The middle-aged female dean's tone was shocked, he had worked in a psychiatric hospital for many years, and naturally knew that some people could be said to be sent in without any illness.

These people and the really sick people live here, which is very difficult to manage, so the hospital has found a way to get the non-sick people to voluntarily ask for discharge.

She thought that a person like Yi Zhonghai took the initiative to ask for a discharge from the hospital, and he should not be sick, but the last question, how could Yi Zhonghai answer like this?

Just when the dean was puzzled, Yi Zhonghai's face was full of grief and indignation, raised his arm and pointed at the dean with his index finger, his tone trembling because it was too uncalm:

"What kind of hospital are you?" Ask such outrageous questions?

"The first question is that people who have bathtubs at home are also prone to wrong answers, right?"

"Although the second question is a little better than the first, it is also tricky."

"The third question I can't bear the most, I don't have a daughter or a child, if others tell me the news that my daughter is sick, it must be false, what's wrong with me continuing to play cards?"

"Do you look down on people who don't have children?"

The dean was stunned after hearing Yi Zhonghai's words.

In fact, this kind of discharge test question is random every time, for fear that someone will remember the standard answer.

But the dean never expected that Yi Zhonghai's explanation of the third question was so straightforward?

And this explanation she herself has no way to refute it?

But the authority of her own dean must not be lost, and she began to forcibly count

Yi Zhonghai: "Yi Zhonghai, the discharge of mental patients from the hospital is not a child's play, and the exam questions we give are very rigorous."

"Since you didn't answer correctly, you should look for problems in yourself."

"I don't use my brain when I see the topic, and I directly think about what to answer, so what is the meaning of our question?"

"If you let you out without answering correctly, then why do you have to ask questions, isn't it more convenient to let you go directly?"

"I want to make sure that everyone who goes out from here has a sound mind, well, your discharge application failed, wait until you are cured."

After the dean finished speaking, he did not give Yi Zhonghai a chance to defend, and directly turned his head and left.

When Yi Zhonghai saw the dean leaving, he hurriedly rushed over and pulled her clothes, and roared hoarsely:

"Don't go first!"

"Obviously there is a problem with your question!"

"I'm not sick at all! But you forcibly treated me!

"I'm going to complain! Say you are killing the human and sexually abusing the sick!

The dean pulled back his sleeves, his eyes mocking:

"If you are not sick, how did you come in?"

"The equipment used to treat you is approved, and if you complain, if you succeed, I will lose."

"All you have to do is reflect and try to get back to normal as soon as possible."

Yi Zhonghai still wanted to grab the dean, but he was quickly pulled by the nurse on the side.

The nurse looked numb

: "You will receive treatment well, and you will naturally go out when you are healed."

"How come you patients like to pester the doctor director, isn't it in vain, who dares to let you out if you are not well?"

Yi Zhonghai didn't give up yet, shaking his fist and threatening the nurse:

"You quickly let go of me, otherwise I won't be polite!"

The nurse did not panic at all, and called a few nurses passing by:

"Xiaocui Xiaohua come over to help, this patient has manic symptoms, let's tie him up."

Yi Zhonghai felt very outrageous when he heard this, and asked the nurse with wide eyes:

"Still bring this?" Doesn't anyone care?

While the three of Xiaohua quickly tied up the stunned Yi Zhonghai and carried him to his hospital bed, they kindly explained:

"When mentally ill people have a tendency to hurt people, it is allowed to tie them up."

Yi Zhonghai looked at the back of the three people leaving indifferently, and the resentment in his stomach had nowhere to vent, and he could only keep cursing:

"Don't think that you are ugly, I dare not scold you!"

"Dean Nurse Dashabi, covered in pus, go back to the, that's your home."

"Cremation also sticks to the pot, it's a waste of your parents' night."

"Why don't you put you inside the atomic bomb and be instantly cremated and ascended directly to heaven? Forget it, you don't deserve to pollute this kind of thing. The

more Yi Zhonghai scolded, the more vicious he became, and finally he was really tired of scolding, so he shut up.

By this time he was already loveless, curled up on the hospital bed motionless.

Yi Zhonghai remembered what the doctor said before that his crime could be released after staying in the bureau for three or five days.

Yi Zhonghai regretted that his intestines were blue, and he already knew that his crime was so light, he would definitely not shake his wits to come here to find excitement.

Well? Accusation? How did you get in?

Yi Zhonghai suddenly thought that he didn't steal underwear at all! The reason why he came here to suffer was purely framed!

And the person who framed him is likely to be Zhou Qing.

No, he definitely can't stand this kind of anger, how can this basin that has not been done be buckled on his head!

Zhou Qing caused himself to lose his identity as a grandfather, and he was discredited and entered the bureau, and if he did not repay him, he would not be called Yi Zhonghai!

Yi Zhonghai's mind spun quickly, and he quickly came up with a brilliant idea.

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