Zhou Aijun left not long ago

A middle-aged man of medium height, gentle-looking, exuding an extraordinary temperament walked in.

Many people in the bookstore knew him and said hello.

The man also smiled kindly.

“Mr. Qian, you’re buying books again!” The female shopping guide was obviously familiar with this man, and immediately walked over with a smile on her face.

“yes! I finished reading all the books I bought last time, so come and see what good books there are! Mr. Qian said

The female shopping guide thought about it very seriously and said: “There are a few good ones, one of which sells very well, everyone who has seen it has bought it, and the transaction rate is 100%.”

It’s just that the content of that book is the knowledge of engineers to get started, and for a science fighter like you, it may be like elementary school or middle school knowledge, you should not see it! ”

“No, no, no, any book has merit, and I can’t use my knowledge to judge whether this book is useful to me! Moreover, you have said that everyone who has read this book bought it, I am very interested, I will definitely read it! Mr. Qian said with a smile.

“That’s what Mr. Qian said! Please follow me and I’ll show you the book! ”

“Good!” Mr. Qian nodded and followed behind with a smile.

The female shopping guide took “Introduction to Engineers” off the shelf and handed it to Mr. Qian.

“Thank you!” Mr. Qian took it and said with a smile, and then opened it to look over.

I was fascinated by this look, and my eyes became brighter and brighter, “What a book!” All the knowledge points can be explained in simple terms, and the views are unique and advanced! ”

“Which professor or academician wrote it?” Mr. Qian opened the page of the author’s introduction.

Surprised again,

“Not a professor, not an academician, but an engineer of a rolling mill, it seems that he is still very young, I did not expect that there was such a talent in a factory, and I wanted to meet it when I had the opportunity!”

“I bought this book!” Mr. Qian said to the female shopping guide who walked over.

The female shopping guide immediately smiled, “I have worked in Xinhua Bookstore for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen such a popular and high transaction rate of books!” ”

“This book is indeed good, it sells normally!” Mr. Qian said cheerfully.

“If the author of this book knows that he can get Mr. Qian’s approval, he must be very happy!”

“I want to meet this young man too!” Mr. Qian said with a smile.


The afternoon bell rings before the bell

Zhou Aijun held a book and proudly walked into the second workshop.

Zhou Aijun is in the second workshop, belonging to a small transparent existence, except for the next station and a few good relationship workers, no one knows that he is on vacation in the morning.

“Xiao Zhou, where did you go to play with the object in the morning!”

“I went to Shichahai and Wangfujing to play!”

“Envy! When, Lao Tzu also found a partner! ”

“Huh! What book are you holding? The worker finally noticed the book in Zhou Aijun’s hand.

“See for yourself!” Zhou Aijun proudly raised the book in his hand.

The worker leaned over and read word by word, “Engineer start!” Hey! How is the title so familiar? Heck, I remembered, isn’t the title of this book exactly the same as the book that Director Lu sent to Master Xiao Sun? ”

Master Xiaosun next to him was reading a book, and when he heard it, he turned his head and laughed, “Haha! Xiao Zhou, I didn’t expect you to really have two strokes, I have a book issued by Director Lu, and I also went outside to get a book with the same title, but what, what is the use of the same title and different content? How can other people’s books be compared with those written by Director Lu! ”

“That’s true! Director Lu Cheng is the youngest genius engineer since the founding of our country, and the internal books he wrote are certainly not comparable to those written by ordinary people! The workers on the side also said.

Zhou Aijun grinned, “Not bad! You are all right, the books written by ordinary people are definitely not comparable to the books written by Director Lu, but my book is the book written by Director Lu! ”

“Fart! How can it be! You think we’ll believe it! ”

“yes! We don’t believe it, you didn’t make it to the second round! ”

“Don’t believe it, huh? So look, what is this word? Recognize them all! ”

Zhou Aijun said while putting the book in front of Master Xiao Sun’s eyes, and specially pointed to Lu Cheng’s three words.


Master Xiao Sun was stunned for a moment, but he still didn’t believe it

“Haha! I see, you must know the workers who work in the printing house, or who in your family works in the printing house, so I took this book casually and changed it to the name of our Director Lu, right! That’s it, it’s clear if you look at the cover differently! ”

Zhou Aijun listened and couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “I said Master Xiaosun, your imagination is so rich!” You open it to see if the content is the same, if not, I invite you to the restaurant next week! ”

“Good! You said! ”

As soon as Master Xiaosun heard that he could go to the restaurant and have free food to eat, he immediately came to power, took the book and looked at it, and was stunned when he saw it, “Is the content really the same?” ”

Immediately, he exclaimed, “Ah! I understand! You are a pirated book, you are dead, dare to pirate the book that our Director Lu has worked so hard to compile, I will call the police to arrest you!” Let the factory fire you! ”

“Xiao Zhou, did you really pirate Director Lu’s book? Hurry up and admit your mistake, maybe Director Lu will forgive you! The worker who had a good relationship with Zhou Aijun persuaded him kindly.

Master Xiaosun originally thought that he had exposed Zhou Aijun’s tricks, and Zhou Aijun would definitely panic and look embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Aijun laughed loudly, “I said you guys are really funny, didn’t you see that this book was published by the People’s Publishing House?” I bought it at the Xinhua Bookstore on Chaoyang Road in the morning, if you don’t believe it, you can report it! Ha ha!

With this book, the year-end work level assessment, I am confident that I can be promoted to a third-level worker! ”

“Xiao Zhou, did you really buy this book from Xinhua Bookstore?”

“Is there still a fake? Give me back the book! ”

Zhou Aijun stretched out his hand to take the book back from Master Xiaosun’s hand.

“Wait!” Master Xiaosun dodged, quickly looked at the cover carefully, and sure enough, he saw a few words from the People’s Publishing House in the lower left corner of the cover, and then opened the first page, and he could see that the price was 0.6 yuan.

“Did you really buy it from Xinhua?”

“I’ll go! Is there still a fake? Zhou Aijun was speechless, and immediately took the book back.

“It seems that Director Lu’s book has been published!”

“Great! I’m going to buy a copy too, how much is a copy! The worker said excitedly.

“Six cents!”

“I’m going to buy a copy after work!”

“I want to buy it too, but I don’t have the money, I’ll buy it tomorrow!”

“It could sell out tomorrow! After all, I listened to the female shopping guide say, there are no people who have read this book who do not buy it, the success rate is 100%, so this book is very best-selling, if you want to buy it, go early, don’t say I don’t remind you! ”

“Then I’ll borrow money to sell!”

This co-worker went to the fifth workshop to find his brother to borrow money.

Therefore, the workers of the fifth workshop also knew that Xinhua Bookstore had the book “Introduction to Engineers” to buy, and many workers were also ready to go to Xinhua Bookstore after work to buy it.

One pass ten, ten pass hundred, hundred pass thousand, thousands of transmission,

Not long after, most of the workers in all workshops of the factory knew that Xinhua Bookstore had the book “Introduction to Engineers” to buy!

“Groove! So many people want to buy, I’m late, it’s definitely gone! ”

Everyone was about to move, and the atmosphere became tense.

So, as soon as the bell of the end of work was remembered, a large group of people rushed out of the factory, targeting Xinhua Bookstore.

Ten minutes later.

The staff of Xinhua Bookstore on Chaoyang Road watched with a confused look as a group of workers rushed in

“We came to buy the book ‘Introduction to Engineers’, where is the book?”


“Haha! Bought it! ”

“I bought it too!

“Cool! Bought it! ”

“There aren’t many books left, but fortunately I’m running ahead!”

A few minutes later,

“I’m sorry, the book “Introduction to Engineers” is sold out!”

“How can you stock so little goods! Such a good book, it must not worry about selling! “The workers who arrived late were disappointed that they didn’t buy the books.

The staff saw that so many workers wanted to buy books, noisy and stressed, and one of the female shopping guides had to say, “Maybe other Xinhua bookstores still have this book, or else, you go and see it!” ”

“Yes! Check out other Xinhua bookstores! ”

The eyes of the workers who did not buy the book lit up and they immediately ran to the nearby Xinhua Bookstore.

This happened in the major Xinhua bookstores in Beijing, where the book “Introduction to Engineers”, which had been on the shelves for less than two days, was quickly sold out.

What’s more, several workers rode in groups to the nearest Xinhua bookstore outside the capital to buy books!

The next day, workers from other factories heard the news that when they went to Xinhua Bookstore to buy books, they were long gone.

“I’ve never seen a book that sells so well! Hurry up and let the publisher print it! ”

Subsequently, the phone of the People’s Publishing House was burst

There were requests for the printing of the book “Introduction to Engineers”.


New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 31 to January 2)

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