and no money, but also saves envelopes.

Qing Yan took the folded letter paper, smiled, and walked home while beckoning:

"Did Zhou Qing let you send the letter, that's just right, you sent it to him by the way after I read the letter and replied to the letter."

Xiao Hei nodded when he heard this, and followed Qing Yan into the door.

Qing Yan walked to the desk, smiled after reading Zhou Qing's letter, and began to write back

: "Zhou Qing: I actually know a little about playing the piano and painting these things, I have learned guzheng, guqin, pipa, flute, piano, ink painting, and oil painting. I have these instruments and painting materials at home. I've been at home, my parents have gone out to talk about business, and you can come over and play the piano and paint when you have time.

"I have completed the courses of the academy, and now I have been idle at home, usually reading books, playing the piano, and then helping to take care of the family's business, you are welcome to come to my house at any time."

Because Qing Yan has read many books and has been exposed to many advanced ideas, he does not think that normal communication between men and women is an unseemly thing.

Last time when she was at the door of Zhou Qing's house in the courtyard, the reason why she was embarrassed was purely because she was gossiped.

If Zhou Qing came to her house, few people would definitely see it, and even if she saw it, she could find a reason to explain the past.

Soon, Qing Yan put the folded letter into the treasure bag on Xiao Hei's chest, and Xiao Hei rushed out with a snort, trotting all the way back to the courtyard.

At this time, Zhou Qing was not at home, so Xiao Hei took the letter out of the treasure bag with his small paws, put it on the table, and then continued to rush out the door to hunt for treasure.

When Zhou Qing received the letter, he had just returned from cooking in the rolling mill, and his eyes lit up after reading the letter, it turned out that Qing Yan was a versatile student!

Zhou Qing was very curious and wanted to see what Qing Yan's home was like, Qing Yan said that there were musical instruments and painting materials at home, and Zhou Qing also wanted to try his level of playing the piano and painting, so he set off immediately.

Qing Yan's address is No. 21 Yuncang Street, and Zhou Qing trotted to his destination and found that this place turned out to be a villa area.

Zhou Qing sighed a little in his heart, good guy, it turns out that Qing Yan is really rich loli?

In the past, when he looked at Qing Yan's temperament, he felt that Qing Yan's family must be good, but he didn't expect that the house at home was really so magnificent.

Zhou Qing compared the house number, confirmed that it was correct, and knocked on the door of Qing Yan's house.

After a while, Qing Yan opened the door wearing a fiery red thick cloak, she was very surprised when she saw

Zhou Qing, and quickly welcomed Zhou Qing in: "Zhou Qing, come in quickly, I'm bored at home alone."

Zhou Qing did not go in, but hesitated.

Qing Yan was puzzled:

"Zhou Qing, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Qing's expression was a little exaggerated, and

he said with a sad face: "Qing Yan, are you at home alone, you said such enthusiastic words, in my hometown, such words are easy to make people think, I am afraid that I will not be innocent."

Qing Yan was confused, what is the situation? I'm not worried about whether you're a satyr, but you're worried about what I'm doing to you?

Qing Yan's cheeks were slightly powdered, and he said indignantly:

"That's okay, since you are afraid that I will disrespect you after entering my house, if you want a musical instrument, I will sell it to you, and leave quickly after the transaction."

Zhou Qing realized that he had joked, and immediately became serious:

"Hey, don't be so serious, I'll relieve the embarrassment, and I don't have money to buy musical instruments."

"Actually, I want to say I forgot to bring a gift."

Qing Yan's expression turned from cloudy to clear, and the corners of his mouth rose:

"What gift to bring, the spirit spring water you sent is already very good, no need to bring a gift, come in quickly."

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